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Mistaken Match: Marrying the Enigmatic CEO by Ruby Fennimore

Chapter 183
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Chapter 183

Chapter 183

“Behave yourself for now. You have to regulate your eating habits and

sleeping schedule. Stop staying up late and playing poker all the time! You

have to improve your complexion, and it’s best if you’re able to lose weight.”

In fact, Chloe had been scheming to find a wealthy husband for Abellyn, but

it was not for her sister’s sake. It was so she and Robby would have

assurance in the future.

“I got it, Chloe. Don’t you just want me to become prettier?”


“That’s right. You haven’t hit thirty yet, so you’ll look alluring enough to attract

men if you tidy up your appearance. Didn’t someone from our village

become a high–achieving student? He worked for Lenoir Group after

graduation, and I heard he has become the general manager at the age of

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thirty! I’ll find an opportunity for you to meet him and get to know each other.”

Abellyn grasped the whole situation after Chloe’s explanation.

“Chloe, you must be talking about Zane Xanders. I heard he graduated from

Zovince University, and he’s the general manager of Lenoir Group. Isn’t his

annual salary over a million?”

Abellyn’s tears stopped flowing at the mention of this.

This is way better than being with Ryder If I can marry a man like him, even if

it’s just being his mistress.

“That’s right. It’s him.”

However, Chloe was focused on another matter. “I heard he owns multiple

properties in Yeringham. He’ll surely let you live in one of his properties if you

become his woman. By then, Robby will be able to go to school!

“I got it, Chloe. I’ll start shaping up now!”

Abellyn never made an effort to lose weight after getting married because

she lacked motivation. She believed that Ryder would not sleep with her if

-she put on weight, saving her the hassle.

However, things were different now. Abellyn was motivated since she had a

goal in mind. I’ll go and exercise for a few hours now!

Mackenzie needed to leave ahead of time for a business trip the next


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She knew Emmanuel must be exhausted from working two jobs. On top of

that, he had to deal with the recent cyberbullying and Ryder’s problems.

Mackenzie wanted him to rest for an extra half an hour and did not want him

to accompany her early in the morning.

She left a message saying she was going to work before leaving.

A Land Rover was parked outside the residential area of Yociam Residence

for a long time.

A burly man in a white shirt that revealed his massive chest muscles, with a

silver pendant hanging around his neck, held a bouquet of roses in his hands

outside the door for more than twenty minutes.

He was Quintus Lenoir.

The security guards at the residential area of Yociam Residence could not

help but wonder if the burly man was a veteran soldier based on his build

and posture. His casual posture appeared more disciplined than the security

guards on duty.

The driver of the Land Rover looked well–groomed in his suit and necktie, and

it looked like he had been taking great care of his appearance.

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The security guards would not be able to tell who the employee and

employer were if the driver were to step out of the car and stand next to


The driver was very confused. I wonder who Mr. Lenoir is trying to confess his

love so early this morning here? Can’t he use his immense wealth to buy any

woman he wants? Why is he adamant about playing the romantic card?

The driver felt that Yociam Residence was not an affluent neighborhood,

despite being a high–end residential area. The woman who resided here

must be a company executive like him.

In other words, she was just another employee.

Perhaps that woman is just an influencer who uses makeup, plastic surgery,

and filters to enhance her looks to seduce rich, young men. I’ve seen plenty of

those women!

Just then, Mackenzie came out from the entrance of the residential area.

The driver stiffened at the sight of her breathtaking beauty, and he could not

help but want to get out of the car.

Whoa! How can she be this beautiful? Her ethereal aura is unrivaled by those

flirting influencers.

“Mackenzie!” Quintus smiled brightly when he spotted Mackenzie, and he

walked up to her.

“Quintus?” A crease instantly appeared between Mackenzie’s brow when she

saw him. She did not have a good impression of him, even though she did

not detest him as much as Hubert.

“A gift for you.”

Quintus handed the bundle of red roses to Mackenzie and stated proudly,

“This isn’t the kind of mediocre flower Hubert can buy. These are roses from

Polayork. It has a vibrant shade of red and a sweet fragrance. You can take

them and put them in your office. I’m sure they will uplift your mood!”

Mackenzie let out a cold snort. “I only hire talented people for my company. I

don’t have vases in my office. Goodbye!”

After she spoke, she walked into a Bentley. She showed no consideration for


Seeing this, the driver got out of the car in astonishment. He asked, “Mr.

Lenoir, who’s that beautiful woman? How dare she acts that way to you?”

He knew that Quintus had a hot temper and was prideful. Quintus did not

even take Hubert, that naïve playboy, seriously. Quintus even got into fights

with people who dared to offend him.

Not only was Quintus not angry this time, but he also made fun of him. “Zane,

you’ve been working at Lenoir Group for six years, have you? You don’t even

know who that beautiful lady is? It’ll reveal your lowly identity when words get


Actually, I have worked there for seven years!

The driver was Zane Xander. However, he did not dare to say out his

thoughts, or he would seem more incompetent.

“She’s the eldest daughter of the Quillen family and the CEO of the largest

enterprise in Yeringham. Do you understand?”

“What?” Zane was a person who cowered to prestige and looked down on

those lower than him. He immediately broke out in cold sweat.

Zane had just assumed that the woman was on a similar level to him, and

perhaps an influencer. Who would have thought she was actually from the

wealthiest family in Yeringham, and the CEO of Terence Group!

If Zane had known earlier, he would have shown his face before her and

made acquaintance with her.

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“Let’s go. I already expected this not to work. But I can’t lose to trash like

Hubert. Drive me to Terence Group this afternoon.”

“Yes, Mr. Lenoir!” Zane nodded quickly.

He always boasted about being the CEO of Lenoir Group in front of relatives

and friends in the village. In fact, he was just a general manager. His position

in the company was slightly higher than that of other general managers

because he knew how to butter up to Quintus.

After the three of them left the residential area, Emmanuel came out on his

electric scooter.

Mackenzie had said she would go to work first, so he mistakenly thought she

had taken the Maserati. Hence, he did not go to the parking lot and simply

hopped on his electric scooter and went to work.

When the security guards saw him, they wanted to remind him that another

man was trying to court his wife again and to be careful of being cuckolded.

However, they did not say anything when they saw he was rushing to work.

In the afternoon, Emmanuel left the hospital and drove his electric scooter to

Terence Group.

How could an electric scooter compare to a Maserati in terms of speed?

Mackenzie had been waiting for him at their usual meeting spot fifteen

minutes ago. However, she did not expect that foolish man to be late again.

Instead, the same Land Rover from this morning stopped in front of her.

“Mackenzie!” When Quintus saw Mackenzie standing alone at the

intersection, he was also quite surprised. He thought this was a heaven–sent

opportunity for him.

“Why is it you again?” Mackenzie felt somewhat annoyed. She immediately

pressed a button on her phone, and she decided not to wait for Emmanuel.

“Mackenzie, where are you going? Let me give you a ride!” As Quintus spoke,

he forcefully dragged Zane out of his Land Rover.

Tactful as ever, Zane nodded at Mackenzie in a servile manner.

Unfortunately, Mackenzie did not even spare him a glance. She waited for

Wally to drive the Bentley out of the company. Then, she got into the car and


“Mr. Lenoir, Ms. Quillen is too arrogant. It’s difficult to win over a woman like


“Shut up!” Quintus shouted and got into the Land Rover to chase after


With Quintus‘ temperament, he would not bother pursuing a woman who

was easily attainable.

Quintus would not know how to cherish a woman he did not put a lot of time

and effort to pursue.