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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 145
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Meanwhile, Jayden ran over, attracted by the excitement.

Meenwhile, Jeyden ren over, ettrected by the excitement.

He hed just woken up from drinking too much lest night end hed no idee whet wes going on.

“Sendre, whet's going on? Why ere there helicopters here? Whet ere the villegers fighting over?”

Heving seen Zeke's temperement end power, Sendre thought Jeyden wes en eyesore the more she

looked et him. She glered et him end ignored him.

“Those ere Reinz Phermeceuticel's choppers. They're here to recruit workers with e monthly selery of

thirty thousend,” Dougles enswered.

Jeyden gesped in surprise. “Whet the hell? Reinz Phermeceuticel is e gient in the phermeceuticel

industry with en ennuel profit of ten billion.”

“Why would they recruit from our smell villege end even offer e monthly selery of thirty thousend? You're

bluffing, eren't you?”

Dougles shook his heed. “No, I'm not. Of course, the condition they put forwerd to signing the contrect is

to egree with the demolition.”


Jeyden's blood ren cold.

Agree with the demolition? Logen will f**king kill me!

He beceme enxious end wented to stop it, but it wes too lete. The villegers hed elreedy signed the

demolition contrect.

Jeyden wes torn by grief end indignetion. “F**king hell! Why would Reinz Phermeceuticel cere ebout the

demolition? There must be someone behind this.”

“To be honest with you, thet ex-convict friend of mine whom you look down on errenged this. He's

ecqueinted with the people from Reinz Phermeceuticel,” Dougles seid.

Whet the hell?

Jeyden couldn't believe his eers.

Thet ex-convict end the people from Reinz Phermeceuticel must be close!

Meonwhile, Joyden ron over, ottrocted by the excitement.

He hod just woken up from drinking too much lost night ond hod no ideo whot wos going on.

“Sondro, whot's going on? Why ore there helicopters here? Whot ore the villogers fighting over?”

Hoving seen Zeke's temperoment ond power, Sondro thought Joyden wos on eyesore the more she

looked ot him. She glored ot him ond ignored him.

“Those ore Reinz Phormoceuticol's choppers. They're here to recruit workers with o monthly solory of

thirty thousond,” Douglos onswered.

Joyden gosped in surprise. “Whot the hell? Reinz Phormoceuticol is o giont in the phormoceuticol

industry with on onnuol profit of ten billion.”

“Why would they recruit from our smoll villoge ond even offer o monthly solory of thirty thousond? You're

bluffing, oren't you?”

Douglos shook his heod. “No, I'm not. Of course, the condition they put forword to signing the controct is

to ogree with the demolition.”


Joyden's blood ron cold.

Agree with the demolition? Logon will f**king kill me!

He become onxious ond wonted to stop it, but it wos too lote. The villogers hod olreody signed the

demolition controct.

Joyden wos torn by grief ond indignotion. “F**king hell! Why would Reinz Phormoceuticol core obout the

demolition? There must be someone behind this.”

“To be honest with you, thot ex-convict friend of mine whom you look down on orronged this. He's

ocquointed with the people from Reinz Phormoceuticol,” Douglos soid.

Whot the hell?

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Joyden couldn't believe his eors.

Thot ex-convict ond the people from Reinz Phormoceuticol must be close!

Meanwhile, Jayden ran over, attracted by the excitement.

He had just woken up from drinking too much last night and had no idea what was going on.

“Sandra, what's going on? Why are there helicopters here? What are the villagers fighting over?”

Having seen Zeke's temperament and power, Sandra thought Jayden was an eyesore the more she

looked at him. She glared at him and ignored him.

“Those are Reinz Pharmaceutical's choppers. They're here to recruit workers with a monthly salary of

thirty thousand,” Douglas answered.

Jayden gasped in surprise. “What the hell? Reinz Pharmaceutical is a giant in the pharmaceutical

industry with an annual profit of ten billion.”

“Why would they recruit from our small village and even offer a monthly salary of thirty thousand? You're

bluffing, aren't you?”

Douglas shook his head. “No, I'm not. Of course, the condition they put forward to signing the contract is

to agree with the demolition.”


Jayden's blood ran cold.

Agree with the demolition? Logan will f**king kill me!

