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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 130
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 133

71 Where is He

Jayden POV

I can feel Storm’s anger but I manage to keep him under control. “Jayden, I never betrayed you. This is

not the time or place for this conversation.” “I gave you an opportunity to have this conversation in my

office and you chose to try and give me orders in front of my pack. That will not happen. I have made it

perfectly clear that I am the Alpha and you are not. Now, if you would like to finish this conversation in

my office with my Luna and her protector present, follow us.” I don’t even give him a chance to

respond. I lead Brooke and Adrian up the stairs and into my office. “Are you alright Jayden”, Brooke

asks. “I will be”, I say, before I lean in kissing her softly. Just her touch helps to calm me. The door

swings open and my father walks in. He turns to Brooke, “I’m glad to see you’re alright, Brooke.” Before

she can even respond, I step in front of her. “You do not speak to my mate. Tell me what you have

done, father.” “Jayden, I don’t know what lies you have been told by this woman but” he says, shooting

a glare at Adrian. “Don’t you dare try to place blame on anyone else but you. Who were you telling on

the phone about Jocelyn’s visit to the pack.” “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. I am

your father. I have done everything in this life for you. I have made you the Alpha you have become.”

“Bullsh*t, I have made me the Alpha I am. I am nothing like you. I would never hurt innocent people or

align myself with that evil ba**ard Drayce.”

“Jayden, what can I do to prove to you that I had nothing to do with Brooke and Jocelyn being taken?” I

don’t want Brooke close to him after all he has done. “Adrian, are you able to read his blood?” I look

back at her and she smiles. “I most certainly can.” She walks forward handing our pup to Brooke. She

extends her hand in my father’s direction. He looks at it like it’s on fire. “What do you expect me to

allow this leech to drink from me?” A growl comes from behind me. “I wonder if my brother knows how

you speak about our kind. Besides, Joseph, your new Luna and the future Alpha of this pack are part

vampire.” My father growls and steps toward her, “you do not call me by my name girl.” “I would

suggest you stand down father or you will find yourself in the cell next to Rian.” He takes a step back

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but makes no move to give his hand to Adrian. “I can’t believe you think I would do such a thing. I have

never raised a hand to you but you think I am capable of such awful acts against these innocent girls. ”

“Father, I think you protest too much. This is easily put to rest. Allow Adrian to drink from you and prove

your innocence.” “So you trust her to tell you the truth, but not your own father.” “This is not up for

debate, father. Give Adrian your wrist or join Rian. One way or another, the truth comes out today.”

“I will do no such thing. I have done nothing wrong and I will not be treated like this by my own son.”

“Fine” I say and link Andrew. After a few seconds of trying without any response, I reach out to two

other warriors to come get my father. Where the f**k could he be? “You have made your choice, father.

I know you are not innocent in all of this and I will not allow you to hurt my family.” “I am your family, not

these people. Everything I have done I have done for you.” The door opens and the warriors walk in.

“Take my father to the cells now.” They take my father by each arm. As they start to drag him out of the

room, he yells at me “you’re going to be sorry for treating me this way, Jayden.” I don’t even respond,

because I will never be sorry after what he has done. I know in my heart that he helped that ba**ard

even if he won’t admit it. Once he is gone, Brooke comes around wrapping me in her arms. I bury my

head in her neck, breathing in her scent. “I’m sorry Jayden.” “Don’t you say you’re sorry. You have

nothing to be sorry for. He is the monster and he is going to get exactly what he deserves.” I pull back

and press my lips to hers. When I break the kiss, I brush the hair away from her face. “Come on, I’ll

show you to our floor.” I see shock on Adrian’s face. “I’m staying on the Alpha floor?” I chuckle “of

course, you are family and Brooke’s protector.” Brooke pulls my face to hers and kisses me again. I will

never tire of the feeling of her lips against mine.

I take Henry from Adrian and we head up to the third floor. I push open the door across from ours and

Adrian follows us inside. “This is an awesome room. Thank you, Jayden. I want you to know that I will

protect you, the pups, and Brooke.” “I have no doubt that you will. I’m going to show Brooke our room

and then go find out what’s going on with Andrew. He isn’t answering me.” “Who is Andrew” she asks.

“He is my Beta and best friend.” She nods and I take Brooke into our room. I hope Andrew got

everything I asked for. Once we are inside, she stops dead in front of me. “Jayden how” she asks and I

smile. There are two cribs and a rocking chair where I used to have a sitting area. I want the pups close

and I’m sure she will too. I walk over and lay Henry down and she does the same with Anna. She walks

toward me, wrapping her arms around me. “Thank you for doing all of this.” “Brooke I would do

anything for you and our pups.” “I know you would. I love you Jayden.” “I love you too.” I press a quick

kiss to her lips. “I’m going to go see what’s going on with Andrew. I won’t be gone long.” Once I’m out

of the room I let Adrian know I’m leaving the floor.

