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My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 52
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X Avery's pov His heat surrounded me, scorchingin a way that madefeel as if I was being burnt alive. As if I was an ant under a magnifying glass under the scorching sun. His scent filled my space, chokinguntil I couldn't breathe..

His cold eyes. He pinnedwith hatred I had never known he could give. The boy I once knew, he was no longer in the mirrors of his soul. A beast had taken over and rode his bones and flesh.

"Don't you like it when I'm on top of you, Avery?" He tsked, pressing his palm more onto my mouth. My teeth ache by the "ce, and my cries muffle even more. The pain was excruciating.

The metallic taste of my blood filled my mouth and I know that he must've damaged my lips or gums with the amount of pressure he applied to my mouth. Tears rolled down my eyes and he sneered.

"Hadwaiting for months! Months! Only to give it up for your d*mn best friend.” He sneered, pressing his hips closer on my thigh.

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"You wasted my tAvery!" He spat. His other hand skin down my sides and makeshiver in disgust. But in his sick head he thought that shiver meant something else.

He laughed. "Your girl shivered in pleasure Xade. I guess she does like it à little rough." My heart thudded painfully in my chest and my breathing turned into desperate pants for air. I scratched at his arms, his face and tried to again aim for his eyes.

But no such luck I*e*s too strong, too quick "I'll f*cking bury you when I get there." Xade snarled, sounding more animal than man, which made a shiver race down my spine by how intimidating he sounded just now.

Kyan laughed, however I saw something shift in his eyes, glazing. Fear. Uncertainty.

"You won't get there in ta*shole. Lethave a little taste at least, I had her first anyway." Kyan mocked, and move his hand to the phone. He presses something and Xade's voice stops.

My gut twisted. No.

"Let's not have him disturb us babe," Kyan's eyes flashed once more, losing the uncertainty he had spotted a while ago.

I cried, his face turning blurry because of the tears my eyes. voice was the only thing keepingfrom giving up. Hearing him madebelieve that I had a chance.

But now. Now I'm all alone with this b*stard on top of me. His breath reeking of desperation and hatred. The fear in my stomach curled into an uncomfortable ball and I seek for freedom.

Vomit rose in my throat when his disgusting lips land on my neck, and his groan reach my ears. As I try to print myself into the bed to avoid him, his weight only added to my destruction.

Please stop! I screamed in my head, unable to even say anything h my mouth that h had covered with his palm.

My teeth grazed his salty skin, but with the pressure of his hand, it's impossible to open my mouth under such painful constraint. Ilist weight on top ofrobbedof my breath and my vision begins to blur.

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Desperate to get him ofl. I tried to claw at his face once more. His skin is marked with my nails from my assault and blood spill out, however he did not move until my nails manage to scrap across the corner of his eye. Unfortunately he didn't move enough to makeseize the opportunity to be free, instead my actions costas I made him more frustrated and irritated. His long fingers wrap around my throat and squeezed. hard. With the pressure I am unable to breathe properly. I try to gasp, but with his hand on my mouth, I am restraint and cannot get enough air into my lungs. Panic sinks into my stomach and I try to thrash.

But panic seems to feed my fear and anxiety and snag my very breath further. The vicious grip only broughtcloser to the haze of darkness that crept in aroundquickly.

My head spins and my heart thuds against my ribcage painfully. o! I want to scream as his masty fingers run up and down my side, lingering on my thigh as he tries to force my legs to part so he can fit his hips. between them. Video: Learn About Mesothelioma Sponsored: healthclipsRead Next Story > orin on m

I press my thighs together tightly, not giving in so easily even though I'm I'm creeping closer to the edge of knocking out cold. His throat tightens painfully, makinggag as his nails bit into my skin. like wolf claws. He leans forward and his hot foul breath brush against my ear. "Look at you V," he taunted in a very low voice. "You're so weak under me, so helpless and pathetic." I whimpered because he was right. I was pathetic. The signs that something bad would happen when I step foot into that room was clear as day....yet I still entered.

The room spins, filts and darkens as shadows aroundcreep in. Fright holdin its ugly clutch as Kyan laughed even louder, enjoying that I was helpless under him.

"Where's your precious Xade now? Ilis Hmm, he's nowhere should have harsh against my car in It been me." He gripped my hip and squeezed. "It should have been me." ead the latest chapter there!