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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 148
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Chapter 148
An extended leave? Was she really about to cut ties with him and walk away from United Realty Corporation? Ludwik could not
figure out what was going on in this woman’s head. Whitney had been angry because of Elaine for a long enough time, and now
she was still giving him the cold shoulder.
If she would not bend, then fine; he was tired of this, too. He would put down his pride and make the first move. “This bid is
crucial. South City is a tourist hotspot; I must secure half of its land. You’ll be my secretary for this bid. In three days, you’re
coming with me to South City.”
Ludwik’s decision echoed with finality, leaving no room for debate.
His piercing gaze froze Whitney in place. Her face turned pale. This was precisely what Keegan wanted.
She was ready to refuse when she caught Felix’s cautionary glance, hinting at her that the boss was fuming; publicly rejecting
him would spell trouble.
Realizing the eyes on her, Whitney pressed her lips and remained silent.
“Meeting adjourned! Everyone, get back to your tasks.”
Ludwik lowered his head, his aura chilling as he started signing documents, closing off any chance for further discussion.
With a heavy heart, Whitney swallowed her words and followed the others out.
Felix caught up with her, handing over all the details of the hotel project. His voice was soft but persuasive as he said, “Madam,
the boss is afraid you might not return from your leave. He’s tying you down with a major project. Please understand his intent
and make this bid a success.”
What Felix left unsaid was that Ludwik had tried every trick in the book to end this standoff with Whitney, but this time, because
of Elaine, she seemed determined not to turn back.
Felix thought that perhaps Mr. Lippert thought they might mend their relationship by working closely on this bid.
Without a word, Whitney looked at the hundred–billion–dollar project weighing down on her, sighing silently.

If she was set on leaving him and United Realty Corporation, this might be her last post, which he was forcing on her
Then, she would do it well. But going together for the bid? That was out of the question. If he did not understand her reasons, so

be it.
When the bidding documents were ready, she would find an excuse not to go.
Whitney buried herself in the vice president’s office with Harper for the next two days, going over the bid details.
The five–star hotel project had been a year in preparation for Ludwik, involving hundreds of billions in financing. Its success was
critical to the United Realty Corporation’s foundation. Failure was simply not allowed.
Ludwik’s bid was for a massive piece of land in South City, having already smoothed all necessary connections.
Now, they only needed the nod from Braxton Tarrington.
She discovered that six companies were bidding.
Such a critical decision meant Braxton would meet each bidder. If Ludwik was last, they would have to avoid evening talks. Any
health incident would cast shadows over Ludwik.
She crafted a detailed guideline, placing it on the bid document’s front page. Ludwik would see it upon arrival, learning to time
his approach and navigate the talks to secure the land.
On the day of the bid, Whitney left Tiana’s apartment for United Realty Corporation with the confidential document, planning to
bow out due to a health issue..

But then, her uncle’s call came. However, the voice on the other side was not Keegan’s but his assistant’s, sounding anxious.
“Ms. Valentine, Mr. Tennyson is in bad shape; his leg pain is severe, and he’s convulsing. I want to take him to the hospital, but
he’s resistant and agitated. He mentioned you have a way, urging me to
get you.”
Her uncle had indeed felt relief from her acupuncture before.
She glanced at the time; it was still morning, with Ludwik set to leave at three in the afternoon.
“Calm Uncle down. I’m on my way,” she instructed her driver to detour to Northbound Residences.
Upon entering her uncle’s home, Whitney found it in disarray, clearly a result of his pain.
The assistant sighed. “He always reacts like this to phantom limb pain when he’s abroad.”
Her eyes moistened at the sight of her suffering uncle.
She quickly retrieved her acupuncture kit and reassured him, “Lie down, relax, and after I ice the area, I’ll start.”
The assistant offered to hold her bag, but she declined, knowing the bidding document was inside.

Keegan’s gaze landed on the bag and then her face, inquiring about the hotel project.
She hesitated before lying, “I’m sorry, Uncle. Ludwik didn’t involve me in the project, and I couldn’t win it over.”
Keegan’s look turned cold, disappointment heavy in his eyes.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Seeing her uncle not press the issue, Whitney heaved a sigh of relief inside. Then, she began the acupuncture treatment,
inserting the needles and massaging some spots. However, her uncle’s pain was stubborn this time, and she grew tired amid the
The room quieted as Keegan fell asleep, and Whitney, exhausted, closed her eyes in the chair.
A ringing phone woke her. It was already two in the afternoon–Ludwik’s departure time!
Whitney glanced at her phone and stiffened when she saw Felix’s name flash across the screen. She quickly stood up and
slipped out of the apartment to answer the call.
“Madam, why haven’t you come to the office? The bid proposal is still with you, and we need to get going.” Felix’s voice was
tinged with urgency.
Whitney glanced back at the apartment, finding the perfect excuse, “My uncle is sick. I can’t leave him. Tell him I’m sorry, but I
won’t be able to join him for the trip. Plus, Braxton is a stickler for propriety. He values the character of the younger generation. It
wouldn’t look right for him to have a female secretary or a vice president tagging along. He’ll understand.”
After settling on a meeting point, Whitney hurriedly hailed a cab and rushed to meet Felix, who had just parked. She opened her
bag and handed over the white–covered bid proposal.
Felix sighed before saying, “Boss is furious that you bailed at the last minute; he didn’t have time to chase you down because of
the meeting. He’s hell–bent on winning this property deal, and Braxton respects his capabilities, But with the proposal you put
together, we’re bound to succeed! Just prepare for the boss’s return, maybe throw him a welcome back dinner, patch things up,
Whitney’s eyes were distant, lost in thought.
Chapter 148
What could she possibly offer Ludwik? Reconciliation was out of the question, and not attending the bid was the best she could
do for now.
She watched Felix’s car drive away, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. With such a major project and her absence, her uncle
could not interfere.

Whitney had not heard of her uncle having connections back home, but the man who had come for the contract that day?
She focused her thoughts, trying to piece together who he might be.
Was he really her uncle’s business partner?
At this moment, her phone started ringing again.