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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107

Downstairs at the hotel.

Julie and Elliot had been chatting for a while. She thought that Kieran wouldn’t waste his time waiting

for her, given his character. But the reality was, as soon as she stepped out of the hotel, the headlights

of the luxurious Spyker CB parked at the entrance lit up.

The lights shone on Julie’s face, forcing her to look in that direction. The passenger door was opened

from the inside by Kieran. Julie noticed that Karl and Austin weren’t in the car, instead, Kieran was

sitting in the drivers seat

“Get in “The lights were turned off, and Kieran’s voice came from inside the car.

While Julie was still in a daze, Kieran spoke again, “At this time, there are no buses to Noblewood

Retreat. Get in. You can save about sixteen bucks on cab fare”

Julie was still motionless. She was considering whether to get in the car to save those sixteen dollars

when suddenly, music started playing from inside

the car.

1 can see through his heart / And the shadow of others lingering / My memories of him/Have not been

wiped clean enough / I can see through his heart

It’s his and her movie/He doesnt love me / Despite that / He still stole my heart…

This was Julie’s ringtone. She had been using this phone for almost six years. She set this ringtone

when she moved out of Noblewood Retreat. Over the years, she had gotten used to it. But Julie never

knew that this song was so long. Suddenly, the phone flew from the car towards Julie. In a panic, Julie

barely managed to catch the phone.

The name Ivan was displayed on the lit-up phone screen

Julie glanced at Kieran before answering the call. A voice full of hurt came from the other end of the

phone. “Mama Julie, don’t you want me anymore?”

Ivan was a very insecure child, which was evident from his tone. Although Julie hadn’t known him for

long, she already considered him her own son.

So when she heard his voice full of grievance, Julie’s heart immediately softened. I’m on my way


“Are you with Kerry?” Ivan’s excited voice came from the other end.

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Julie glanced at the man lighting a cigarette in the car and replied, “Uh-huh

“Can you ask Kerry to buy me a mousse cake?”

Hearing Ivans somewhat expectant voice. Julie finally agreed, “Okay”

After hanging up the phone, Julie still ended up getting into Kierans car. She closed the door and

buckled her seatbelt, but the car didn’t start. “Ivan wants you to bring him a mousse cake when you get


“Hmm.” The mar’s deep voice came The cigarette was held between his fingers. His slender fingers

holding the white cigarette, a sight so beautiful it was unforgettable.

However, he didnt light the cigarette. He held that position for a while before turning to look at Julie.

“You know smoking is bad for your health, right?”

Julie, who was pretending to look out the window, turned her head, confusedly looking at Kieran. He

suddenly reached out, grabbed her hand, and stuck the cigarette in it. “If you see me smoking,

remember to stop me, or you’ll end up inhaling secondhand smoke.”

Julie had never heard such a nonsensical request before.

She suddenly remembered that when Kieran’s brother died in a plane crash, the Hernandez family’s

business was facing bankruptcy, and all the debt and pressure fell on Kieran. It seemed that he started

smoking then. At that time, she and Kieran had just been married for a short time.

She watched as all the burdens fell on him, but she couldn’t help at all. Before his smoking habit got

worse, he would sometimes start coughing as soon as he lit a cigarette, and Julie eventually couldn’t

help but snatch the cigarette from his hand.

At that time, Kieran would just silently take out another cigarette and light it. Julie would snatch one,

and he would light another.

After ten minutes of this, Julie gave up. At least, Kieran thought she had.

The next day, Kieran announced the company’s bankruptcy and came home very late. Usually, Julie

would already be asleep by this time.

Every night, she would leave only one light on for him, but that night, the entire villa was brightly lit.

When he pushed open the door of the villa, he saw Julie sitting on the sofa, weating a red silk robe, her

long legs exposed. She was holding a glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

Several boxes of cigarettes sat on the table, and many cigarette butts accumulated in the ashtray Julie

seemed to be surrounded by smoke. Obviously, she didn’t know how to smoke, so she was coughing

badly as she inhaled.

