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Mated to the Alpha Twins

Chapter 91
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Read Mated to the Alpha Twins [by Jane Doe] Chapter 91 — “Take a deep breath, sweetheart.” Kade chuckled in my ear, but |

was not oblivious to the tension in his own emotions.

We were being escorted down to the second floor, where the meeting would take place. The entire floor was heavily guarded,

and was much wider and more open than the other floors.

“Do not speak unless you're called on.” A tan-skinned woman in a pencil skirt warned Kade and I. She walked effortlessly in her

heals, swaying her hips like a runway model. “If they wish for you to speak, they'll call on you. That's your chance. You can also

call as many witnesses as you please, so those you cwith are free to speak on your behalf.”

Kade and | had been debriefed as much as possible, but nothing could prepare us for what the outcmight be. Other than

Marcus Novak, we hadn't a clue what the other High Table members might want.

| adjusted the dress | wore and grimaced as the rigid material rubbed against my b**e leg. The heels | wore sent little clicks and

clacks echoing through the hallway. They were miserable to walk in, and horribly loud. My feet already ached, and we hadn't

even begun.

“These shoes are going to be the d***h of me, if the High Table doesn’t k**Ifirst.” | huffed under my breath, glancing at the

group of silent body guards that escorted us down the hall.

Kade’s arm was the only thing that keptfrom tumbling forward. | had never worn heels before, and though my legs looked

incredible, they were becoming a nuisance to walk in.

We entered through a set of wooden doors, which led into a huge room. It was much like what a court room would look like, only

with a few alterations.

The five High Table members sat at the head of the room, with guards placed comfortably on either side. Scattered throughout

the room were clusters of families, Alpha’s to other notable packs. Their personal insignia were emblazoned on a bronze plaque

that hung on their respective sections. The witnesses—I realized, there were so many. They openly talked with one another, and

even spoke across the narrow walkways that lead to the center of the room.

There was a box of my own at the center of the room, twenty feet away from the High Table members.

As our scent flooded the room, and people began to notice us, everyone fell silent. Kade's hand flattened against my back when

| sucked in a sharp breath. The emotions were lashing out at me, flashing through my mind and body at a rate that was

disorienting. My skin crawled from the multitude of emotions. There was a lot of fear and hatred, but there was also a lot of

curiosity. Curiosity could be a good thing.

Kade glanced down at me, conveying what he could with his eyes. We couldn't speak freely here, and this wasn't the tfor

public displays of affection.

| kept my face neutral, though | really wanted to scream. There were so many ugly emotions battering me, and | had to

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

constantly shove them back in order to focus.

“Now entering, Alpha Kade Maddox and his mate, Aurora.” A man who stood beside the main doors spoke loudly to the room. If

there had been anyone left talking, they were all silent now.

Kade and | were escorted over to our own personal section, practically at the center of the room. | felt all eyes on me, a

spectacle—an animal in the midst of other animals.

In our section sat Kade, his parents, Tori, Garrett and Julian. Each one met my eyes as Kade and | took our seats.

Silence engulfed the room, and Marcus Novak stood from his seat at the very head of the room.His navy suit matched his stormy

eyes perfectly, capturing the blue within their depths. He was beautiful in a smooth and shiny way, free of any blemish that might

reveal him as human. His son was much the sway. In fact, sitting towards the left-hand side, in a space of his own, was

Zayne Novak.

Marcus did not acknowledge his son as he stood and took the room's attention.

“It's been hundreds of years since we've had a gathering as large as this. There has not been a need for discussion this urgent in

so very long.” Marcus greeted the room, sweeping wide with his arm. “As it stands, the longevity of our species has been the

High Table’s priority. Our kind has been flourishing for the last fifty years, in ways we haven't before. No matter the results of

these meetings, we are here to protect our kind, and ensure its success.

His voice was rich and smooth, perfectly balance as it stretched to all corners of the room. Even his emotions were calm and

balanced, like perfectly smooth waters. There was nothing about this man that revealed a monster within.

There were murmurs throughout the room, and | found myself tuned into every emotion that fluttered my way. To the right of me

were a small group of people. In their own section, sat an Alpha and Luna. Both had a guard with them, but were watching the

spectacle with a calm expression. Their hair was golden, and their eyes a rich shade of caramel. They were both tanned, letting

| could feel the underlying tension within their emotions, the distaste whenever Marcus Novak spoke. It was a realization on my

part, that my abilities could be used in ways | had never anticipated. | made a note of them in my mind, perhaps they might be

persuaded into changing sides.

“Let the meeting commence.” Marcus commended, taking a seat once more.

“I call Philip Heald to the stand.” Brayton Cliff was the first to speak, much to my surprised.

He eyedfrom where he sat, his grey eyes calculating and interested. | was sure he could read the surprise on my face. |

hadn't a clue who Philip Heald was, much less what he had to do with me.

Philip Heald was many werewolf men looked like. Muscular and large, even with his greying hair and patchy beard. He emerged

from a section across the room, and began walking towards the middle. This stranger | had never met before stood at the center

of the room, addressing the High Table on a matter than involved my life. The pieces clicked together moments later when

Brayton Cliff began speaking again.

“You were witness to the rogue a****k that had taken place on April, 23rd. Correct?” He asked, leaning forward in his seat.

