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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 44
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As soon as I got off the phone with Taylor, I knew that things were getting worse. It didn’t even sound like her on the phone
anymore. Not the woman that I know. So, things had to be getting a lot worse there and she wouldn’t tell me what the hell was
going on. I was more that concerned now. And I knew that I needed to get her out right now.
I was leaning against my car staring down at the ground trying to gather my thoughts when I finally looked up and my 300
warriors that I had with me and three fae’s that we had found were standing in front of me in a field.
“What happened?” Wyatt asked walking over to me. Everyone could see that something was wrong, but I wasn’t going to tell
them anything. I knew that they were listening in on the conversation, but again. I didn’t care.
“Let’s get in there, now. She’s in trouble.
“I declared to everyone. So the fae’s started feeling around that part of the field for the cloak that had been placed around the
fake faerie kingdom that
Vincent set up.
had made sure that I bought enough warriors to make sure that we were able to get Taylor out and no one could stop us. So I
stood at the front of the warriors watching the fae’s do their thing, and they all stopped at the same spot looked at each other.
“We found the weak spot. This has to be where they are using the portal.” One of them said.
“Is this why I was able to get through to her so clearly on the phone? Because the shield is weaker here?” I asked.
“That would be my guest. Now, you all know that you can’t cross without a fae. But the three of us can use our powers to open
the portal and let you walk through on your own. You just need to hurry. We’re not sure how long we can hold it for.” She
explained to me. 3
“We’re ready.” I say. So the three of them stood back and they all held hands and aimed their hands at the portal. I could tell how
hard they were concentrating and then suddenly a burning hole started forming in the side of the shield. They were holding it with
everything they had so I knew that we needed to hurry. There were a lot of us to get through that portal.

Once the portal was big enough, I was the first one to go through led by my warriors and I saw how different it looked on the
other side. It really did look like a faerie kingdom. It was beautiful. There was a beautiful forest in front of me and a lake with a
waterfall behind me. I could definitely see the appeal of this place. But after hearing Taylor on the phone just then, I knew that

there was more to this place than we thought.
The fae’s that helped us get through the portal had never been here before so they couldn’t direct us where to go. We had no
idea where the hell we were going. But we were determined to find Taylor. This was a cloaked kingdom still on earth. So in
reality, it couldn’t really be that big. Could it?
Once everyone was through we started walking to the forest but we made sure that we were in smaller groups. In case
something happened and we can across something that we shouldn’t. I needed to make sure that some of us were going to get
through. No matter what.
We had been walking for about half an hour when we heard the trees shaking, but there was no wind. A whole bunch of leaves
started falling on us and I looked up but I couldn’t see anything above us.
“There is something really strange about this place.” Wyatt says to me as he walked up beside me. Still looking up at the trees.
“I know. But we need to find Taylor. We don’t know how big this place is.” I say.
“I know that. But there is something in these trees and we can’t see what it is.
And it’s big.” Wyatt says
“Warriors. Keep moving.” I ordered when I noticed that they were all looking up into the trees.
So, we kept moving through the woods and we heard these weird noises coming from all around us. They sounded like animals,
but not normal animals. Not the kind of animals that we’re used to.
“Jackson. Some of the men want to shift.
They would feel safer as wolves then in their human form.” Wyatt tells me.
“Not yet. Whatever is in here will attack. the second it feels threatened. Let’s just get through these woods and hopefully find
someone that is willing to help us.” I say..

Well, that didn’t really happen because after a few more steps forward we heard this loud thud in front of us and there were even
large footprints in the dirt. But we still couldn’t see anything. There was definitely something right in front of us, but it was
invisible. What the hell do we do with something that is invisible?
I was on full guard when I realized that and the creature in front of us started appearing before our eyes. It started with it’s feet,
that was almost the size of my whole body and had three massive talons on it. Up the legs to the body and finally the head. It
was at least 20 feet tall and it took me a moment to register that I was staring straight into the eyes on a goddam dragon.
It definitely didn’t look friendly and it was glaring at us and huffing and puffing like it was ready for a fight. And that’s when I knew
that it was time to shift.
Everyone followed my lead. I was the first to shift and the others followed me the second that I did and we were now 300
werewolves staring into the face of a beast. But once we shifted I noticed that the dragon put it’s head up and didn’t look so

intimidating anymore. It cocked it’s head to one side as if it was trying to figure us out or something.
He then reached behind him with his mouth and dropped a piece of gold chiffon material at my feet and I took a step forward and
smelt the material.
‘What is it?’ Wyatt mind linked me.
‘Taylor. This is Taylor’s.’ I answered.
‘It’s been ripped.’ Wyatt says also looking at it.
‘Maybe she was attacked or something. I don’t know.’ I say with a million different thoughts going through my head.
The dragon then turned around and started walking away from us but he turned his head to look at us like he wanted us to follow
So we cautiously followed the dragon for at least another half an hour and we came across other fae’s. So I stayed behind the
tree line and shifted back and grabbed a pair of shorts out of a bag that we had bought with us.
I stepped into the clearing where all these fae’s were and I could tell that they were in some sort of trouble. Some of them had
some injuries and some of them looked really depressed and were crying. And then I saw her. The one that took Taylor from me
in the cabin.

“Layla.” I say. And she spun around to see me standing there with three men on my flanks.
“Jackson. Oh my god, how did you get here?” She asked me shocked and confused.
“It doesn’t matter. Where’s Taylor?” I asked.
“I don’t know. They attacked our village and took her. She’s in a lot of trouble. But, we don’t know how to get her out of it.”
Layla explained.
“Why the hell not? She’s in this trouble because of you.” I growled.
“Jackson. These people here are considered outcasts. They were banished from this kingdom but they didn’t actually leave.
They just moved far enough away from the castle so that the King didn’t know that they were still here. But they were discovered
yesterday at their village and the warriors destroyed everything that they owned.” Layla explained. 3)
“That doesn’t answer my question. Where is Taylor?” I asked.
“They drugged her with something. I don’t know what. And they took her. She’s probably back at the castle. I don’t know if her
father confined her to her room or if they are punishing her in a different way. I really don’t know.” Layla says. 2
“Castle.” Wyatt scoffs.
“Taylor’s father is the King of this realm. Taylor is the princess.” Layla explained.
Wow, she is so much more special than I ever could have imagined. Everything that I thought I knew about her, I don’t really.
There is so much that we need to learn about each other if we were going to be spending the rest of our lives together.
And yes, in case you were wondering, Taylor completely changed my mind about the whole mate thing. And how rejecting my
mate because of my friend’s experience was just me being selfish and trying to protect myself. To stop myself from getting hurt.
But then Taylor left me and that hurt so much more than I imagined it could have. I knew that I needed her and I was going to get
her back. I didn’t care who the hell stood in my way.