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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 444
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Chapter 444

If this wos just on individuol order, then the person who incited Lee Yonnon to do this must olso know Qin Muchen.

Wos it onimosity or resentment?

Both were possible.

He'd stoyed in Europe for so mony yeors ond must've offended mony people.

And he'd been condemning the business world for so mony yeors. He never thought thot o doy like this would come

where he wos tropped in the honds of on escoped convict in o poor villoge, deep in the hills.

He colled the police to copture Lee Yonnon to see if there'd be onyone who would releose Lee Yonnon. If there wos,

he could investigote ond follow the vine to get to the melon.

If there wosn't, then it meont thot they'd given up on Lee Yonnon. So even if Qin Muchen wonted to stort

investigoting Lee Yonnon, he wouldn't get ony meoningful leods.

The scope wos shrinking, ond there wos no longer ony uncertointy.

Gricy hod olreody storted to reoch out to Country Z. He even suspected thot Gong Shuzhe's sudden deoth wos

reloted to those in Gricy.

Boi Jingshu left Cloud Boy, then remembered thot he didn't know where Mo Xiyi lived.

Becouse he usuolly hod nothing urgent thot he needed to look for Mo Xiyi.

He colled Mo Xiyi while he wos driving.

For someone who hod no other hobbies other thon medicol reseorch, it wosn't unusuol thot he wosn't picking up.

He might even be conducting reseorch ot this moment.

Mo Xiyi finolly picked up on the tenth time Boi Jingshu tried to coll him.

"Mr. Boi?"

He wos o little unfomilior with Boi Jingshu, becouse someone like him didn't hove mony ideos obout friendship.

"Mo Xiyi, where's your reseorch loborotory? I need to speok with you." Boi Jingshu didn't bother beoting oround the

bush ond went stroight to the point. His tone wos o little onxious.

Mo Xiyi could heor the onxiety in his voice ond told him the oddress. "It's in the west of the city, in the oreo of

Forview Villo. I'll send you my locotion. You con coll me ogoin if you con't find it."

He hung up ofter he spoke os if soying onymore wos wosting his time.

Boi Jingshu put down his cell phone with on onnoyed foce.

He knew the Forview Villo oreo. It wos on oreo with some older villos thot were built in the lost century, in the

nineties. It wosn't in exceptionol condition, but the overoll design wos pretty good.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He received Mo Xiyi's exoct locotion shortly.

Following the oddress he received, he reoched Mo Xiyi's villo not long ofter.

If this was just an individual order, then the person who incited Lee Yannan to do this must also know Qin Muchen.

Was it animosity or resentment?

Both were possible.

He'd stayed in Europe for so many years and must've offended many people.

And he'd been condemning the business world for so many years. He never thought that a day like this would come

where he was trapped in the hands of an escaped convict in a poor village, deep in the hills.

He called the police to capture Lee Yannan to see if there'd be anyone who would release Lee Yannan. If there was,

he could investigate and follow the vine to get to the melon.

If there wasn't, then it meant that they'd given up on Lee Yannan. So even if Qin Muchen wanted to start

investigating Lee Yannan, he wouldn't get any meaningful leads.

The scope was shrinking, and there was no longer any uncertainty.

Gricy had already started to reach out to Country Z. He even suspected that Gong Shuzhe's sudden death was

related to those in Gricy.

Bai Jingshu left Cloud Bay, then remembered that he didn't know where Mo Xiyi lived.

Because he usually had nothing urgent that he needed to look for Mo Xiyi.

He called Mo Xiyi while he was driving.

For someone who had no other hobbies other than medical research, it wasn't unusual that he wasn't picking up.

He might even be conducting research at this moment.

Mo Xiyi finally picked up on the tenth time Bai Jingshu tried to call him.

"Mr. Bai?"

He was a little unfamiliar with Bai Jingshu, because someone like him didn't have many ideas about friendship.

"Mo Xiyi, where's your research laboratory? I need to speak with you." Bai Jingshu didn't bother beating around the

bush and went straight to the point. His tone was a little anxious.

Mo Xiyi could hear the anxiety in his voice and told him the address. "It's in the west of the city, in the area of

Farview Villa. I'll send you my location. You can call me again if you can't find it."

He hung up after he spoke as if saying anymore was wasting his time.

Bai Jingshu put down his cell phone with an annoyed face.

He knew the Farview Villa area. It was an area with some older villas that were built in the last century, in the

nineties. It wasn't in exceptional condition, but the overall design was pretty good.

He received Mo Xiyi's exact location shortly.

Following the address he received, he reached Mo Xiyi's villa not long after.

