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Mr. Wright and Mrs. Right by Minerva Sowle

Chapter 240
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Chapter 240 Cedrick Has Strange Kinks

After giving it some thought, Gwendolyn came up with a mischievous idea and said in a reluctant tone,

“I’m glad to see that you’re sleeping so soundly, Ceddy. You know what? I think it’s better if I head back

to the Harris residence. Nico can help look after you instead. I’ll come see you in a few days, okay?”

Right as Gwendolyn was about to move his head off her lap, Cedrick wrapped his arms around her

waist and nuzzled his head against her chest.

“A burly man like Nico can’t possibly take good care of me. I want you, Gwenny…” he said in a

somewhat childish and adorable voice.

Gwendolyn had to suppress her urge to laugh as she pushed his head away. “That simply won’t do. I

left all of my luggage back at the Harris residence, so I need to head back.”

The next thing she knew, Cedrick sat bolt upright and gave Nico a call.

“I want you to go shopping at the mall tomorrow. Gwenny wears size S clothes and size thirty-four

shoes. Oh, and buy all the pretty-looking jewelry you can find. I want all the closets in the villa filled with

clothes, you hear me?” he said before hanging up the phone.

Cedrick then buried himself in Gwendolyn’s chest once again while she was still stunned.

Despite being a tall and sturdy man, he was so weak and vulnerable while injured that Gwendolyn

could easily pin him down if she wanted to.

Unbeknownst to her, Cedrick’s lips had curled into a gleeful grin.

Don’t even think about leaving after moving in with me!

Oblivious to his scheme, Gwendolyn was still thinking about the instructions he gave Nico earlier and

asked curiously, “How did you know that I wear size S clothes?”

“By hugging you.”

Um, okay… Fair enough, I guess. I’m skinny, so anyone could easily figure that out if they put some

effort into it. However…

Gwendolyn’s expression slid into a frown as she pressed on, “What about my shoe size, then?”

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Cedrick fell silent the moment he heard that.

Oh, sh*t! Did I just expose myself there?

Gwendolyn figured he was probably trying to come up with an excuse when she saw him go silent.

This guy… He’s definitely up to something!

She then extended her slender fingers and pinched his face really hard.

“Ouch!” Cedrick winced from the pain and exclaimed, “Don’t hurt me! I’m injured, remember?”

Why does she always bully me in my most vulnerable moments?

Gwendolyn ignored his protests and asked, “Be honest with me! Since when did you find out about my

shoe size?”

“You got drunk at The Honey Bee, so I carried you to a hotel and spent the entire night looking after

you. I helped clean your face and wash your legs. The other time was when you got drunk at the

Jenson residence. That’s all!” Cedrick replied.

He found her soft and smooth feet to be incredibly adorable, so he decided to measure them with his


To Cedrick’s surprise, Gwendolyn’s feet were smaller than his palms.

Gwendolyn’s face went red when she heard that, and she instinctively curled her toes as well.

I can’t believe Cedrick secretly washed my feet while I was unconscious! This is so awkward!

She then exerted more force in pinching Cedrick’s cheek, causing him to grimace and yell in pain once


“Be honest, Cedrick! What other perverted stuff have you done to my feet? Do you have some sort of

strange kink or something?”

Cedrick felt speechless when he heard that.

Huh? What kink? I’m starting to think Gwendolyn is the weird one here!

He was about to explain himself, but Gwendolyn stopped him for fear of hearing something she

couldn’t accept.

“You know what? Keep it to yourself for now. I need some time to calm down and process this.”

She then pushed him away from her chest, got on her feet, and stared him down as she continued,

“Due to your insolent behavior and the possibility of you having a strange kink, I have decided to

observe you for a little while longer! I will sleep in the next room while I am looking after you over here,

so you can forget about hugging me to sleep. On top of that, I will also lock the door. If you try to force it

open in the middle of the night, I will chop both your hands off! If you dare sneak into bed with me, I will

cut your manhood off!”

Gwendolyn even glared at his crotch and made a chopping motion with her hand.


Cedrick felt really helpless and speechless.

I’m so close to becoming her husband, and now she’s having second thoughts? I don’t want to get

labeled as a kinky pervert!

He reached out to hold her hand, but she pulled it away in time, so he grabbed nothing but air.

Gwendolyn then ignored his pleas and added as she walked off, “Now, behave yourself and go to

sleep! Say another word, and I won’t talk to you for a month!”

Just like that, Cedrick could only watch on in silence as Gwendolyn left the bedroom and closed the

door behind her.

He had wanted to run after her and explain himself, but he didn’t want her to ignore him for a month.

In fact, he couldn’t even stand her ignoring him for a day.

As such, he had no choice but to accept his fate and suffer in silence.

Cedrick didn’t dare misbehave at all after being threatened by Gwendolyn.

She stayed right by his side and took great care of him throughout the next two days.

With her making sure that he was taking his medication and replacing his bandages on time, Cedrick

was able to recover fairly quickly.

Despite being busy looking after Cedrick, Gwendolyn did not neglect her work at Angle Corporation at


She was talking to Joanne on the phone while Cedrick was taking an afternoon nap.

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“Yes, that’s right. Joaquin Zipper, Jennifer Weller, and Jayden Connor… Those are the celebrities

whom I would like to focus on. Have them transferred over to Salinsburgh so I can supervise them

personally. Also, the opening ceremony for Angle Corporation’s branch in Salinsburgh is tomorrow. We

cannot afford to have anything go wrong. Have you sent out the invitations? Make sure that all the big

shots in the entertainment industry have received the invitations. Oh, I also want a list of those who

have confirmed that they will be attending the opening ceremony. All right, then. Keep me updated if

anything changes.”

Nico snuck into Cedrick’s room while she was distracted with her phone call in the garden.

As Gwendolyn was occupied with her work, Cedrick quickly snuck into the bathroom, coughed up some

blood, and washed it off to remove all evidence.

Nico happened to see that when he came in.

“Hey, Boss. Maybe you should come up with an excuse to get yourself checked out at the laboratory

again tomorrow or the day after. You seem to be coughing up blood a lot more often lately.”

Cedrick shook his head. “That won’t be necessary. I know my body very well. It should be fine for the

time being. Did you bring the suppressant?”

Nico whipped out the syringe containing the suppressant and quickly disinfected the needle before

injecting it into Cedrick’s neck.

Cedrick frowned slightly as it hurt very much, but he had gotten used to living with the need for regular


Nico had displeasure written all over his face when he recalled Asher striking Cedrick the other day.

“Please don’t do anything reckless, Boss. Given your severe injuries, you would’ve fainted on the spot

if it weren’t for the boosted suppressant injection.”

He’s right. Had I fainted back then, Gwendolyn and the others would probably have found out about my


With that in mind, Cedrick kept his head low and remained silent.

Nico only let out a helpless sigh as he placed the syringe into his pocket and prepared to sneak out of

the room with it.

He had just stood up when Gwendolyn’s voice rang out behind him.

“What suppressant?” she asked while leaning languidly against the doorframe, staring at Cedrick and

Nico, who had tensed up with his back facing her.