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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 657
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Chapter 657 A Miscarriage

The regrets Kendall had felt in her dream would never turn into reality. Dylan held tightly onto Kendall's hand before

he spoke in a gentle tone. "Stop thinking about those dreams, Kendall. Those dreams are too far apart from reality,

and they're over. We've been tortured for too long—it's about time we let go."

Ever since Dylan found out that the woman in his dreams was Kendall, he no longer had similar dreams. Frank

probably also stopped clinging to Kendall after he stopped having his dreams. It was odd how the three of them

would have recurring dreams about one another. Dylan was a wise man—he could guess why Frank would still feel

genuine concern for Kendall even after Frank stopped pestering her.

Kendall only decided not to pursue anything further for the sake of her friend, Amelia. Their lives were good in the

present moment, after all—why was there a need to cling to grudges that occurred in a dream? "Master Dylan,

Kendall." The couple bumped into a few other people who stayed in the same area. Kendall didn't really know these

people at all, but they seemed to recognize her and her husband.

Whenever someone greeted them politely, they would respond with a smile. If one of those people knew Kendall

personally, they would stop for a few exchanges. "Congratulations, Master Dylan and Kendall. Will I get an invitation

to your wedding?" some would ask. There were more people than usual that evening, and many of them were out

only to meet the couple. Specifically, they were interested in seeing Dylan.

Dylan was known as a godlike figure in Orapolis' business industry, and he was the sort of person that one wouldn't

get to meet even if one wanted to. He used to be this mighty and mysterious person. So, when everyone learned

that they could just casually bump into him, they quickly seized this opportunity to take a stroll around the house

just to check the couple out.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The whole of Orapolis was aware of how the Colemans had dropped by with their gifts that day. Furthermore, the

couple had also announced the date of their wedding after they settled with a decision. So, the whole of Orapolis

was aware of how Dylan and Kendall were about to have a wedding in 20 days. Many individuals kept close

attention to such updates as they wanted to see how grand Dylan and Kendall's wedding would turn out. The people

who stayed in that housing area even developed a sense of pride. They were proud that they could consider

themselves neighbors to the Parkers.

At that moment, Kendall simply turned to look at her husband. She didn't want to make any rash promises, even

though Dylan had told her that she would be in charge of such household matters. Kendall was thoughtful and

considerate of his feelings, too, so she figured that she would only take action if Dylan didn't have any strong

opinions against something.

"You do things without even telling me sometimes, anyway," Dylan whispered.

"I wouldn't trouble you if I could handle it on my own," Kendall whispered back.

"I'm your husband. What are husbands for?"

"To make babies," she replied.

Watch out. Don't start a whole argument here, the crowd thought. "We'll definitely invite you guys to the wedding,"

Dylan announced in a generous manner. The crowd was elated to hear this. Dylan clearly had a lot of love for

Kendall—he agreed to invite Kendall's neighbors since they were somewhat in close proximity to the Parkers.

From a distance, Kelly shot the couple a hateful glare. She could see a crowd gathering around them, but she

couldn't hear their conversations. She figured that the people were congratulating the newlyweds. Ring. Ring.

Kelly's phone started ringing, and she took a glance at the caller ID before she turned in the opposite direction and

stopped by the side to pick up the call. "I've done what you told me to do, Miss Parker. That woman slipped and fell.

She was sent to the hospital, but she fell forward when she slipped, and her belly hit the ground. It was a hard fall,

so I'm sure the baby in her is gone," the voice said.

A slight smirk formed on Kelly's lips when she heard the news. "Okay. I got it. Good job. I'll bank the rest of the

money into your account. You're sure that no one knows about your involvement in this, right?" Kelly whispered.

"No. I ruined the CCTVs at her front door before I took action. They'll have no idea that I was the one who did it.

There are no clear marks on the ground, either," the voice replied.

"Great. That's great!" Kelly praised the person before ending the call and transferring some money to the person's

account. Then, she deleted the person's contact number. There was no need for Kelly to keep such contacts since it

was just a one-time engagement.

Kelly didn't want Krystal to give birth to Jackson's child, so she spent some money to hire a thug that could help her

to splash some substances at the Caddels' front door. She simply wanted Krystal to slip and fall, but she hadn't

expected her plan to succeed so quickly. When Kelly last bumped into Krystal in the hospital, Oliva had told Kelly

how Krystal would sometimes have bleeding issues, presumably due to complications with her pregnancy. Kelly was

certain that just a fall forward and a bump on the belly would make Krystal lose the child.

Even though Kelly no longer had feelings for Jackson, she didn't want Jackson to have a second child, not until she

successfully got her hands on the Parkers' business and resources. If Jackson had a second child, Rosemi and Tom

would probably stop supporting Kelly unconditionally.

The Caddels had no idea that Kelly was the one who planned for Krystal to slip and fall on her way out for her

evening walk. After Krystal fell down, a sharp pain shot through her stomach, and she started bleeding. The Caddels

rushed her to the hospital, but unfortunately, she didn't manage to keep her child. Her pregnancy showed multiple

complications, to begin with, and she had only left the hospital a while before.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Olivia, Hudson, Rosemi, and Tom were all extremely dejected when they heard that Krystal had lost her child. "How

did this happen? How?" Rosemi cried. Tom held onto her as he let out a sigh. He didn't know how to comfort the

woman. Even though they weren't huge fans of their daughter-in-law, Krystal's child was still a blood relation to

them. Unlike Kelly's child, who was a Parker, this child would've been a Whittle if it had been born. Tom's heart

ached at the thought of how they had lost the baby.

Krystal fainted after hearing the news. She felt a mixture of sorrow and fear from losing the child. Since she no

longer had the child, she wouldn't have anything to keep her safe. When Krystal next woke up, Rosemi tried to

comfort her a little. Then, Rosemi left some cash for Olivia to purchase some supplements for Krystal.

"It has to be Kelly. Kelly must be the one who cursed the baby in Krystal's belly," Oliva wailed. "That day, we visited

the hospital with Krystal after she experienced some complications with her pregnancy. We bumped into Kelly, and

Kelly found out about Krystal's pregnancy. The look on her face was terrifying—her gaze, especially. She looked like

she wanted to kill Krystal."

Rosemi was shocked to hear this. "When did this happen? Kelly knows about Krystal's pregnancy?" Both Rosemi and

Tom had kept this a secret from Kelly as they were afraid that Kelly would attack Krystal if she found out. Kelly was

a person who could harm her adoptive parents, so it was clear that she wouldn't hold back since Krystal was her

love rival.

"She just found out a few days ago. Oh, it was the day when Adam and the rest of them got into an accident. We

bumped into Kelly in the OB-GYN. She was dressed in a hospital gown, so she was probably hospitalized, too," Olivia


Rosemi understood what was going on then.