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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted by Eleven Jewell

Chapter 1292
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Chapter 1292

Meat could be frozen for preservation, but it was generally not recommended to be stored for more than three

months. Even if the meat was not rotten after that timeframe, it would have lost a lot of its nutrients. Considering

that it was meant for kindergarten children, the use of such poorquality meat was quite concerning.

Other than that, the freezer contained bags of low-quality shrimp. The cutting board used for vegetables was

covered with dark spots resembling mold. There were also visibly sprouted potatoes and half-rotten oranges in the

cafeteria's kitchen.

The media person took photos of these disconcerting scenes and promptly reported them to the FDA.

Consequently, it caused a fury among the netizens.

[Good grief. Are these people even human? I bet adults might not be able to stomach those, let alone children...

Have any of the kids fallen ill?]

[I pay almost two thousand dollars per month for my children's meals at the kindergarten, yet they're using such

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ingredients? Do they even have a conscience? @ SunlightKindergarten]

[Don't play dead. Come out and address the issue! @ SunlightKindergarten] One of the comments read.

[No wonder so many parents on the forums have been talking about the sour meatballs served at the kindergarten.

Isn't that a sure sign they've gone bad?]

[These people are despicable! My son used to attend their school. He never had any issues with food from home,

but once he ate there, he started having diarrhea. However, when I asked his teachers about the quality of the

food, they accused me of making a fuss. When I insisted on inspecting the kitchen, they flat-out refused, claiming

that outsiders weren't allowed due to the risk of tampering. I was dissatisfied with their attitude and transferred my

child to another school. It's clear that they had something to hide.]

[The last time I took my daughter to visit her grandmother, my mother-in-law gave me some pesticide-free

homegrown corn. While husking them after returning home, I discovered a few worms in one of the cobs. I called

my daughter over to have a look, and she mentioned seeing something similar in the soup at school. At that

moment, I thought she was referring to the rice...]

[Have y'all seen that post about a child who transferred schools multiple times because he had issues sleeping

during nap time? It was said that he slept like a log at Sunlight Kindergarten. Does no one find it strange that so

many teachers weren't able to get him to take a nap, yet Sunlight Kindergarten succeeded so easily? It's terrifying

when you think about it...]

[I had the same thought! It's so weird. Could they be drugging the children?]

[If they could do that to the children's food, it wouldn't be surprising if they spiked it.]

[My baby just started attending there this fall. Reading this news gives me shivers. My baby has a sensitive stomach,

and we go the extra mile to prepare his food separately, avoiding additives like soy sauce. How dare they feed

children rotten food! This heartless kindergarten needs to face severe consequences! @RiveraDepartmentofHealth

@ RiveraFDA]

[They're cancer in the industry!]

The comment section below the post blew up.

[Even if they're not using expensive ingredients, the food should at least be fresh, especially since it's meant for

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children. We pay around a thousand dollars for our children's meals each month. The kindergarten receives tens of

thousands of dollars from hundreds of children in their institute. Yet, they still choose to use bad quality and spoiled


It was no wonder the netizens were furious.

Numerous users began tagging the official accounts of relevant departments and demanded a thorough

investigation into the incident.

Soon after, the official account of Rivera's FDA issued an update. [Our team has returned from Sunlight

Kindergarten with evidence. Relevant samples have been sent fortesting. We will work hard to keep everyone

updated with the investigation results as soon as possible.]

Netizens cheered upon seeing the statement.

[It's rare to see such a swift investigation right after an expose. Good job! @RiveraFDA]

[There shall be no leniency for (©SunlightKindergarten!]

[Parents of Sunlight Kindergarten children, please make sure your kids undergo medical examinations. If there are

any issues, keep the medical records and gather evidence for potential legal action and compensation!]

Aside from the raging parents, other netizens also expressed their views.

[It's weird how this incident surfaced while the kindergarten has a legal battle with a certain celebrity. The timing of

it all is quite uncanny, isn't it? It really makes you think, is something much more sinister going on?]