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Mated to the Alpha Twins

Chapter 55
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Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 55 - Alec and Kade both accompaniedto Garrett's

house the next day. When one had to leave, the other would keep an eye on me. Neither wantedout of their

sight with everything that was going on. There were still two more rogues who knew what | was, that | was a

white wolf. I had all morning to brace myself for what | might face at Garrett's house, and the inevitable

conversation | would endure.

“How would you feel about meeting our Beta’s after we grab your stuff?” Alec asked from the backseat, leaning

forward to flasha dazzling smile.

“Beta’s?” | asked. | knew enough about wolves and their ranking to know that a Beta was second in command,

though | was surprised they had two.

“Two Alpha’s, two Beta’s.” Kade shrugged, giving my hand a gentle squeeze as he drove down the road.

Though the strange bond that lettaste Alec and Kade’s emotions, | could tell Alec was excited about the

prospect ofmeeting their Beta’s. Perhaps it was because that meant | was one step closer to becoming their

Luna, or because | was finally willing to step into their world.

“Oh, sure.” | nodded, “I wouldn't mind.”

“They'll be your second in command someday too.” Alec smiled, a strand of his dark hair falling down his


“When would that be?” | asked, “I mean—I accept you two as my mates, but when would | actually become


“There will be a ceremony. Nothing too crazy, but Mom and Dad will definitely make a big deal out of it.” Alec

chuckled; his raspy laugh sent a chill down my spine. “You'll cut your palm, and Kade and | will do the same.

Once our blood mixes, you'll officially be brought into the pack—and will know the insufferable joy of the mind-


“Mind-link?” | asked, my eyes flickering between the two of them as | registered the irritation in his voice.

“Everyone in our pack has a direct line to our thoughts.” Kade explained, “It's like having a cell-phone in your

head, one you can never silence or shut off.”

“Oh.” | trailed off, my stomach twisting at the thought of an entire pack relying on me. “That sounds—


“It's not as bad as it sounds.” Alec chuckled, “It can be rather annoying, but it's a quick way to get in contact

with us. Especially useful in emergencies. As our mate, you'd have a direct line to the two of us.”

“Oh, I see.” | nodded, “Kind of like how | can feel your emotions.”

The two of them went rasilent, and | grimaced as unease and surprise ran through the two of them. Judging

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from their emotions, this wasn’t a normality between mated werewolves. | wanted to laugh at the two of them.

So, having a direct link between each other's thoughts was normal, but not sensing each other's emotions.

“You can feel our emotions?” Alec asked, “How long has this been happening?”

“I think it started when | accepted the two of you as my mates.” | frowned, “Is that not normal?”

“Not for normal wolves, no.” Kade shook his head.

“It could be a factor of her being a white wolf.” Alec shrugged, flashinga wicked grin that filled my head with

all sorts of thoughts. His smile was one of promise, one of carnal desire so strong my toes curled. “So, you can

feel all of our emotions?”

The wave of desire that hitwas strong enough to makeflinch. My legs clenched together on their own,

and | huffed as Alec let out a deep laugh.

“Yes.” | cleared my throat, turning my head as the heat rushed to my cheeks. “I can feel them all.”

“It'll be so much easier to get you all worked up.” Kade chuckled.

“She’s always been easy to get worked up.” Alec smirked, “Even before she could feel our emotions.”

“Such a responsive mate.” Kade winked, and | groaned under the collective desire that radiated from the two of


“If the two of you getall worked up, I’m not going to Garretts.” | grumbled, giving them both a half-hearted


“Not to worry, Doll.” Alec grinned, “We have all day.”

“I'm beginning to not like this whole white wolf thing.” | sighed.

Their desire quickly turned to concern, with just a sprinkling of worry. I couldn't pinpoint if they were worried

about me, or if they were worried, I'd decide this was too much and leave again. Either way, | flashed the two of

them a reassuring smile.

“As much as I'd like to reassure you, this is only the beginning.” Kade shook his head, “We don’t know much

about white wolves, but what we do know is that every tone appears, something big is happening. They're

also all extremely powerful.”

“The keepers of magic.” Alec chuckled dryly, continuing when | flashed him a confused look. “That’s what our

Grandpa used to say, that white wolves were the keepers of magic.”

I wanted to whine, to claim how | never wanted to be a keeper of magic, but I had changed since | left.

Complaining would do nothing to change my situation. Just as many people were born human, | was born a

werewolf. There was no changing what and who | was. After accepting my mates and my place in this new world,

I could feel how much I was born for this role-to be their Luna, their moon and stars. If keeping Alec and Kade

meant accepting this huge destiny, then | would accept with a smile on my face.

“Do you think you two could dig up smore information on white wolves?” | asked, fighting to keep the

excitement from my voice.

