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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 135
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Chapter 135
Simon’s silhouette was etched in shadow as he gazed at her, a pang of panic–flavored pain shooting through his heart.
“That’s the only thing have left from your Grandpa, and if I give it to you, you’ll kick me to the curb, Whitney...I admit, I realized
too late. I know now that it’s you I deeply love, not Monica. Can’t you give me another chance?” He stepped forward, reaching
out to take her delicate hand.
Whitney recoiled coolly, avoiding his grasp, and met his gaze with a hint of mockery. “If I hadn’t taken back Skye Gem, you’d
surely not be professing love for me now. The moment Monica stepped down, your affections shifted so quickly. Now you claim
to love me, yet you’re courting Scarlett.”
Simon’s mind raced back to the gala at Joyful Manor, where he had appeared with Scarlett, all witnessed by Whitney.
He clutched his head in torment. “It was my mother’s doing. For the sake of the inheritance, I had no choice. I was wrong,
Whitney. I was fooled by Monica’s hypocritical facade. That’s why I mistreated you. But Scarlett is just a front. Just give me some
time, leave that masked man at your side. Do you even know who he really is? How can you follow such a dangerous man?
Come back to me.”
Whitney found him utterly despicable and no longer cared to entertain his pleas. Standing up, she asked, “You won’t give me the
contact book, will you?”
“I won’t–not unless you come back to me!” Simon was adamant.
“Simon, tomorrow is the deadline.” Whitney’s eyes were icy as she turned and walked away.
Once in her car, she pondered momentarily before calling a trusted manager at Skye Gem. “Contact Troy and Faith Perlman
tonight. Tell them the Skye Gem board has ousted Simon and that we’re interested in a partnership with Troy’s company. Invite
them to the office tomorrow.”
The manager hesitated but quickly grasped Whitney’s intent to confront Simon and promptly set out to arrange the meeting.
Whitney then texted Tiana, [Can you get me Scarlett’s number?]
Tiana was puzzled. Scarlett was Simon’s recent date, right? But she immediately responded: [Whitney, what are you plotting

Whitney massaged her temples; she was not plotting. She was desperate to retrieve the contact book and reach out to her
uncle, her only remaining family.

Whitney arrived early at United Realty Corporation the next morning, waiting in her office.
Felix had not returned last night, but Whitney had already contacted him. He said L would be back at United Realty Corporation
this morning.
She had their flight details and timed their arrival.
Just past nine, the office door burst open.
Castor, face scratched and bruised, stormed in, pointing an accusing finger at Whitney. “You released that video yesterday, didn’t
you? Just as I made you speak at the meeting, chaos ensued. My wife showed up, and I couldn’t find you–you’re guilty as sin!”
Seething, he had pieced together the debacle after getting home and came straight to confront Whitney.
Whitney stood calmly behind her desk, giving a subtle nod to Harper..
Harper quickly spread the video of yesterday’s company turmoil to Whitney’s close friends.
with innocence and indignation. “What on earth are you talking about, Castor? Your infidelity has become the talk of the entire
company, casting a shadow on our reputation. Now, you’re dragging the company down with you.”
“Don’t play the victim with me! You think I don’t know your game? You pushed Elaine out, and now you’re targeting me? I won’t
go down without a fight!” Castor was livid, moving to confront her.
Harper stepped between them to shield Whitney, but Whitney subtly waved her aside.

Castor, losing control, grabbed Whitney’s arm just as the door opened again. Felix stepped aside to reveal a tall and imposing
“Castor! What the hell are you doing? Ludwik’s voice was deep and chilling.
Castor spun around to see the intimidating CEO and stumbled backward, releasing Whitney. The towering man approached her,
his brow furrowed with concern for her well–being, before turning his icy gaze back to Castor. “What did you want to do to my
Tve been wronged!” Castor trembled, desperately pleading his case. “You’re unaware, sir, that your wife deliberately released my
private video at the meeting yesterday. She humiliated me, tarnishing my reputation and jeopardizing the hotel group’s project.
That’s why I came to have a word with her.”
Ludwik did not say a word, his formidable presence quieting the room. He circled Whitney’s face, aware of the company scandal
Castor had stirred up. He assumed Whitney had been waiting for his return today.
His piercing eyes made Whitney uneasy–after all, she had stirred up a storm in his company.
Noticing L’s mood, Whitney denied the accusation. “Castor, you have no evidence to accuse me of sabotaging you. Without

proof, your accusations are baseless.”
“Enough.” Ludwik cut him off with a fierce edge. Leaning against the desk, he commanded the room. “Castor, you’re fired.”
“Why?” Castor paled, his voice quivering with disbelief. “You rarely take direct control of United Realty Corporation, and I know
I’m just a minor manager, but I’ve contributed to the company. My private life doesn’t interfere with my professional abilities.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Please, be lenient!”
At this moment, Whitney spoke softly, “Causing damage to the company’s image, Castor, that’s a very direct interference.”
“Look, only people in this firm know about the incident, and I swear it won’t leak from me. It won’t hurt the company’s reputation!”
Castor pleaded, his desperation palpable.
“Castor, your dirty laundry is trending online. Scores of women scorned by their husbands have seen the video of you hitting your
wife. They’re livid, and they’re tearing you apart on social media. You’re infamous now.” Whitney smirked as she showed him the
trending news on her tablet.
Castor slumped to the floor in disbelief. “This can’t be happening. Whitney, did you do this?”
Whitney ignored his accusation and handed a voice recorder to L. “Mr. President, I have a recording here that you might want to
Ludwik’s gaze was stern as the audio filled the room. It was from the restaurant yesterday, Castor and his cronies mocking
Whitney behind her back.
After listening, Ludwik’s expression turned icy. “Felix, bring me everyone who spoke on this recording. especially your secretary.”
Just then, Harper pulled out a delivery receipt from the day before, trying to vindicate Whitney. “Mr. President, Castor bullied the
VP to the point that I had to order delivery upstairs because the restaurant manager refused to serve her.”
The receipt, a relic of Whitneys stru
portrayed her with a touch of vulnerability, “I was fine, really. It’s just
Chapter 135
that I was worried about the baby.”
She cradled her belly, prompting L’s eyes to darken with resolve. He ordered without hesitation, “Someone, throw Castor out and
fire the restaurant manager, now!”

“Mr. President...” Castor’s voice trailed off. He collapsed, his face pale as ash. His eyes flickered with fear when he looked at
Whitney, realizing she had recorded their conversation, keeping evidence of their little schemes. Today, she had turned the
tables on them before the big boss.
Whitney watched, her expression still, as Castor was escorted out. This was a significant victory for her in the United Realty
Corporation, as Castor was Elaine’s biggest inside man. With him out of the picture, she had cut off one of Elaine’s main
tentacles in the company.