Infuriated, Kieran walked up and snatched the cigarette from Julie’s hand. But she just looked at him

with a soft expression and said, “If you don’t quit smoking, I’ll smoke with you. When you want to quit. Il

quit with you. This way, whatever you do, I can be with you. You still have me. Whatever you do, you

have me

That night, Julie cried in his arms. She made many promises to him, confessing things she usually

didn’t dare to say. It was also that night when Kieran said softly into her ear, Joyce, let’s have a baby…

From that night on, Kieran picked himself up and established Simpo Co. From then on, Julie never saw

Kieran smoke again. She couldn’t imagine how Kieran managed to revive Simpo Co. In just one year

with very limited resources, but she knew that for 364 days out of that year, he was out early and

back home late.

Later, the company stabilized, and she got pregnant, but then Bertha showed up heavily pregnant…

Memories hit Julie like a dust storm. Feeling annoyed, she reached out to grab the lighter that Kieran

had placed next to her.

Apparently predicting that she was about to light the cigarette, Kieran threatened her, “If you smoke, I

will punish you. You can try mel”

Knowing full well that Kieran was not joking, Julie still angrily lit the cigarette.

“You’re really pushing it now.” Kieran started the car. Instead of wrestling the cigarette from Julie’s

hand, he kept his eyes on the road and proposed, “Give it a try”

“Stop the car'” Julie choked on the smoke, coughing a couple of times.

Kieran obediently pulled over. Julie opened the door, stubbed out her cigarette, and tossed it into a

trash bin before getting back into the car. Take a right at the next intersection, there’s a cake shop.”

Well, she wouldn’t smoke then. It wasn’t that she lacked backbone. She just didn’t want to quarrel with

him. After all, that’s how Julie comforted herself.

A smirk tugged at the corners of Kieran’s mouth.

“Now, I want to discuss our contract. Don’t interrupt me!” Julie turned to face Kieran, all serious

Kieran kept quiet and continued driving

Julie finally had the chance to spill what she’d been bottling up all afternoon. She stared at Kieran. “If

I’m not mistaken, the contract states that as long


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Before she could get to the point, Julie’s stomach suddenly rumbled. The sound was too loud to ignore,

especially in the confined space of the car. Julie

was stunned

Kieran had initially planned to take her out for a feast, but at the banquet, she didn’t even have time for

a sip of water. She skipped breakfast because of a spat with Kieran and was too busy at court to grab

lunch. As soon as the court verdict was out, she rushed to find Kieran… Only then, did she realize she

had been starving the whole day

In fact, Kieran hadn’t planned to interrupt Julie, but it seemed like fate had other ideas.

Kieran gave Julie an amused look and asked, “Between filling your belly and discussing the contract,

which do you choose?”

This time, Julie was resolute She’d been hungry all day, what’s a little longer? So she replied without

hesitation, “The contract!”

Once Julie made up her mind, she was immovable. So Kieran obliged and told her, “Everything will be

done according to the contract. Whatever is written in it, that’s how we’ll proceed”

If I’m not mistaken, it’s clearly stated in the contract that once your case with Creative Nexus Media is

over, I dont need to work at your company anymore, right? The contract automatically becomes invalid,

right?” Julie had meticulously reviewed the contract after being frustrated over the penalty


Seeing the fired-up Julie, Kieran nodded, “Yes. You don’t need to show up at the office tomorrow.”

“So the contract should be voided, right? Should we terminate it in person?” Julie pressed on.

Kieran nodded again, then added, “But the contract isn’t with me right now. If you’d like, we can discuss

this in my office tomorrow. If not, I can bring the contract home tomorrow night.”

Julie felt like she couldnt waste any more time,


“After Ivan goes to school tomorrow, I’ll go to your office.” Julie stared at Kieran until he gave a nod,

then she finally let out a sigh of relief.

“Take a right up ahead, Julie casually asked while giving directions, “Where’s Karl? Why didn’t he come

to pick you up?”

The car screeched to a halt. Julie was taken aback.

Kieran furrowed his brows, turned to her, and said, “Should I do something to you here so you’ll forever

remember not to think about other men in my car?”