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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 656
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Chapter 656 The Question of Two Lifetimes

The Colemans stayed at the Parkers' for lunch before they headed back. However, Kendall and Dylan stayed around

for a while more. Kendall was constantly worried about how something might happen to her parents again—she

would only feel a little more at ease if they could prove that Kelly was the culprit and if they could put Kelly behind

bars. After that one incident, Kendall realized how little she spent time with her parents. As her parents grew older,

Kendall felt the need to be with them more—she never knew when they might run out of time.

That evening, Kendall brought Dylan along to stroll around the villa's compound. This was the first time Dylan had

explored the area, even though they were now a married couple. Ronnie and the other bodyguards didn't come

along with them. They walked around hand-in-hand as they watched the sunset. "We should watch all the sunrises

and sunsets together in the future," Kendall said.

"Sure. I'll do anything you want to do," he replied. Kendall beamed as she rested her head against her husband's

shoulder. "I think I'm the luckiest and happiest woman in Orapolis, darling. Do you know why? It's because you

belong to me," she uttered. Dylan spread his lips into a loving smile. "I'm so glad you tore my clothes apart, bit me,

and left your mark on me. I'm glad you forced me to marry you," he replied.

"Why are you talking about the past again, darling? You have no idea how terrified I was." Kendall was still

immersed in the sorrows of her past life when she first got revived, and she could still feel all the hatred and

resentment from the past. She simply wanted to avoid all the tragedies of her past life, and she wanted to rewrite

her family's ending.

Even though Kendall had chosen not to marry Dylan in her past life, and even though they hadn't been in contact

during their later years, she still received his help toward the end of her life. She realized how Dylan was actually

kind on the inside despite his icy exterior. Furthermore, Dylan's reputation also drove Kendall to cling to him from

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the moment she was revived.

Kendall was self-aware of her capabilities. She had some fighting skills, and she could do some handiwork, but she

was clueless about running a business or going against business competitors. Meanwhile, Kelly was the next heir

that Kendall's parents had nurtured from a young age, so Kelly was much better than Kendall when it came to such

things. Kendall knew that she would've been brutally destroyed by Kelly if she tried to go against Kelly with just her

own hard work.

So, Kendall had to find someone that could support her, and there was no better option than Dylan. Since she

hadn't gotten married to him in her past life, she figured that she would offer herself to him and force him to marry

her in this life. "I miss those days," Dylan said with a smile. Those were the times when their love for one another

had started blooming, and those were also the days when Kendall had been a lot more laid back. Dylan loved it

when Kendall had a carefree look on her face.

So, Dylan was extremely persistent against his family's rules, all because he wanted to preserve Kendall's natural

beauty, which was what he found the most attractive. Kendall, too, recalled a lot of pleasant memories whenever

she thought about that period of her life. Dylan was an egoistic man whose words were harsher than what he

actually meant. Whenever Kendall made him angry, she would be the one to coax and cheer him up. Sometimes, if

she refused to take the first step, he would continue staying angry until Amos or Ronnie got involved. But for the

most part, he was extremely compromising toward Kendall.

"Hey, hubby," Kendall called.


"I'd like to ask you a question."

"What is it? I'll tell you everything I know," he replied.

"That's a lie. You've kept secrets from me." Kendall pointed this out intentionally, and Dylan started getting

defensive. "I only keep secrets from you when I don't want you to worry or feel sad about anything. It's all for your

good," he insisted.

"…Do I have to thank you for keeping secrets from me, then?"

Dylan speedily planted a kiss on her side cheek, but Kendall pushed him away. "Hey, sir. We're out taking a stroll in

public—we're not at home. You don't want others to catch us like this," Kendall reminded him.

"So what if others saw us? What's wrong with me kissing my wife?" Dylan was still as haughty and domineering as

ever. Kendall tilted her head to glance at the man before she smiled. "Fine, fine. I don't want to talk about this.

Here's what I wanted to ask. When I chose to kill myself instead of marrying you… If I hadn't changed my mind and

if I got married to Jackson, what would you have done? Would you have gotten your revenge?" This was a question

that Kendall didn't have the answer to since she came back to life.

In her past life, Dylan hadn't gotten any revenge, and he even helped her before she died. So, she wanted to make

sense of what was going on in Dylan's mind. Dylan gave her question some serious thought. "Well, judging by the

way I am now, things would get nasty if you got married to another man. I would definitely make sure that man

loses everything—he wouldn't even have enough to keep himself alive. Then, he'd give up on you, and I'd take you

back and keep you locked up in the house. I'd be the only man you ever see," he replied. "My woman can only

belong to me!"

Kendall was speechless for a while. "If I were my old self, I wouldn't be as concerned about the wedding. After all,

my grandmother was the one who had set me up without asking for my consent back then. They wanted to get me

a wife that would care for me, but that wasn't what I wanted. If I didn't have feelings for you, I might not even

agree to marry you even if you wanted to marry me. However, your extreme tactics would've left me

embarrassed, and it would've turned me into a public joke. I was still paralyzed back then, and there were rumors

about how I couldn't reproduce—wasn't I already a joke? I probably wouldn't have minded even if the public made

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more jokes about me. However, my main point then was that I wouldn't want to have too many interactions with a

woman who was a stranger to me. So, I wouldn't have cared if you married me, and I wouldn't have thought of

getting revenge. That would've just been a waste of my precious time," he explained.

Kendall remained silent after that. She thought about her two different lifetimes, and she realized how he hadn't

been interested in her from the start. She was simply a stranger that wasn't worth his time and effort to get

revenge on. She had probably visited a few parties as the Young Lady of the Whittle Family back then, and she had

probably bumped into Dylan a few times, but he might not have paid any attention to her at all. She had just been a

nobody in his eyes.

"If… If that woman who tried so hard to get out of a wedding with you had needed help, and if she came begging

you for it, would you have been willing to help her?" Kendall continued asking. Dylan's footsteps came to a halt as

he finally understood her question. He flicked her forehead playfully. "Don't you have an answer from the dream

you had? I'm sure my actual actions would be a better answer than just a verbal statement."

In Kendall's dream, Dylan had gotten someone to stop the car when she stood in front of his car with a baby in her

hands. He had told her to enter his car and had sent them to the hospital. That would've been his answer. Even

though Dylan appeared to be a heartless man, he still would've offered a helping hand when one's life was in

danger. Saving a life was a meritorious act, after all. On top of that, the baby that Kendall had been carrying was

his daughter.

Unfortunately, Dylan's help hadn't been enough to save his daughter's life. In Kendall's dream, Dylan ended up

losing both his daughter and Kendall. Furthermore, he had no idea that the baby was his biological child even after

Kendall died. Fortunately, that was all just a dream—it wasn't real. Their precious baby was growing in Kendall's

belly right then, and Dylan was eager to meet the child.