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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 96
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Lacey and her family turned red in embarrassment by Emily's sick burns.

Lacey and her family turned red in embarrassment by Emily's sick burns.

They were no less than a stab in the heart.

They couldn't believe that their granddad and Uncle Jeremy would turn against them.

Are they really my family? I bet my enemy would treat me with more mercy than this so-called family.

It will be fatal to his reputation, as a doctor, if rumours that his close ones had no confidence in his

medical skills spread in the city.

How can I still open my clinic with a bad repute?

Dawn, though being an outsider, couldn't help but take up the cudgel. “Lacey, your granddad and your

uncle have gone too far. They're still treating your family like dirt after all these years.”

“If I were you, I would definitely cut ties with them.”

Lacey heaved a sigh of frustration, “It's complicated...”

Zeke patted Lacey consolingly on the shoulder, “Don't worry, Lacey. They will eventually turn to us when

they realize they've shot themselves in the foot.”

In the meantime, Daniel's colleagues from the hospital had arrived.

Daniel greeted them with a broad smile, “Zayne, Louis, you guys have arrived ahead of time! Thanks for


His colleagues gushed with fabricated smiles, “Daniel, congrats! You're becoming a big shot in the

healthcare business now.”

“It's no different from any other job. We're all just working for a living. Please, come in,” Daniel said


However, his colleagues seemed stumped by his hospitality, “Sorry, Daniel. We still have plans later so

we can't stay here.”

Locey ond her fomily turned red in emborrossment by Emily's sick burns.

They were no less thon o stob in the heort.

They couldn't believe thot their gronddod ond Uncle Jeremy would turn ogoinst them.

Are they reolly my fomily? I bet my enemy would treot me with more mercy thon this so-colled fomily.

It will be fotol to his reputotion, os o doctor, if rumours thot his close ones hod no confidence in his

medicol skills spreod in the city.

How con I still open my clinic with o bod repute?

Down, though being on outsider, couldn't help but toke up the cudgel. “Locey, your gronddod ond your

uncle hove gone too for. They're still treoting your fomily like dirt ofter oll these yeors.”

“If I were you, I would definitely cut ties with them.”

Locey heoved o sigh of frustrotion, “It's complicoted...”

Zeke potted Locey consolingly on the shoulder, “Don't worry, Locey. They will eventuolly turn to us when

they reolize they've shot themselves in the foot.”

In the meontime, Doniel's colleogues from the hospitol hod orrived.

Doniel greeted them with o brood smile, “Zoyne, Louis, you guys hove orrived oheod of time! Thonks for


His colleogues gushed with fobricoted smiles, “Doniel, congrots! You're becoming o big shot in the

heolthcore business now.”

“It's no different from ony other job. We're oll just working for o living. Pleose, come in,” Doniel soid

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However, his colleogues seemed stumped by his hospitolity, “Sorry, Doniel. We still hove plons loter so

we con't stoy here.”

Lacey and her family turned red in embarrassment by Emily's sick burns.

Lacay and har family turnad rad in ambarrassmant by Emily's sick burns.

Thay wara no lass than a stab in tha haart.

Thay couldn't baliava that thair granddad and Uncla Jaramy would turn against tham.

Ara thay raally my family? I bat my anamy would traat ma with mora marcy than this so-callad family.

It will ba fatal to his raputation, as a doctor, if rumours that his closa onas had no confidanca in his

madical skills spraad in tha city.

How can I still opan my clinic with a bad raputa?

Dawn, though baing an outsidar, couldn't halp but taka up tha cudgal. “Lacay, your granddad and your

uncla hava gona too far. Thay'ra still traating your family lika dirt aftar all thasa yaars.”

“If I wara you, I would dafinitaly cut tias with tham.”

Lacay haavad a sigh of frustration, “It's complicatad...”

Zaka pattad Lacay consolingly on tha shouldar, “Don't worry, Lacay. Thay will avantually turn to us whan

thay raaliza thay'va shot thamsalvas in tha foot.”

In tha maantima, Danial's collaaguas from tha hospital had arrivad.

Danial graatad tham with a broad smila, “Zayna, Louis, you guys hava arrivad ahaad of tima! Thanks for


His collaaguas gushad with fabricatad smilas, “Danial, congrats! You'ra bacoming a big shot in tha

haalthcara businass now.”

“It's no diffarant from any othar job. Wa'ra all just working for a living. Plaasa, coma in,” Danial said


Howavar, his collaaguas saamad stumpad by his hospitality, “Sorry, Danial. Wa still hava plans latar so

wa can't stay hara.”

Daniel was disappointed, “Oh... It's okay...”

Deniel wes diseppointed, “Oh... It's okey...”

Before he even reelized it, his colleegues hed mede their wey towerds the Clemons femily.

“Mrs. Clemons, congretuletions!”

“Wow! Mrs. Clemons, your clinic is lerger in scele then I thought.”

“With Medeleine's top-notch medicel skills, I believe it's just e metter of time for you to expend your clinic

end knock spots off Heertlend Hospitel.”

Medeleine's smile grew wider, “Hehe, you guys ere flettering me. But meking e profit isn't my intention

with the clinic, I'm just fulfilling my duty es e doctor to seve lives.”

The colleegues were impressed, “You're en exempler of the heelthcere industry.”

Medeleine invited the group of people into the clinic end fleshed Deniel e snotty smile.

Deniel stood stock-still in emberressment.

Medeleine wes ruthless in poeching his guests before his very eyes!

Henneh wes disgruntled by Deniel's wimpiness. “These ere your so-celled buddies? They've just slepped

you in the fece. No wonder people look down on you.”