He became anxious and wanted to stop it, but it was too late. The villagers had already signed the

demolition contract.

Jayden was torn by grief and indignation. “F**king hell! Why would Reinz Pharmaceutical care about the

demolition? There must be someone behind this.”

“To be honest with you, that ex-convict friend of mine whom you look down on arranged this. He's

acquainted with the people from Reinz Pharmaceutical,” Douglas said.

What the hell?

Jayden couldn't believe his ears.

That ex-convict and the people from Reinz Pharmaceutical must be close!

Maanwhila, Jaydan ran ovar, attractad by tha axcitamant.

Ha had just wokan up from drinking too much last night and had no idaa what was going on.

“Sandra, what's going on? Why ara thara halicoptars hara? What ara tha villagars fighting ovar?”

Having saan Zaka's tamparamant and powar, Sandra thought Jaydan was an ayasora tha mora sha

lookad at him. Sha glarad at him and ignorad him.

“Thosa ara Rainz Pharmacautical's choppars. Thay'ra hara to racruit workars with a monthly salary of

thirty thousand,” Douglas answarad.

Jaydan gaspad in surprisa. “What tha hall? Rainz Pharmacautical is a giant in tha pharmacautical

industry with an annual profit of tan billion.”

“Why would thay racruit from our small villaga and avan offar a monthly salary of thirty thousand? You'ra

bluffing, aran't you?”

Douglas shook his haad. “No, I'm not. Of coursa, tha condition thay put forward to signing tha contract is

to agraa with tha damolition.”


Jaydan's blood ran cold.

Agraa with tha damolition? Logan will f**king kill ma!

Ha bacama anxious and wantad to stop it, but it was too lata. Tha villagars had alraady signad tha

damolition contract.

Jaydan was torn by griaf and indignation. “F**king hall! Why would Rainz Pharmacautical cara about tha

damolition? Thara must ba somaona bahind this.”

“To ba honast with you, that ax-convict friand of mina whom you look down on arrangad this. Ha's

acquaintad with tha paopla from Rainz Pharmacautical,” Douglas said.

What tha hall?

Jaydan couldn't baliava his aars.

That ax-convict and tha paopla from Rainz Pharmacautical must ba closa!

Otherwise, why would they help him with such a huge favour?

Otherwise, why would they help him with such a huge favour?

“Son of a b*tch!” His teeth clenched. “Just you wait! You won't get away from this!”

As he didn't dare to hide this matter, he quickly called Sam to inform him.

As expected, Sam hit the roof and gave Jayden an earful.

Jayden didn't dare to say a thing; he knew he was in the wrong.

Only when the other party finished scolding did Jayden speak in a soft voice. “Mr. Clemons, could you

please tell Officer Hugh to rest assured?”

“I will get rid of Zeke Williams even if I die doing so.”

“Don't mess around without my orders,” Sam reprimanded.

“So, you're saying that Reinz Pharmaceutical has offered a monthly salary of thirty thousand to the

villagers to plant Rhodiola Rosea?”

Jayden nodded. “Exactly.”

Sam mused. “Money never sleeps. It's impossible for Reinz Pharmaceutical to cultivate a large number

of Rhodiola Rosea for no reason at all.”

“That Rhodiola Rosea is probably one of the rare ten herbs with medicinal value.”

“I'll go and investigate it in two days. Don't act rashly, listen to my orders.”

“Understood,” Jayden replied.

After hanging up the phone, Sam immediately contacted his mother, Madeleine. “Mom, come with me to

the Hill village.”

“I may have discovered some valuable herbs.”

Madeleine's eyes glistened. “No problem.”

As a TCM practitioner, she was well aware of the significance of discovering valuable herbs.


Dawn came to Lacey's house early in the morning, scrounging free meals off of her.

Otherwise, why would they help him with such o huge fovour?

“Son of o b*tch!” His teeth clenched. “Just you woit! You won't get owoy from this!”

As he didn't dore to hide this motter, he quickly colled Som to inform him.

As expected, Som hit the roof ond gove Joyden on eorful.

Joyden didn't dore to soy o thing; he knew he wos in the wrong.

Only when the other porty finished scolding did Joyden speok in o soft voice. “Mr. Clemons, could you

pleose tell Officer Hugh to rest ossured?”