I head downstairs and into the dining room. No one seems to have seen Andrew for at least an hour. I

head out to the training field as I continue to try and link him. I’m starting to panic a little. This isn’t like

Andrew. He knew to expect us after the meeting. He also knew that I was going to be dealing with my

father. I head back to the pack house. I link the warriors that took my father to the cells and neither

answer me. Now I’m more than panicked. I rush toward the door that leads to the cells. When I get

down the stairs, panic doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel. The two warriors are unconscious on

the floor. I know I won’t find him, but I go cell to cell looking for my father. Not only is he gone, but so is

Rian. Storm growls and I run as fast as my legs will carry me back to our floor. I say a prayer when I

reach for the handle on our door and throw it open. Brooke smiles at me and I feel a moment of relief,

but it doesn’t last. Brooke jumps up and rushes over to me. I’m sure she can tell something is wrong by

my face. “Jayden, what’s wrong?” “My father and Rian are gone, the guards are unconscious, and

Andrew is missing.”

Joseph POV

“You did well Anthony.” “Thank you Alpha.” “Joseph, I am supposed to be Luna. Why are we running

away? I thought the vampires were going to help us deal with that b**ch Jocelyn.” I laugh “first of all,

you will do what I tell you too. Second, we have a bigger problem than Jocelyn. My son has marked

that b**ch Brooke and claimed her hybrid pups.” “That can’t be, she is supposed to be dead. You

promised that you would get rid of that pathetic omega. She is not fit to be a Luna.” I slap her “enough.

We need to get as far away from here as possible right now. He will give us leverage” I say pointing to

an unconscious Andrew lying on the ground at Anthony’s feet. She places her hand on her cheek. If

she is expecting an apology she won’t get one. “Now, unless you want me to leave your a** here for

Brooke to deal with, I suggest you stay quiet and follow orders. Shift Anthony and I will put him on your

back. I will lead us to the coven. Drayce is expecting us.” Anthony shifts and I throw Andrew on his

back. I shift into Crane and Rian shifts. We take off toward the coven. If my son thinks that he is the

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Alpha, then I will show him what a true Alpha does for his pack. I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this but

I should have known that mating with that b**ch would produce a weak heir.

We reach the coven and Drayce is waiting outside with a few of his men. We all shift and pull on the

clothes we were carrying in our mouth. He smiles when he sees Andrew. “I see you brought me a gift,

Joseph.” Anthony lays down and I pull Andrew off his back. “Take him to the cell that we hold the

wolves in” he says. The men carry him inside a large building that is like our pack house. “You did well

Joseph. Shall we go inside and discuss our next move?” I nod “Dracye, this is Rian and Anthony. They

are loyal to me and will help us deal with my son.” “Very good”, he says, and we follow him inside.

Once we reach the office, I take a seat in front of his desk. “So you told me that you had something

important to tell me when you arrived.” “I do, it seems that Brooke is alive and so are your children.”

Drayce POV

As soon as the words leave his mouth, I’m enraged. I stand slamming my hands on the desk. “It’s not

possible. I saw the light leave that b**ch’s eyes.” “Drayce, I have no reason to lie to you. Besides, she

didn’t come with Jayden to the pack alone. Your sister was with her.” “That f**king b**ch is dead. She is

no sister to me. I knew she was keeping something from me. She killed West and she is the reason

that I don’t have my pets or children. I want her dead.” “I’m sure we can make that happen, Drayce”

Joseph says. “Let’s go check on our guest so we can call your son and say hello.” I lead them

downstairs and the wolf is still unconscious lying on the floor of the cell. I grab a bottle of water off the

table and throw it on him. His eyes flutter open and as he looks around he gets to his feet. When he

realizes what’s happening, he tries to shift. I laugh “what’s wrong, mutt, can’t reach your wolf?” “What

have you done?” “The bars to this cell are silver. You won’t be able to shift so don’t try.” He looks at

Joseph. “How could you do this to your son? I always knew you were a ba**ard but you betrayed your

own flesh and blood to help him” he says pointing at Joseph. “You know nothing Andrew. I would be

careful you’re only alive because you’re useful. Don’t make me kill you now”, Joseph says. I shoot him

a look. “That is no way to speak to our guest Joseph.” He nods and takes a step back. “Now Andrew,

you might live through this if you just act like a good dog and follow orders.” “F**k you, I’m not like that

piece of sh*t” he says pointing at Joseph. “I will never betray Jayden or my Luna.” I laugh “honor is

overrated Andrew. Is being loyal really worth losing your own life?” “I would rather die than help you

and that pathetic excuse for a wolf.” I turn to Joseph “I think it’s time to give your son a call.” He smiles

and takes the phone out of his pocket.