He thought once he reached the entrance of the villa, he'd have to call Mo Xiyi for another half hour before Mo Xiyi

would pick up and open the door for him.

But once he got out of the car, he saw that Mo Xiyi was already waiting for him at the door.

It was currently summer. A wave of hot air welcomed him as soon as he got out of the car. Bai Jingshu wrinkled his

brow fiercely and walked toward Mo Xiyi.

Because Mo Xiyi was obsessed with cleanliness, so he liked to wear white shirts. He'd been standing here for a

while, but there wasn't a single drop of sweat on his forehead. His face was calm as if he couldn't feel the heat.

Bai Jingshu was displeased.

He used his hand to wipe his forehead, and it felt slightly damp.

Bai Jingshu asked him, "Why aren't you sweating just by standing here?"

Mo Xiyi didn't have any questions. His voice was clear and cool. "A calm heart keeps you cool."

Hearing that, Bai Jingshu snorted in a displeased manner.

It would be strange if he could calm down now.

He didn't say a word and followed Mo Xiyi. When he looked down, he could see that the distance between Mo Xiyi's

footsteps were exactly the same. He couldn't help but taunt Mo Xiyi silently. Mo Xiyi was still so fussy.

When they went into the living room, Mo Xiyi poured Bai Jingshu a cup of water. "Drink this."

Bai Jingshu was speechless once he touched the cup and realized it was boiled water. Who would still drink boiled

water on a hot summer day?

If it was any other time, he definitely would've ridiculed Mo Xiyi, but since he came to talk to Mo Xiyi about very

important things today, he didn't have the mood to think about all that.

"I need to talk to you about something. Tell me, what's up with Qin Muchen's health?" Bai Jingshu was never

ambiguous when it came to important things and went straight to the point.

Mainly because he understood Mo Xiyi's personality.

If he beat around the bush with Mo Xiyi, Mo Xiyi definitely wouldn't be able to understand.

Mo Xiyi picked up his own cup of water and took a sip before speaking. "I knew that you were looking for me for this

reason when you called. That's why I was waiting outside for you."

Bai Jingshu's heart went cold after hearing Mo Xiyi say that.

"What's up with him?" Bai Jingshu's voice was a little unsteady.

He'd always thought that Mo Xiyi had a solemn and stiff face and was more frightening than Qin Muchen. But now,

he was truly frightened by Mo Xiyi.

He thought once he reached the entrance of the villa, he'd have to call Mo Xiyi for another half hour before Mo Xiyi

would pick up and open the door for him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Mo Xiyi said indifferently, "He won't let me tell you."

He didn't agree with what Qin Muchen was doing from the start, which was why he said such misleading things to

Bai Jingshu.

Qin Muchen was in bad shape at the moment, but it wasn't irreversible either.

Mo Xiyi thought that as long as Qin Muchen was still alive, he could definitely find a way. But after multiple failed

experiments, he was slightly frenzied.

Hearing what he said, Bai Jingshu rolled his eyes. "You've already talked about it, so just tell me the whole truth."

"Ask Mr. Qin yourself. It's better for him to tell you personally." Mo Xiyi shook his head.

Mo Xiyi didn't say anything, but it could also be said that Mo Xiyi had actually said everything.

He didn't deny it, which also meant that he actually confirmed it.

Bai Jingshu understood what Mo Xiyi meant. It was like Mo Xiyi didn't plan on helping Qin Muchen hide the truth any


"I understand," Bai Jingshu said solemnly and got up to leave.

Before leaving, he picked up the cup of boiled water that Mo Xiyi poured for him and took a sip as a sign of


As soon as he left the villa, he called Qin Muchen.

The call didn't go through. He hung up, then called Su Ziyue.

Su Ziyue picked up quickly.

"Bai Jingshu, did you get to the bottom of it?"

Bai Jingshu answered truthfully, "No."

A trace of disappointment flashed across Su Ziyue's face. She'd actually guessed that this would be the result.

But in the next moment, she heard Bai Jingshu say, "Mo Xiyi told us to ask Qin Muchen."

"This means that there's something up with Qin Muchen's health?" The hidden meaning in what Bai Jingshu said was


"Mm. I'm going back to the office. You can decide."

Bai Jingshu hung up. He was feeling a little apprehensive.

It can't be a terminal disease, right?


Qin Muchen lived such an abundant life. A few years ago, he'd been all over the world and met with terrorist

attacks and murderers... He had all sorts of encounters, but he was fine!

Although that was what he told himself, he still felt distraught and anxious.

At this time, his cell phone rang again.

He picked up without looking at the caller ID. "Hello? Say what you need to say."

A deep and resounding man's voice rang from the other side. "Jingshu!"