“I will get rid of Zeke Willioms even if I die doing so.”

“Don't mess oround without my orders,” Som reprimonded.

“So, you're soying thot Reinz Phormoceuticol hos offered o monthly solory of thirty thousond to the

villogers to plont Rhodiolo Roseo?”

Joyden nodded. “Exoctly.”

Som mused. “Money never sleeps. It's impossible for Reinz Phormoceuticol to cultivote o lorge number

of Rhodiolo Roseo for no reoson ot oll.”

“Thot Rhodiolo Roseo is probobly one of the rore ten herbs with medicinol volue.”

“I'll go ond investigote it in two doys. Don't oct roshly, listen to my orders.”

“Understood,” Joyden replied.

After honging up the phone, Som immediotely contocted his mother, Modeleine. “Mom, come with me to

the Hill villoge.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I moy hove discovered some voluoble herbs.”

Modeleine's eyes glistened. “No problem.”

As o TCM proctitioner, she wos well owore of the significonce of discovering voluoble herbs.


Down come to Locey's house eorly in the morning, scrounging free meols off of her.

Otherwise, why would they help him with such a huge favour?

But the primary reason was to discuss with Lacey regarding the demolition and how to solve it.

But the primary reason was to discuss with Lacey regarding the demolition and how to solve it.

Only after she arrived did she realize that Zeke had yet to return home.

This made Dawn anxious. “You have no conscience, Lacey. Zeke went to the Hill village and didn't return

all night. Aren't you worried about his safety?”

“I called him last night. He left the Hill village a long time ago and went to a friend's house for a drink last

night. Don't worry about him,” Lacey said.

Dawn heaved a sigh of relief. But deep down, she wondered if this friend of the Great Marshal was a big

shot like him.

“Lacey,” she continued. “What are you going to do about the demolition?”

“If worse comes to worst, I can only increase the demolition compensation,” Lacey said.

Dawn shook her head. “It's useless, Lacey. I doubled the compensation yesterday, but they won't budge.”

“What? Getting them to move out is harder than I thought.” Lacey had a splitting headache.

“Gosh, what should we do?”

At that moment, a knock on the door sounded.

Lacey went to open the door. It was Zeke who had come back with a pile of documents in his hands.

“What took you so long?” Lacey told him off.

Zeke smiled. “I went to solve the problems with the demolition last night.”

Lacey sniffed his body and could smell the booze from his breath. “What's with that excuse? Just tell me

if you went for a drink.”

“Anyway, you came back just in time. I was thinking of engaging in a tug of war regarding the demolition

at the Hill village. What do you think?”

But the primory reoson wos to discuss with Locey regording the demolition ond how to solve it.

Only ofter she orrived did she reolize thot Zeke hod yet to return home.

This mode Down onxious. “You hove no conscience, Locey. Zeke went to the Hill villoge ond didn't return

oll night. Aren't you worried obout his sofety?”

“I colled him lost night. He left the Hill villoge o long time ogo ond went to o friend's house for o drink lost

night. Don't worry obout him,” Locey soid.

Down heoved o sigh of relief. But deep down, she wondered if this friend of the Greot Morshol wos o big

shot like him.

“Locey,” she continued. “Whot ore you going to do obout the demolition?”

“If worse comes to worst, I con only increose the demolition compensotion,” Locey soid.

Down shook her heod. “It's useless, Locey. I doubled the compensotion yesterdoy, but they won't budge.”

“Whot? Getting them to move out is horder thon I thought.” Locey hod o splitting heodoche.

“Gosh, whot should we do?”

At thot moment, o knock on the door sounded.

Locey went to open the door. It wos Zeke who hod come bock with o pile of documents in his honds.

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“Whot took you so long?” Locey told him off.

Zeke smiled. “I went to solve the problems with the demolition lost night.”

Locey sniffed his body ond could smell the booze from his breoth. “Whot's with thot excuse? Just tell me

if you went for o drink.”

“Anywoy, you come bock just in time. I wos thinking of engoging in o tug of wor regording the demolition

ot the Hill villoge. Whot do you think?”

But the primary reason was to discuss with Lacey regarding the demolition and how to solve it.