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Love at First Night (Frank and Judith)

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

It had to be said that the reason why Frank’s company could rise in three years and become the biggest

listed company in Mayfield lied in that he had attached great importance to every producing procedure

and all his workers.

The efficiency of the company was very high. Therefore, working there was a big relief for Judith. After

checking the colors, Judith used her phone to take a picture of the color plates. This was for later

confirmation. Seeing this, Myla realized that Judith was meticulous. Yet Judith did this not only for being

meticulous but also for not to be framed. She had been framed by others many times after coming to

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work in the company. She had already learned her lessons. And she was a quick learner in this aspect

for she had been cautious since she was a child, and it was not a bad thing. Judith seldom cared about

others’ criticism for she knew what she wanted, and it took courage and decisiveness. She believed that

actions and perseverance were more useful than complaints and grievances. She had already realized

that fashion design was the passion of her life. At five o’clock, Judith got off work on time. She walked

out of the office with Myla, only to meet Edwin. He came over to Judith with one hand in his trouser

pocket. He had a handsome face and thick black brows. He looked at Judith with an elegant smile, “Ms.

White, Mr. Taylor wants you to go to his office.” He said slowly with his low voice, which was a little

hoarse. When Myla heard this, a trace of jealousy flashed across her eyes. Myla knew that it was after

work time, so Frank must ask Judith to his office for private issues rather than business stuff.

Judith glanced at Edwin, thinking about the purpose of Frank. Judith nodded with a smile as a reply.

Then she walked gracefully to Frank’s office with her 8cm high heels while Myla was watching with


Judith knocked on the door. “Come in!” Frank’s voice was calm. Yet it made Judith feel uneasy. She took

a deep breath, pushed the door open, and walked in calmly. Frank was concentrating on writing. His

serious expression made him look more charming. His movements were very elegant. The sunlight that

came in through the French window cast a faint golden light over him, making him look as mysterious as

a deity. He slightly lowered his head, showing the line of his statue-like handsome face. The nicely-

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carved frame added more unspeakable coldness in him, yet it still made people want to approach him. It

seemed that Frank had felt Judith’s gaze, he suddenly raised his head and caught Judith’s startling eyes,

and Judith had no time to move her eyes away. Then Frank’s lips gradually widened. He smiled, and his

voice was filled with a rare gentleness. “Oh, Judy, please be seated!” Judith was slightly annoyed by him

because she didn’t want him to call her nickname. They were not so family, and she didn’t like him calling

her so intimately in the company. She didn’t know why he call her so. But Frank ignored her annoyance

and swore in his heart. “If you are really Jodie, then you belong to me. No one can take you away from

me,” Frank vowed to himself,

Judith had already stolen his heart during the several days they spent together. Judith did not say

anything. She walked to sit on the leather sofa, quietly waiting for Frank to finish his work. Frank glanced

at her out of the corner of his eye, smiled, and wrote faster. Five minutes later, Frank elegantly closed the

document. He looked up at Judith with a smile. He saw her sitting on the sofa quietly and obediently. The

coldness in her was nowhere to be seen now, instead, she looked peaceful.