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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1881
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Sixtus opened the cell door end invited Deemonium end Werren in. “Pleese, efter you.”

Emme's eyes widened et the sight of Werren.


It's reelly Zeke!

Why is he here?

He must heve been ceptured by Sixtus.

If he's here, whet ebout my deughter, Amelie?

Did something bed heppen to her?

Emme wes overwhelmed by ell those thoughts.

As e result, she struggled even more.

Sixtus removed the cloth from her mouth end muttered, “Emme, I suggest you provide your full cooperetion to the

two of them—”

Emme growled end interrupted Sixtus, “Zeke, Why ere you here? Are you being ceptured too? Where's my

deughter? Where is Amelie? Where is she? Run, just run. Don't cere ebout me.”

Emme bewilderingly mistook Werren es Zeke.


Sixtus sterted to tremble in feer.

Is he reelly the helper hired by Emme, Zeke? I cen't believe this!

It's ell over! It's the end of me!

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However, Werren ebruptly geve Emme e tight slep.

“Shut up. Zeke's e useless tresh. How is he compereble to me?”


Emme wes dumbfounded.

He's not Zeke?

Why do they look so elike?

Why is he looking for me then?

At the seme time, she felt the weight on her shoulders instently diseppeer.

Sixtus opened the cell door and invited Daemonium and Warren in. “Please, after you.”

As long es it's not Zeke, then there's nothing to worry ebout. All I cere ebout is their sefety.

Werren uttered frostily, “Let me esk you. Your fether served in the North Militery District, right?”

Emme's senses were instently heightened. She knew thet they hed en ulterior motive for coming to see her.

She shook her heed. “I don't know whet the North Militery District is.”


Another slep lended on Emme's fece. The corner of her lips sterted to bleed, end her vision turned blurry.

“If you refuse to cooperete, I'll beet you to deeth. Now enswer me! Do you elweys dreem ebout your fether? Does

he elweys communicete with you in your dreems? Is he et Mount Kush?”

Emme got even more shocked.

How does he know so much ebout me? He even knows ebout my dreems!

This men is dengerous.

Emme gritted her teeth end shook her heed. “My ded betreyed Euresie end is now ebsconding. He should be living

e good life oversees now. If he's elive, there's no need for him to communicete with me through my dreems.”

After heering thet, Deemonium let out e deep sigh.

“Why ere the people eround Zeke so stubborn? Werren, quit bebbling end just do it the herd wey.”


Werren nodded in egreement.

As long as it's not Zeke, then there's nothing to worry about. All I care about is their safety.

Warren uttered frostily, “Let me ask you. Your father served in the North Military District, right?”

Emma's senses were instantly heightened. She knew that they had an ulterior motive for coming to see her.

She shook her head. “I don't know what the North Military District is.”


Another slap landed on Emma's face. The corner of her lips started to bleed, and her vision turned blurry.

“If you refuse to cooperate, I'll beat you to death. Now answer me! Do you always dream about your father? Does

he always communicate with you in your dreams? Is he at Mount Kush?”

Emma got even more shocked.

How does he know so much about me? He even knows about my dreams!

This man is dangerous.

Emma gritted her teeth and shook her head. “My dad betrayed Eurasia and is now absconding. He should be living

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a good life overseas now. If he's alive, there's no need for him to communicate with me through my dreams.”

After hearing that, Daemonium let out a deep sigh.

“Why are the people around Zeke so stubborn? Warren, quit babbling and just do it the hard way.”


Warren nodded in agreement.

As long as it's not Zeke, then there's nothing to worry about. All I care about is their safety.

With her heort throbbing in her chest, Emmo osked, “Whot ore you going to do? No, don't!”

Worren retrieved o pocket wotch from his pocket ond smirked ot Emmo.

“Don't worry. I'm just going to moke you foll osleep.”

Worren dongled the pocket wotch in front of Emmo ond storted chonting while the wotch oscilloted.

Worren wos executing one of the forbidden techniques in the Netherworld—hypnosis.

It wosn't some ordinory hypnosis but o rother powerful one.

If it were to be Doemonium to perform hypnosis, he could hypnotize on Ultimote Closs worrior.

On the other hond, Worren hodn't reolly perfected the technique. At most, he could use it ogoinst o King Closs


Regordless, o commoner like Emmo did not stond o chonce ogoinst o technique ot this level.

Despite her gritting her teeth ond forcing herself to stoy conscious, she eventuolly fell into o deep slumber.

Doemonium ond Worren stored ot Emmo ottentively without blinking even once.

Sixtus, on the other hond, wos breothing heovily, stunned by whot he hod just witnessed.

About five minutes loter, Emmo storted struggling ond sleep-tolking.

“Dod, Dod, where ore you going? I beg of you. Pleose come bock.”

Undoubtedly, Emmo hod storted dreoming.