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My Bully’s Love by Stacy Rush

Chapter 108
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Learning The Hard Way
For the next few days, not only do I have Jace and my 2 guards on my ass constantly, but my father has decided to hire a few
more bodyguards who rotate constantly with the others. They are meant to watch from a distance, so my stalker doesn’t
recognize them as guards. He’s getting too close for comfort, but he’s bound to make a mistake. His little girlfriend already has,
and he will too.
Jace has the night off tonight but wants to go to Shameless to show Jude and Beth what the club is about. I’m both excited and
nervous, because Jace asks me if I would be comfortable doing a scene with him while others watched. He informs me that it
won’t be so intense, since I am still healing, but that he will still make it enjoyable for me. A shiver shoots through me at the
thought of others watching, but I’d be lying if I say that I don’t want to, I’m just nervous.
I’ve been so nervous that when I go down to the laundry room, I forget to wear the alarm around my neck. Thankfully, it isn’t
needed and the only person that I bump into is the new tenant who lives in my old place I only see him from the stairwell as he
comes out of the door, but other than that, my attention is on the steps and not tripping as I try to jog up a few, after being
wounded. I’ve never been one who exercises much, but I’ve been feeling like a couch potato lately, ever
since the incident.
As I walk through the front door Dace stands at the end of the hallway, swinging the chain of the alarm around his finger. The
expression on his face tells me that he isn’t happy. Malik,
who is my guard at the moment chuckles as he sets the laundry basket down and then leaves the apartment, leaving me to face
Jace alone. No, not Jace, he’s in Dom mode now and I know that without a doubt, I’m about to get punished.
“Playroom now, Precious.”
I try not to smile as I walk past him, because it’s been too long since my last one, but I’m nervous all the same. As I strip down to
nothing and fold my clothes neatly on the chair by the door, I try to think of what kind of punishment it will be. My nipples harden,
and my core begins to throb the more I think about it. I can use the release that pain gives me and even though I feel that I am
healed enough, Jace won’t go too hard on me until he deems me healed enough. At least that is what he told me earlier when
we talked about doing the scene tonight.
I’m waiting in the Nadu pose for at least twenty minutes when the door finally opens and Jace steps into the room. He isn’t alone
though; both Jude and Beth are with him. I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat because others are seeing me

completely naked. I question Jace with my eyes, but all he does is smirk.
“You were naughty, weren’t you, Precious?” Jace asks as he runs his fingers through my hair
“Yes, Sir...”

“Why are you being punished, Precious?”
“Because I didn’t wear the alarm around my neck when I went to do the laundry, Sir.”
“Can you tell us why you were supposed to wear the alarm?”
“So, in case my stalker came for me, Sir.” The corners of my eyes begin to sting with unshed tears. Now that I’m answering his
questions, it’s really hitting me how bad I messed up, “I’m so sorry, Sir. I deserve this punishment.”
“I know you are, Precious, and I’m happy that you know that you need this,” he squats down in front of me, “I called Jude in
because he’s going to be the one to cane you. He has more experience, and with your wound, I want to make sure that you
aren’t injured. Beth is going to count, because I know it will humiliate you to know that she is keeping track of how many you get.”
He explains it all to me and then wipes away the single tear that slipped down my cheek, “Do you want to safe word, Precious?”
I shake my head, “No, Sir. I deserve this punishment, thank you.”
“Go to the St. Andrew’s cross and face it, Precious. Beth is going to restrain you.” Jude orders, and I waste no time obeying him.
I’ve heard that a lot of subs don’t like Master Jude because of the tortures that he doles out. I have yet been a victim to one of
them, but I don’t think I would mind so much if I were.
“How many is that babe?” Jude asks Beth.
“Twenty-three, Sir.” She replies and then glances down at me. She is right in front of me as she smiles.

“Fuck, Little D, Precious really is a pain slut! Look at that cunt
drip.” Jude chuckles and then I feel a hand between my legs.
I’m not sure at this point if Jace will allow his friend to touch me, I would like to think not, but this is a punishment. Thankfully,
Jace brings his hand to my face to show me his fingers slick with my arousal.
“Look at that, Precious. Your ass is painted red with pretty lines welted into each cheek, and that slutty pussy is still loving it.”
Jace smirks.
“Oh, she likes it when you call her cunt slutty, doesn’t she?” Jude laughs.
“Yes, but I’m the only one allowed to say that to her, so watch your tongue.” Jace grins, but he’s not joking one bit, and you can
hear it in his voice.
Just when I think Jace is going to make me lick my arousal from his fingers, he shakes his head no when I open my mouth, and
instead, turns to Beth, “Open up, sweetie.”
I’m mortified and turned on all at the same time as I watch the woman in front of me suck my juices from Jace’s fingers as he
watches me the whole time. I bite my lip when I feel a whimper wanting to come out, which only verifies my state of mind.

Jace doesn’t say anything about my reaction, but he does wink and grin at me once Beth his done cleaning his fingers, “Let her
have a taste sweetie.”
His words register late as Beth takes my lips with hers and pushes her tongue through, so I can taste myself. At that moment,
Jude continues with the caning while I’m restrained
and kissed by his girlfriend. My arousal hits levels that I’ve only reached when Jace fucks me like I’m his whore. Even the rope of
saliva that is still connecting us as she pulls away, is hot.
“God, I want to fuck you so bad, Precious,” Jace states as he rubs himself over his pants, but that won’t be until later, when we
scene and I finish your punishment.”
“Rim her, Jace. Edge her until she can’t take it anymore and then stop. Keep doing it all day long until we go to the club. I fucking
love edging Beth and hearing her beg and plead to come. She’s willing to do anything in order to find her release, aren’t you

“Yes, Sir.” Beth grins at her Dom.
I see the gleam in Jace’s eyes as he stares at me, “Nah, that won’t work out so well for this next part.” He then walks away, and I
hear a couple of draws open and close.
“Ah, I gotcha now,” Jude states from behind me, “Yeah, that’s a much better idea.” He then chuckles and as an added bonus,
slaps my welted cheeks before moving away, “I wouldn’t want to be you right now, Precious.”
I’m staring at Beth, and I see her eyes go wide before glancing at me, and then away. Now I’m worried; should I safe word? No, I
can’t safe word when I don’t know what’s going to happen. All I can do is put my trust into Jace that he isn’t going to hurt me
A moment later, I feel a coolness spreading over my reddened butt cheeks, and it feels good, but only for a moment. The longer
it’s on, the warmer it gets, almost like the ginger root,
“Lift your leg, Precious,” Jace orders once he uncuffs me, and I obey, “Now the other one.” He then pulls up what feels like
panties and uncuffs my wrists. When he helps me to stand on my own again, I see that they are panties. “These are your
punishment panties. You will wear these until I take them off you at the club.” That’s when I see the container of Vick’s vapor rub
on the nearby table.
“Okay, Sir.” I go to pull on the fabric that is rubbing against the welts and causing a burn that I’m not sure I like very much, but
Jace pulls my hand away.
“Do I need to cuff you for the day?” He gives me that look that he only gives me when he’s chastising me, and I shake my head.
“No, Sir. I’ll be good.”
“That’s my good girl,” He brings me in so he can kiss my: forehead, “Now, how about we order some pizza?” He and Jude walk
out of the room ahead of me and Beth, and when she comes up beside me, she smiles and pushes some hair from my face.
“I really like you, Precious. Does your bottom hurt?” She pouts a bit.
Inod, “Yes.”
Her smile widens, “Good, it’s supposed to.” She then pats both of my cheeks causing them to burn even more and then hurries
from the room..