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My Bully’s Love by Stacy Rush

Chapter 92
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After filling Jace in on everything, I give him my phone to listen to the recording of Elise’s confession. My sister is showering at
the moment, and so I figured I‘d tell him about it without her being present. I know she is feeling shameful for doing what
she did, and I don‘t want to make it worse by talking to Jace about it in front of her.
Once he’s done, he wants nothing more than to lecture her but I’m able to stop him from doing so, “Can you trust me
on this one, Jace? She‘s my baby sister, and believe me, once she tells my mom and
dad, I‘m pretty sure they will lecture her enough for all of us.”
“Ella, she needs to understand how much her disloyalty has cost you, has cost us!” He urges.
“I know, and I really do think that she does, but please, don‘t make her feel any worse than she
already does. I just want my relationship with my sister back. I also want that asshole taken down once and for all.”
He pulls me into his arms, “I‘m not going to yell at her, but I do want to make sure she understands everything that‘s happening a
nd what may happen. I want to make sure that she‘s not going to be able to let him manipulate her again.”
I nod my head against his chest, “Okay, but only because this affects you as well.”
He pulls away, taking my face into both his hands and kisses
my lips, “I will talk to her in private about it. I don’t think she will want an audience thinking she is getting lectured. It will be more
of a little heart-to-heart, I promise.”
“Thank you.”
“You can make it up to me tonight. I want you to take a nap today, Ella, because I will be wanting to play when I get home. Do
you understand?”
“Yes, Jace.”
“I will also text you with instructions on what I will expect to see
when I get home, and just to prepare you a little, I‘m thinking a little DP is long overdue, what do you think?”
A slight whimper escapes because the thought of DP has me wishing that he didn‘t have to leave for work. I love my sister but ha
ving her here is putting a damper on

my sex life. Before, Jace would take me whenever he was in the mood. I could be in the middle of cleaning, and he would bend
me over the couch, or table, or screw me up against a wall. Now it‘ s limited to morning sex and
really early morning sex once he gets home from work.
“If that is what Master Jace wishes.” | try saying it jokingly, but it comes out seductively instead.
He grabs

my ass hard, “It is what Master Jace wishes.” We hear Elise‘s door close, and he brushes his lips across my forehead, “How abo
ut you go to the playroom and make sure the equipment is clean enough while I talk to Elise.”
“You mean to do it now?”
“Yes, now go. Don’t make me say it again.” He raises a brow.
I turn and head to our temporary room, passing my sister as I 20. “I‘ll be back in a bit.” I mumble as we pass each other. She
gives me a strange look but doesn’t question anything. For her sake, I hope Jace is a bit lenient on her than he is me.
Jace must have kept his word because Elise seems perfectly fine by the time I come back out of the room. In fact, her and Jace
are laughing, so I will call it all good. I love seeing my boyfriend and sister getting along so well, and I hope it will be like this for
years to come. Classes will be starting soon, so we won‘t be seeing our families until the holidays. Every moment that I get to
spend with Elise from here on out will be precious.
“Hey, Ella, Jace said that we would be able to go to the mall if your two friends are able to go with.” Elise states.
“Who, Reece and Gabe?” I ask Jace.
“Yeah, I think they are both available today, so now would be a good time
to go,” He informs me, “Oh, and your dad called wanting to let us know that there will be a guy named Mr. Kingsly stopping by in
two days. He‘s the Pl that your dad hired. He will also be bringing 2 friends who are ex–
marine, and who now work as bodyguards. They
will be staying at the hotel down the street but will be on rotating shifts, so one of them will be with you at all times.”.

| grimace at this, “All the time? That seems like a waste of money when you are home with me half the time.”
Book 2 – The List
“Do not argue about this, Ella. It‘s done and there is nothing you can do about it.”
“Yes, Jace.”
Just as Jace had said, both Reece and Gabe are available, but instead of going out to the mall, we decide to go grab some ice
cream and then catch a movie. All of us but my sister
are on high alert; nobody is going to accost me this time. It puts a bit of a damper on our outing, but we are still having fun. It isn‘t
until we are on our way home when my phone buzzes with an incoming text from Jace. I can only assume it‘s a list of items
that I am to have prepared for later.
JP: Nipple clamps
Warburton Wheel

Shibari rope
Purple Pussy Eater
The last on the list is the monstrous dildo that has ten different speeds and a suction cup for the clit. A
delicious shiver runs through me at the thought of using all these items tonight. The Warburton wheel is a tool that has a wheel of
spikes, almost like cowboy spurs, but these are sharp little things. Jace likes to torture my nipples with it, especially when T have
the clamps on them.
15:57 0
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ME: Anything else, Sir?
JP: You naked and waiting on your back, knees bent, and you holding them wide open for your Master.
ME: As you wish, Sir.
I send him a heart emoji afterwards and get one in return.
Once home, Reece and Gabe walk my sister and I all the
way up to our door before going back down to their own apartment. Elise automatically heads to her bedroom,
stating that she‘s wiped out. When I look at the time, I see
that it‘s after eleven. Texting Jace to let him know that we are home and that the doors are locked, I go to the
playroom and get the items listed ready for his use. Tingles run through me as I lay each item down on the table,
Picking up the huge dildo, I run my fingers over it. I can‘t even wrap my whole hand around it, that‘s how girthy it is, and I’m assum
Once I have everything ready, I run a bath and just soak for a long while. I only get out once the water has turned cold. I then turn
shave myself in all the areas that Jace likes me shaved. By one thirty in the morning, everything is ready as I
wait in anticipation for my Dom to come home.
The moment I hear the front door close, and the locks be put into place, I position myself the way I was instructed. Jace has a ten
Root 7 The 15!
position, and that’s exactly what he does now as I hear him move around the kitchen, I’m assuming he’s grabbing himself a quick
snack. This is to remind me of who is in charge, and it only makes me hornier when he does it.
At last, I hear his footsteps in the hallway, and then his handsome face appears in the doorway as the door opens.
He bites his lower lip while his eyes rake over my body, causing goosebumps to form all over my skin in anticipation for what’ sto
“Hello, Precious. I see you have been a very good girl!”
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