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My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 63
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Xade's pov "You've had a bad image ofsince you were young because I had been too stern and hard with you." Dad sighed. "But you must understand that was for your own good You boys, you two are my heirs. I needed to make sure you both are strong enough to face the world together." I looked away, troubled by the anguish that rolled in his eyes. I had never seen him so distraught and seeing him not trying to hide it, was shocking He was a man who didn't like when others saw him weak, sons.

He had always wanted to be a pillar for at burden had been too grand for him to keep and see times I opened my mouth to respond but the sound of the creaky dungeon doors madeclamp my mouth shut The guard who had stationed himself further from us to give us a little privacy, walks in to stand just a few steps behind dad who stiffened.

We all knew who entered, we could sense his power. Peter. He cin like a dark knight who is ready to give out bad news. "Alpha Xadeon." Peter acknowledged with a respectful cut nod of his head.

He was the head second hand, which is why he was the one who sortout. "Peter." Dad answered stillly "Is the head- "He calls to see Xade now." He interrupted Dad with a blunt look "Nothing you say to him will persuade him to save your son from this punishment." He warned Dad who clenched his jaw "I won't let him hurt my son!" Dad hissed, eyes glowing red. I had never seen him lose control like that before. Peter straightened, aware that an alpha is on the verge of losing control.

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"Calm down alpha Xadcon, it is out of my control," he said stiffly. "Beside, no one knows what the punishment will be, the least you do is be calm until you know." you can Dad scoffed. "We both know that the head isn't someone to give light punishment," he leans closer to Peter, his alpha aura heavy in the air. Peter doesn't flinch, however he is alarmed and aware.

"Dad." I uttered, not wanting him to get into trouble too for my sake. "Leave it." Dad spareda brief glance before setting his gaze back on Peter. "You are a dear friend of mine Peter. But if it comes to my son, I wage war over my blood." He threatened, shifting away" Peter can open it to letout.

the door so "If the head orders to kill him, he'll have an entire pack to deal with. I will go rogue." Dad warned with sincerity in his voice.

רד | "Is that a threat Xadeon?" Peter asked stiffly as the keys jam into the lock.

Dad shrugged. his muscular arms crossing over his chest. "That's a promise." Dad's words made Peter's face harden but he gives him a curt understanding nod. The cell doors open with an annoying creak and I stepped out. The weight of the looming of my incoming punishment made my shoulders tighten.

"Cwith me," Peter said over his shoulder and walking forward. Dad and I followed him closely, Dad's hand on my shoulder comforting as he squeezed to letknow he had my back.

Even though he was disappointed and angry that I let myself cto this, he was ready to fight to saveAll those years of him being too hard onwas something he thought he had to do. He had always cared.

We reached a dark wooden door after a few minutes of walking. Peter stood before it and turns around to stare at me. "Stay composed, stay true and speak with strength." He said before pushing the doors open.

A grand hall is revealed in front of me, one so huge it feels as though am just an ant in the room. Peter gripped my arm and pullsbeside him. "Look ahead, it's easier if you don't show fear." He said softly and nudgedto walk with him.

The room grows silent as we stepped foot in, all eyes turning to face ad is seated on a raised podium, his unreadable expression my every move as I draw closer.

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sa man who has greying hair on the sides of his, and ord long white as snow. His brown hard eyes are set on me, his jaw tight with tension.

Peter stoppedin the very center of the grand hall, surrounded by the m council members who murmured amongst themselves. Dad stood close, while Peter took a few steps away, but stayed a good distance from me. The head of the council sat silent, but his hard eyes pinneddown. with a weight that madeknow his power. Tension brewed in the room as we all waited for him to speak.

And when he does, his voice is as cold and unfeeling as his eyes. "The boy who took no precaution before trying to play hero." He stressed on the word precaution and hero, makingwant to wince.

He leans back, the murmurs in the room ceasing completely. "Noble actions from a soon to be alpha.” his NO eyes cross over to Dad who is still beside me. "Alpha Xadeon, glad to see you after syears." Dad nod tightly. "Alister."

The head turns back to me, the edge of his mouth uplifting into a small kere boy, now what will cold smirk. "Here I de with you? Perhaps...." he waved his hand boredly. "You're the one who needs to be saved now." He taunts.