“We can definitely try.” Alec nodded, “We'll have to be careful. The last thing we need is drawing any attention.”

“What am | supposed to do until then?” | frowned, “Thalia’s been itching for another run.”

“We'll figure that out.” Kade replied, “We'll take you somewhere safe to shift, and one of us will be there at all


Feeling content with the outcof our conversation, | watched the tree’s as they passed us by. A familiar ache

settled in my stomach as we pulled into Garrett's driveway. | looked up at the house that had briefly been my

home, noting how empty and solemn it felt. Garrett's house felt nothing like Alec and Kade’s. It was devoid of all

warmth and familiarity. People lived inside the house, but they were not a family.

Kade knocked on the front door whilst Alec’s hand intertwined in my own. Garrett answered the door, surprise

flashing in his eyes before he glared at Alec and Kade.

“Cinside.” Garrett nodded, “Hello, Aurora.”

“Garrett.” | mumbled, giving him a curt nod.

| stood in the living room somewhat awkwardly, watching as the three of them glared daggers at one another.

The hostility and dislike radiating from Alec and Kade was etched deep, and | wondered what had happened

between the three of them. Their hatred for Garrett spanned much farther than him being my father. He had

slighted them in sway, and | promised myself | would soon ask.

“I'll be right back.” I placed a gentle hand on Kade'’s stiff shoulder, smiling as his posture relaxed. He flashed me

a small smile, one that twitched at the corners of his lips. “I don’t have much stuff. Giveten minutes.”

| trotted upstairs, feeling three sets of eyes burning into my back. | found my old bedroom, noting how

everything had pretty much remained in place since | had left. The bed was a wreck, as though someone had

torn the blankets off in a blind rage, but everything else was in place. | noted how the phone Tori had given me

was no longer in the bedroom, and wondered if Alec or Kade had picked it up.

I slipped sof the clothes I left behind in a duffel bag the twins had given me, gathering the little odds and

ends | left behind. | had brought along all of my most important things when | left, but there were sthings |

had left behind.

“Aurora?” A soft voice called out, makingjump. Kady stood in the doorway to the bedroom, her eyes

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flickering down the hall before running over my face. “Could we talk for a minute?”

| shifted uncomfortably, but nodded. Kady closed the door behind her, and | swallowed as it shut with an audible

‘click’. Kady had been essential to my leaving undetected, and had been quick to helponce she realized my

plans. Her eyes were soft, her blonde hair pulled back in a bun. She was nothing like when I first met her. Her

eyes lacked their usual burning fire, just as her posture lost its tenseness.

“What's up?” | asked awkwardly, clearing my throat as | zipped up the duffel bag.

“You cback, for Alec and Kade, right?” Kady asked, her voice unusually soft.

“I did.” I nodded slowly, waiting for the other shoe to drop. “I made a mistake leaving them.”

“Just as | made a mistake helping you leave.” Kady gavea small smile. “I know | was horrible to you from the

beginning, but you have to understand where | was coming from. | had been groomed my entire life to take over

the pack, just to have Dad rip it out from underonce he found you.”

While it didn’t excuse the way she treated me, somehow, | understood where she was coming from. Just like me,

she had been raised to believe one thing, only to have it taken from her. | knew deep in my heart, that there was

no replacement for an Alpha or Luna. You could only be born into the position, not trained or raised to become


“I do understand.” | nodded, pouring strength into my words. “It doesn’t excuse how you or your Mom acted, but

I do understand.”

“Unfortunately, my Mom's just a raging b***h.” Kady laughed, though the pain burning in her eyes was oddly

familiar. | had felt the severy tI looked at Melissa, every tshe used my desire for a Mom against me.

“Garrett isn’t too bad, but I still wouldn't trust him.”

“I don't trust either of them.” | admitted, “I don’t like being used, and so far, Garrett has done nothing but use


“Dad likes control, complete control.” Kady shifted uneasily, her voice dropping low. “I know you don’t know

much about this world, but no one can overthrow an Alpha or Luna. The only way they forfeit the position is by

d**#*g. If you died, the pack would go to your mates, and then their children.”

“Garrett can try, but | won't let him control me.” | shook my head, slinging the duffel bag over my shoulder.

“One last thing.” Kady called out as I turned to leave the room. Her eyes burned with unshed emotion, and for

once, | wished | could feel the emotions more than just Alec and Kade.

| turned at the sound of her voice, noting how it lowered to a hushed whisper.

“I know you don’t trust me, but when you becLuna, | don’t plan on being on your bad side. Use this bit of

information wisely. There's a reason you moved to town, and it wasn’t a new job opportunity for your Mom. Like |

said, Garrett likes control.”
