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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 506
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Chapter 506

Before Leanna left for work, she told Aidan that he did not need to follow her since she would call him

when everything was wrapped up at work and if nothing happened.

Aidan walked her to the elevator, kissing her on the cheek when she let her guard down. "Do be careful

on your way there. Send a message when you arrive."

"Yes, yes. You can go back now."

Closing the door of the elevator, Leanna also waved to him.

After she left, Aidan turned around and knocked on his neighbor's door.

A short while passed before the door was opened.

Naomi asked, "Did Leanna leave?"

He nodded. "She went to work."

Walking to the crib, he saw the baby inside playing with a toy while making gurgling sounds.

Aidan looked at him for a while and suddenly asked, "Did he grow fatter?"

This little rascal has only been born for a while, yet he's much bigger now. I think his face has doubled

in size.

Tidying up the room, she said, "Babies grow the fastest. It's just that this particular one was born

premature and has been sick for this period, so his growth was a bit slower. Now that he's cured, it's

normal to be fatter. Look at how soft and fair he is. His eyebrows look like Leanna's."

Frowning, he commented, "He's much uglier than she is."

This made Naomi retort, "Who talks about their own son like that? Although babies can't understand

you, they are quite petty and vengeful."

"I don't think he'll be as petty as Leanna."

Ignoring him, Naomi left the room.

Standing by the crib, he reached out and poked the baby's face.

Grunting, the little tyke seemed to be unhappy, as he waved his little hands around, wanting to chase

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Aidan away.

Indeed, he's quite petty.

A snort came from Aidan. "Hmph."

After a while, Naomi walked up to him. "The baby's condition is stabilized now. Are you still not

planning on telling Leanna?"

Aidan responded, "It's not that I don't want to."

Rather, he had been deceiving Leanna for so long that he did not know how to break it to her. He was

also well aware if she came to know the truth, she would be beyond livid.

If worse came to worst, she might not forgive him for the rest of her life.

After arriving at the office, Leanna saw that her employees were elated to see her come back, as they

bombarded her with questions.

Chatting for a while, Leanna took a look around and asked, "Where's Zoe?"

"Zoe said that she was feeling unwell this morning, so she's resting in your office right now."

"I'll go take a look."

Leanna opened the office door only to see Zoe curled up on the couch with a pale face, looking like she

was in great discomfort.

Walking over, Leanna asked, "What's wrong, Zoe?"

Zoe replied weakly, "I'm not sure either. I have been wanting to puke since a few days ago. I don't have

any appetite either, as the mere smell of fried foods would make me want to throw up."

At this, Leanna froze for a second.

Sitting down beside Zoe, she touched her forehead before touching her own. "You don't have a fever."

Zoe nodded slowly. "I think I might have caught the flu. I took medicine last night. I'll have some again


After a brief silence, Leanna asked, "When was your last menstrual period?"

Zoe thought about it, but she could not remember. "I think it was last month. The flu might have pushed

back my period for this month."

Tugging on her, Leanna stated, "Let's go to the hospital and have a diagnosis."

"There's no need for that. I normally become like this when I catch the flu. I'll be better in a few days."

"It might not be the flu." Although Leanna was just guessing this and could not be sure either. "Let the

doctor have a look. If you do have the flu, then you recover faster on the doctor's medication."

By this point, Zoe had had it with the nonstop suffering, and she had not been eating for two days, so

she followed Leanna.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Leanna had Zoe sit down and wait for her while she went to get

Zoe registered.

After the registration, Leanna came back to help Zoe up. "Let's go."

Yet, Zoe realized the entrance to the doctor's office read 'gynecologist', making her wide-eyed. "Did you

bring me to the wrong room?"

Leanna replied, "Just in case. Just go in and check."

Laughing dryly, Zoe said, "Isn't this going too far for a joke? I haven't even had sex…."

She stopped in the middle of the sentence. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! When I did it with Daniel last time, we didn't

take any safety precautions, but I did take the birth control pill after. I don't think I'm that 'lucky', right?

Leanna consoled her. "No matter what, I think you should check it out. If the result is negative, then it'll

be a relief. If it is…"

After a pause, she breathed in and said, "We'll see."

Zoe walked in, feeling as if she was not in control of her body, for she had no idea what the doctor

asked her, even though she answered all of them.

Leanna accompanied her throughout the whole checkup while Zoe's thoughts drifted away.

In the end, when the result came out, it showed that she had been pregnant for thirty days then,

causing her to nearly faint on the spot. Even lottery ticket buyers aren't that lucky! Besides, it was only

that one time! I had taken a birth control pill after too!

Returning to the doctor's office, Zoe almost stated without hesitation, "I don't want the child."

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The doctor looked at her before checking the results. "Just think about it for now. It's best if the

operation takes place between the forty-fifth and sixtieth day of pregnancy. You can come half a month


Feeling as if her world was crumbling, Zoe asked, "Can't it be… now?"

This prompted the doctor to say, "If you do it at the opportune time, your womb won't go through any

complications or suffer from uterine perforations. Since you're still so young, you'll want to have

offspring in the future, so I would advise that the health of your body comes first."


Leanna put her hand on Zoe's shoulder, stating gently, "Zoe, just listen to the doctor."

Hanging her head low, Zoe stopped talking.

Just as they exited the hospital, she felt as if she was going to puke again.

Leanna bought water for her and asked, "Will you tell this to Daniel?"

"I think I won't." Zoe's face had somehow become even paler. "It was an accident, after all. We did it

under mutual consent. Who would've thought anything would come of it? Besides, he's not one to settle

down. So what if I told him about my pregnancy? Will I force him to marry me? He might think that I

planned everything."

Leanna comforted her. "Just be more open-minded. After all, not everybody is like Aidan."

Zoe stayed silent. Sigh.

On the way back to the office, Leanna suggested, "I think I'll just send you back home. Rest up for


In no mood whatsoever to work, Zoe nodded before looking out the car window.

After sending Zoe back home, Leanna went to the supermarket to buy supplements for pregnant

women, fruits, and vegetables. Passing by the pharmacy, she hesitated for a while, yet she still bought

a bottle of folic acid in the end.

She returned to Zoe's home and put everything in the fridge. "I think I'll be quite busy in this period, so I

don't think I'll be able to come to visit you often. If you've finished eating all the food, just tell me. Don't

order delivery food either. I'll tell Alice to come later to cook dinner for you."