“Yes—I was witness to that a****k, fought in it myself. Wouldn't be here if | weren't worried about my Alpha’s. They're—they're

not like their father. This girl, she’s bringing spretty heavy stuff to my pack, stuff were not equipped for.” He grunted, clearing

his throat.

Kade stiffened from where he stood, and it tooka moment, but | recognized this man’s face. He was someone | had seen in

town a few times, usually emerging from the hardware store. He was always covered in grease, but | had never given him much


A sharp pain stung my chest at the thought of a pack member speaking against me, but | steeled myself. Kade was fuming, but |

knew he could keep it together for this meeting.

Feeling someone's emotions makes it hard to be angry, because | understand the reasoning behind those decisions. Philip was

concerned, worried for the twin’s he had watched grow up. No matter how much it hurt, he thought he was doing the right thing.

“Would you explain the details of that event? More specifically, when Ms. Aurora found herself in battle.” Brayton clarified, all but

ignoring what Philip had said.

“Yes—things were going to s**t, there were too many of em’. Biggest battle I've seen in my time, but that’s not saying much.

Alpha Alec was wounded, nothing serious. He would've recovered if she hadn't trounced onto the battle field. The girl nearly got

both our Alpha’s k****d. They were too worried about her to concentrate on the rogues.” He grunted, glancing over towards Kade.

He paled significantly, but still managed to turn and continue. “She got overwhelmed, used that power of hers. She started

howling, nearly split my ears. All them rogues started actin’ strange, fell to the ground like they were in pain. They were writhin’

and screamin’. Didn’t stop until she quit her howling and collapsed.”

“Mm, yes.” Brayton nodded thoughtfully. “That will be all, Mr. Heald. | would like Ms. Aurora to cto the stand.”

My heart dropped into my stomach, and | instinctively tensed beside Kade. Every instinct | had was tellingnot to stand at the

center of the room, that it was much too close to Marcus Novak and his son. It was tellingthat though they were the worst,

there were other monsters in this room.

Kade squeezed my hand, and | used his touch to force my limbs to move. | walked rather stiffly to the stand, trying not to shiver

when all of those eyes were placed on my shoulders.

Marcus Novak regardedwith interest, an almost familiar smile on his face. Desmond Deville smirked, and lookedup and

down like skind of frat-boy. Brayton Cliff had that calculating look on his face, as though he were mentally dissecting me.

Jaspar Fox had absolutely nothing on his face, no trace of interest or emotion. He was leaned back in his seat, clad in leather

pants and a vest. He was the most unconventional of the bunch. | could feel the hostility that radiated from Sebastian Sable.

Pure disgust and fury whenever he sneered my way.

“Ms. Aurora, can you confirm Philip Heald’s accounts of the rogue a****k on your mate’s pack?” Brayton Cliff asked in his smooth

voice, slicking back his wheat-colored hair. “Did you use your abilities to harm those rogues?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Philip Heald’s account of the battle was correct, and yes, | did use my abilities on the rogues.” | nodded firmly, forcing my voice

to remain steady. It was hard, speaking this loud without faltering, but | managed. | couldn't help but add this last bit, forcing a bit

of sweetness into my voice. “I could feel my mate’s pain, and | ran to defend. As I'm sure you can tell, their pack is mine, just as

much as my two are theirs.”

| left out the part where | had absolutely no clue what | was doing, and that the power had exploded fromwithout any rhyme

or reason. It had been pure luck and rage that directed my power onto the rogues.

“So, it seems she has ssemblance of control over her abilities, no matter how slim.” Brayton mused.

“It proves she can be taught, but to what extent?” Desmond Deville asked, surprisinga bit. “There is no one to teach the

young wolf.”

Desmond Deville was easily around thirty-five, and was currently the oldest unmated male. He was handsin a woodsy,

rugged way. There were slight lines on his face, but they only added to his looks. His hair was the color of rust, thick and full

on his head. His smile was one of sweet poison, expectant and alluring.

“Many white wolves cinto their abilities naturally. If she already has this shred of control, more will cin time.” Brayton

flashed Desmond a disapproving look and continued.

“Maybe it was a fluke.” Sebastian Sable cut in with an oily smile. If | could've guessed what a psychopath felt like, it would've

been this particular High Table member. Sebastian and Marcus were two sides of the scoin. Marcus was charm and smile;

Sebastian was blood and vengeance. “Maybe she has no idea what she’s doing. How can we trust her power won't just emerge


“Despite the understandable concerns of Alpha Sebastian, | do believe in the preservation of life and extraordinary

circumstances.” Marcus Novak chimed in, sounding as though he were actually on my side.

If I didn’t know how he was, | would've fully believed him. He seemed so genuine and sincere as he smiled down on me. “This

ability has not been seen in thousands of years, should we not discover what Ms. Aurora's purpose is in this world? How might

she better our species, and preserve our longevity?”

“You wish for her to work for the High Table?” Desmond Deville blinked in surprise, which soon morphed into a coy smile. “I

wouldn't particularly mind that. Her development would be under our supervision, as well as at our disposal.”

“I'm not stoy you can pass around. My power isn’t at everyone's disposal.” | blurted without absolutely any regard.

| could feel Kade’s surprise, but was shocked at the perverse joy that hid beneath. He was enjoying how | defended myself, how

I snarled at these self-absorbed men.

| wouldn't make myself small and docile for them.
