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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 127
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Chapter 127
Tiana heard Whitney’s loud inhale and hurried out of her apartment, only to be greeted by a heart–shaped arrangement of 999
roses lying on her doorstep, with a limited edition designer purse in the center.
There was no card, but so clearly the giver was quite aloof
Tiana exchanged a knowing look with Whitney. They both had the same suspicion.
with a twitch of her lips, Tiana said. “It’s not from L, is it? He was so harsh on you last night, but now he’s realized his mistake?
The big boss is actually making an effort.”
“Wow is that an alligator skin purse? She exclaimed, picking it up with admiration,
Whitney’s small face twitched, and she gave her a look that silently forced her to put it down. Sighing, Whitney
1. d. How boning, just ignore it.”
She thought he would have reflected overnight and at least understood where he went wrong.
But apparently, he had not. What was the meaning behind this extravagant display?
“Aren’t you pleased?” Tiana asked cautiously, “I thought L would just give you the cold shoulder again, but it seems he’s made
some progress.”
Whitney pressed her lips, feeling tom, and grabbed her briefcase to head to work.
At Skye Gem, the morning passed without incident.
But at lunchtime, a chef from a five–star hotel made a special delivery, bringing a gourmet meal prepared especially for
expectant mothers, addressed to the general manager, Whitney.
The secretarial pool was abuzz.
Was the general manager being courted by someone?

Whitney, with a cold expression, had security escort the chef away.
At three in the afternoon, two couriers arrived with armfuls of tulips air–flown from the Netherlands, destined for Whitney’s office.
Now, the whole company was abuzz. Someone was indeed wooing the general manager – how romantic.
Returning from a meeting, Whitney was surprised to find a boutique manager from H waiting in the lobby. politely offering her
several limited edition bags.
The receptionists and passing employees were all looking on enviously.
A familiar female supervisor joked with Whitney. “Whitney, did your boyfriend upset you? This seems SO familiar. My guy tries to
do the same, just on a much smaller scale. Your boyfriend has deep pockets and seems very attentive!”
Whitney, facing everyone’s sparkling eyes, felt her composure slipping away.
What the hell was L doing? His antics were disrupting her work. Was it on purpose?
Afraid he would send more distractions and disrupt the office further, Whitney decided to leave work early.
Tiana picked her up, and they waited together at a downtown café, expecting Valerie to join them.

Seeing Whitney’s exasperated face, Tiana chuckled. “L must have gotten some bad advice. Buying his way out of trouble, but
don’t you feel his efforts to apologize are sincere?”
Whitney paused, a flicker of emotion crossing her face.
Tiana sighed. “Even with my limited interaction with L, I can tell he’s not one to wear his heart on his sleeve.

Chapter 127
This might be the first time he’s gone to such lengths for a woman.”
“Are you defending him?” Whitney pouted.
Tiana waved her off. ‘As if I would! But seriously, without a personal appearance, it lacks sincerity.”
Whitney’s thoughts were a whirlwind as she looked outside.
Valerie arrived, calling them out.
The winter darkness settled early, but the city center remained vibrant. Queen’s Square was ablaze with lights, the towering
skyscrapers standing sentinel. The tallest among them was the Imperial Gem Corporation Building
Outside the Imperial Gem Corporation, a man of cool elegance emerged, his deep gaze fixed on Queen’s Square. “Is she
Parker nodded, guiding him. “Everything is set. Just go over there and turn Queen’s Square into a proposal scene. Got your
sweet talk ready?”
Ludwik gave Parker a cold look.
sweet talks.
Nolan sympathized with Ludwik’s difficulty, it was hard to imagine Ludwik uttering
Ludwik eyed Parker suspiciously. “All these stunts you’ve had me pull today, and she leaves work early. Are you sure you’re not
just making it worse?”

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Parker coughed. “What are you implying? If you were man enough to apologize directly, I would not have had to spend all night
shopping for a love guide. You think this is easy for me?”
The arrogance drained from Ludwik’s stance.
Parker glanced at him. “Whitney feels you don’t value her enough, that you’ve relegated her to some secondary position, even
behind other women. Your lie is the crux of the issue this time. You need to show her that she
matters to you.”
“That’s what she thinks?”
“That’s what all women think, even if they don’t say it. You’ve never really pursued her since you’ve been together. Use this
opportunity to show her you’re sincere.”
“What do you mean by being sincere?”
“I’ve set everything up.” Parker turned into a director, pointing towards the Imperial Gem Corporation building. “Look.”
Ludwik turned to see the building’s facade light up with LED letters: [Whitney, I’m Sorry!]
The message scrolled across the screen.
Ludwik’s face darkened, and he lifted his foot to kick Parker.

“Hurry up and go over. I’ve got more planned. Parker threatened.
Grinding his teeth, Ludwik rubbed his brow. “My dignity, make sure you don’t throw it all away!”

Nolan tried not to laugh, feeling Parker’s schemes ground Ludwik’s pride into the dust.
Ludwik walked toward the silhouette in the square.
Meanwhile, the square fell into a hushed silence.
Moments ago, the tallest building went dark, then lit up with the message ‘Whitney, I’m Sorry!
Tiana and Valerie were shocked, turning to look at Whitney.
Whitney was just as confused, her face a mask of bewilderment.
Tiana gasped, “Could this be L’s doing?”
And then, amid the paused gaze of onlookers, a tall, dashing man in a black suit strode toward Whitney He wore a silver mask,
but his piercing gaze was unmistakable to her
As he approached het, a net of dazzling light, woven from countless tiny diamonds, fell from the sky, enveloping Whitney in its
glittering embrace.
Tiana and Valerie were speechless.
It might have been a bit over the top – indeed, extremely so- but the sight of hundreds of natural diamonds was undeniably
Around them, women gasped in awe, and the man’s imposing figure only added to the envy
“My god, is that woman being proposed to?”
A diamond–studded net to capture the heart of the woman you adore – oh, it’s sickeningly sweet!”
Whitney was at a loss for words.
Her eyes widened as she looked at the man, her cheeks turning a rosy shade of embarrassment. But inside, her heart was a
chaotic drumbeat of nervous excitement.
A frown creased Ludwik’s brow. He glanced at the diamond net and cursed Parker silently for the hundredth time for his
astonishingly gaudy taste.

Yet, in this moment, he had to own up to it. He strode stiffly towards the petite woman, observing her rosy lips and white teeth
contrasting with the faint shadows in the winter light under her eyes.
A storm of emotions surged within him. Frowning, he took her small hand in his. Uncomfortable yet with a deep, resonant voice,
he said, “Stop being mad, alright? I admit I was wrong to deceive you, but my desire for you is no mistake.”
Under the crowd’s scrutiny, Whitney’s heart pounded wildly, feeling utterly defenseless against his onslaught.
Did he want her? His usual cold and ruthless demeanor made it seem like there could be no sweeter or more eloquent
But the meaning was implicitly clear.
“How many times do I have to tell you I don’t care for Elaine? She’s no longer my fiancée. How many times must I repeat that? I
care about you; if you haven’t felt it, I’ll try harder. I’ll learn how to make you see it,” he said with a stern and commanding tone.
“Okay, Whitney?” His chilly exterior briefly softened, revealing a trace of tenderness in his low, magnetic v
Whitney’s cheeks burned hotter, her heartbeat threatening to burst forth. She quickly withdrew her hand and took several steps
back, putting distance between them.
“Whitney!” Ludwik called after her with a furrowed, icy brow as he set off in pursuit.