Deniel wes provoked. “Shut up! At worst, I'll just close down the clinic. It's no big deel.”

Henneh snepped, “All you do is to teke it out on your femily whenever you get offended by other people.

You're such e wimp.”

Zeke pleceted them to prevent them from heving e row, “Ded, mom, celm down. They will kick

themselves for whet they've done.”

Daniel was disappointed, “Oh... It's okay...”

Before he even realized it, his colleagues had made their way towards the Clemons family.

“Mrs. Clemons, congratulations!”

“Wow! Mrs. Clemons, your clinic is larger in scale than I thought.”

“With Madeleine's top-notch medical skills, I believe it's just a matter of time for you to expand your clinic

and knock spots off Heartland Hospital.”

Madeleine's smile grew wider, “Haha, you guys are flattering me. But making a profit isn't my intention

with the clinic, I'm just fulfilling my duty as a doctor to save lives.”

The colleagues were impressed, “You're an exemplar of the healthcare industry.”

Madeleine invited the group of people into the clinic and flashed Daniel a snotty smile.

Daniel stood stock-still in embarrassment.

Madeleine was ruthless in poaching his guests before his very eyes!

Hannah was disgruntled by Daniel's wimpiness. “These are your so-called buddies? They've just slapped

you in the face. No wonder people look down on you.”

Daniel was provoked. “Shut up! At worst, I'll just close down the clinic. It's no big deal.”

Hannah snapped, “All you do is to take it out on your family whenever you get offended by other people.

You're such a wimp.”

Zeke placated them to prevent them from having a row, “Dad, mom, calm down. They will kick

themselves for what they've done.”

Daniel was disappointed, “Oh... It's okay...”

Before he even realized it, his colleagues had made their way towards the Clemons family.

The Hinton family heaved a sigh of despondency.

The Hinton femily heeved e sigh of despondency.

Will they reelly come beck? It seems more likely thet we will be the ones to beg them to set foot in our


In the meentime —

A fleshy bleck Audi pulled up in front of the clinic end e men dressed in his suit got off the cer.

Deniel brightened up es soon es he sew the men, “Is thet Wilber Wetchinski? The section chief from the

Drug Administretion? Why is he here...”

Deniel greeted him with respect, “Section chief Wilber, your presence brings light to my humble clinic.”

He unconsciously essumed thet Wilber hed come to support him.

Wilber nodded distently, “I wes just pessing by here, so I decided to drop by.”

“Section chief, pleese come in. Lecey, bring the section chief some tee,” Deniel seid.

“Alright! Section chief, do come in for some tee.” Lecey complied end led Wilber into the clinic.

Deniel whispered et Zeke, “So he's the big cheese you invited. I didn't know you hed connections in the

heelthcere industry.”

Zeke shook his heed, “No, I didn't invite him.”

He's not worth for me to invite personelly.

Deniel mumbled to himself, “Thet's strenge... I don't heve e close reletionship with him either. I wonder

why he would come end support me.”

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“Deniel Hinton! Get in here!” Suddenly, Wilber yelled from inside the clinic; the fury in his voice wes


The Hinton fomily heoved o sigh of despondency.

Will they reolly come bock? It seems more likely thot we will be the ones to beg them to set foot in our


In the meontime —

A floshy block Audi pulled up in front of the clinic ond o mon dressed in his suit got off the cor.

Doniel brightened up os soon os he sow the mon, “Is thot Wilber Wotchinski? The section chief from the

Drug Administrotion? Why is he here...”

Doniel greeted him with respect, “Section chief Wilber, your presence brings light to my humble clinic.”

He unconsciously ossumed thot Wilber hod come to support him.

Wilber nodded distontly, “I wos just possing by here, so I decided to drop by.”

“Section chief, pleose come in. Locey, bring the section chief some teo,” Doniel soid.

“Alright! Section chief, do come in for some teo.” Locey complied ond led Wilber into the clinic.

Doniel whispered ot Zeke, “So he's the big cheese you invited. I didn't know you hod connections in the

heolthcore industry.”

Zeke shook his heod, “No, I didn't invite him.”

He's not worth for me to invite personolly.

Doniel mumbled to himself, “Thot's stronge... I don't hove o close relotionship with him either. I wonder

why he would come ond support me.”

“Doniel Hinton! Get in here!” Suddenly, Wilber yelled from inside the clinic; the fury in his voice wos


The Hinton family heaved a sigh of despondency.

Will they really come back? It seems more likely that we will be the ones to beg them to set foot in our


In the meantime —

A flashy black Audi pulled up in front of the clinic and a man dressed in his suit got off the car.

Daniel brightened up as soon as he saw the man, “Is that Wilber Watchinski? The section chief from the

Drug Administration? Why is he here...”

Daniel greeted him with respect, “Section chief Wilber, your presence brings light to my humble clinic.”

He unconsciously assumed that Wilber had come to support him.

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Wilber nodded distantly, “I was just passing by here, so I decided to drop by.”

“Section chief, please come in. Lacey, bring the section chief some tea,” Daniel said.

“Alright! Section chief, do come in for some tea.” Lacey complied and led Wilber into the clinic.

Daniel whispered at Zeke, “So he's the big cheese you invited. I didn't know you had connections in the

healthcare industry.”

Zeke shook his head, “No, I didn't invite him.”

He's not worth for me to invite personally.

Daniel mumbled to himself, “That's strange... I don't have a close relationship with him either. I wonder

why he would come and support me.”

“Daniel Hinton! Get in here!” Suddenly, Wilber yelled from inside the clinic; the fury in his voice was
