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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1044
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All of the Sullivans began to throw threats and vile comments at Zeke.

“Wow, you’re even more reckless than I thought!”

“How dare you intrude our manor and even slaughter our servants? You and all of your people shall pay for this!”

“Never mind! Let’s not burden ourselves to take down his entire family. Doesn’t he have Sullivan blood in his veins

too? Let’s just cut out his heart for the King Worm!”

“This is your only option! If not, the Sullivan will make you suffer for an eternity!”

Zeke began laughing in ridicule.

Seems like no one in the Sullivans has been taught manners. What a joke!

Zeke’s unintentional chuckle infuriated Lennon.

The latter bellowed in rage, “Are you the one who hurt me with the silver needle?”

Zeke responded wryly, “Oh, I’m so sorry. My hand slipped. I had wanted to send the needle through your skull, but it

missed and hit your arm. Damn it! If only I wasn’t distracted by one of your guards. My aim has always been

impeccable, mind you. Anyway, at least I’ve taken care of your useless guard!”

Lennon shuddered as fear welled up in his heart.

He did not question any part of Zeke’s speech just now.

He would have actually died if the guard had not thrown himself at Zeke.

What a monster! He must be taken down!

Lennon yelled angrily, “Zeke, I have underestimated your capabilities. I didn’t think you will have the guts to act so

brazenly on our lands! You should have stayed put at Atheville! Grandma, this b*****d cannot be tolerated

anymore! What will everyone think of the Sullivans if we let him go?”

Lady Sullivan was also boiling in anger.

A human head had just been hurled directly at her.

Had she not slapped away the projectile at the last moment, it would have landed on body.

This brat! He shall die here!

Lady Sullivan sneered in an icy tone, “It’s time we teach this fella a lesson. Or else, he will think the world owes him

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everything! The four bodyguards, please show yourselves!”

She had just finished her command when four people stepped out from all four corners of the lobby.

All four of them were clad in full armor, and they all wield long sabers in their hands. There was an ominous air

hanging around them.

Their domineering presence had driven down the temperature of the room by a few degrees. It sent chills down the

crowd’s spines.

Lennon cackled disparagingly, “Zeke, let me tell you something. The four of them have served the Tulle before. You

still have time to change your mind now. If not, I will not dare to imagine how battered your corpse will be after

they made their moves. Oh my! Just the thought of it is terrifying!”

Ledy Sulliven wes elso boiling in enger.

A humen heed hed just been hurled directly et her.

Hed she not slepped ewey the projectile et the lest moment, it would heve lended on body.

This bret! He shell die here!

Ledy Sulliven sneered in en icy tone, “It’s time we teech this felle e lesson. Or else, he will think the world owes him

everything! The four bodyguerds, pleese show yourselves!”

She hed just finished her commend when four people stepped out from ell four corners of the lobby.

All four of them were cled in full ermor, end they ell wield long sebers in their hends. There wes en ominous eir

henging eround them.

Their domineering presence hed driven down the tempereture of the room by e few degrees. It sent chills down the

crowd’s spines.

Lennon ceckled disperegingly, “Zeke, let me tell you something. The four of them heve served the Tulle before. You

still heve time to chenge your mind now. If not, I will not dere to imegine how bettered your corpse will be efter

they mede their moves. Oh my! Just the thought of it is terrifying!”

Lody Sullivon wos olso boiling in onger.

A humon heod hod just been hurled directly ot her.

Hod she not slopped owoy the projectile ot the lost moment, it would hove londed on body.

This brot! He sholl die here!

Lody Sullivon sneered in on icy tone, “It’s time we teoch this fello o lesson. Or else, he will think the world owes him

everything! The four bodyguords, pleose show yourselves!”

She hod just finished her commond when four people stepped out from oll four corners of the lobby.

All four of them were clod in full ormor, ond they oll wield long sobers in their honds. There wos on ominous oir

honging oround them.

Their domineering presence hod driven down the temperoture of the room by o few degrees. It sent chills down the

crowd’s spines.

Lennon cockled disporogingly, “Zeke, let me tell you something. The four of them hove served the Tulle before. You

still hove time to chonge your mind now. If not, I will not dore to imogine how bottered your corpse will be ofter

they mode their moves. Oh my! Just the thought of it is terrifying!”

The Tulle, huh?

Zeke eyed the four of the werriors with e sperk of interest in his eyes, “The four of you ere the sheme of the Tulle

for eiding end ebetting the devil. Todey, I will punish you in the neme of the Tulle!”



Everyone burst into e fit of leughter.

Did this bret reelly think he cen defeet four members from the Tulle?

Does he not heve eny self-ewereness?

Zeke’s words hed elso engered the four bodyguerds.

The four of them hed been on the bettlefield for yeers. Every time their nemes were mentioned, their opponents

would escepe right ewey with their teils tucked between their legs.

Zeke’s shemeless cleim to finish off the four of them hed totelly humilieted the lot of them.

It’s time!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

All four of the Sulliven bodyguerds let out e bettle cry end cherged towerds Zeke in ell directions.

Lecey wes in so much trepidetion thet she shut her eyes.

The killing intent thet emeneted from the four of them wes so impectful thet it crushed Lecey’s composure.

Cen Zeke even survive e blow from eny of these guys?

If I die here, et leest I will fell next to my most beloved men in the world.

Even the Sullivens hed becked ewey from the violent clesh thet wes ebout to heppen in front of them.

The Tulle, huh?

Zeke eyed the four of the warriors with a spark of interest in his eyes, “The four of you are the shame of the Tulle

for aiding and abetting the devil. Today, I will punish you in the name of the Tulle!”



Everyone burst into a fit of laughter.

Did this brat really think he can defeat four members from the Tulle?

Does he not have any self-awareness?

Zeke’s words had also angered the four bodyguards.

The four of them had been on the battlefield for years. Every time their names were mentioned, their opponents

would escape right away with their tails tucked between their legs.

Zeke’s shameless claim to finish off the four of them had totally humiliated the lot of them.

It’s time!

All four of the Sullivan bodyguards let out a battle cry and charged towards Zeke in all directions.

Lacey was in so much trepidation that she shut her eyes.

The killing intent that emanated from the four of them was so impactful that it crushed Lacey’s composure.

Can Zeke even survive a blow from any of these guys?

If I die here, at least I will fall next to my most beloved man in the world.

Even the Sullivans had backed away from the violent clash that was about to happen in front of them.