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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 131
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 134

72 Rescue

Jayden POV

The phone vibrates in my pocket and I pray it’s Andrew, even though I know in my heart it isn’t. When

my father’s name flashes on the screen, I tamper down my anger. If he knows where Andrew is, I need

to try to be calm until he tells me. “What’s wrong, Jayden?” “It’s my father” I say, and Brooke comes to

stand next to me so she can see the screen too. I accept the call but it’s not my father’s face that

appears on the screen. I growl “what the f**k have you done?” “Now Jayden, is that anyway to speak to

an ally.” I can feel Brooke’s anger through our bond. “Oh it’s my pet, still alive and looking f**kable as

usual. I hear you have my children with you.” “You have no children and soon you will have no life”,

Brooke says before I can even respond. Goddess, she is amazing. I thought she would be afraid of this

ba**ard but instead she is strong and pissed. “Now pet”, he starts to say and I growl. “Do not speak to

my Luna you piece of sh*t.” He laughs like I just told the funniest joke he has ever heard.

I can tell he is handing the phone to someone else and my father’s face appears. “You are a lying

ba**ard and I will take great pleasure in ending you.” “Maybe if you had been a stronger Alpha none of

this would be happening, Jayden. You chose to accept a weak mate and try to make her Luna of my

pack. That was never going to happen. I did what I had to do for you and the pack to be strong. She

should have stayed gone because now you will have to bury her.” “The only one who will need to be

buried is you, Joseph.” He turns the phone at that ba**ard Drayce. He is standing next to a beaten

Andrew who is chained to the wall. Bile rises in my throat at the thought of what they are planning.

“What’s the matter Jayden?” He grabs Andrew’s hair, lifting his head so I can see his swollen face. My

heart breaks that he is there at their mercy. “Andrew” I say. “You can turn my pet and children over to

me or I can kill your Beta, Jayden. It’s your choice. Who is more important, a piece of a** or your

Beta?” I growl and Storm is at the surface.

“Don’t you dare come for me. You protect Brooke and your pups. I mean it Jayden” Andrew manages

to yell out before that ba**ard punches him in the face. His head drops and I’m squeezing the phone

hard enough to break it. Brooke lays her hand on mine. She links me “we will get him back, I promise

you.” “You have till dusk tomorrow to give back what belongs to me or I will drain him.” The call

disconnects and I feel like there is no air in my lungs. I can’t breathe. Just a few hours ago, I was the

happiest I’ve ever been. I feel two hands on my face and I look into my mate’s beautiful eyes.

Brooke POV

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Every bit of anger I had a few minutes ago is replaced by fear. Not fear for myself, but fear of what he is

going to do to Andrew. He has always been kind to us and I know what he means to Jayden. He is

more than just a Beta. He is like a brother to him. I take Jayden’s face in my hands. “Jayden, I’m so

sorry this is happening.” He pulls me into his arms and I bury my head in his chest. As much as I love

him and want to be here, maybe it would have been better if we never found each other again. Andrew

would be safe right now. He pulls back, looking into my eyes. “Don’t you ever think that again.”

“Jayden”, I say, and he crashes his lips to mine. He pulls back when I’m breathless. He presses his

forehead to mine. “We will get Andrew back and he will be here to see you become my Luna in front of

the whole pack.” I smile, he really is the best man I’ve ever met. “I think you should call Lake and

Gabby. They need to know what’s happened. We are going to need them here sooner to deal with

these ba**ards.” He smiles and goes over to the phone on the desk. Once he picks up the phone and

starts talking, I go over to Adrian who has been quietly listening to everything that just happened.

I can see the pain on her face even though she is trying to hide it. The pups are sitting on the floor at

her feet playing with toys when I pull her into a hug. “None of this is your fault. Do you hear me

Adrian?” “It may not be my fault but Jayden’s Beta is being tortured by that ba**ard. I should have

stopped him after I found out what he did to you and your sister.” I pull back to look into her eyes.

“Don’t do that. Do not take responsibility for someone else’s crimes. You are the only reason that I am

standing here today, with my pups and mate.” I brush a stray tear off her cheek. “We are going to stop

him and save Andrew.” She nods and smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Lake and Jocelyn will be

here in an hour. Serina and Nicholas went to pick up Serina’s brothers” Jayden says. “We will bring the

pups to the Scarlett Rose pack tomorrow before we go to rescue Andrew.” I can see he hates the idea

of me being anywhere near the coven and Drayce but he doesn’t say a word.

Serina POV

We arrive at the pack and Nicholas opens my door. We head toward the building that is about the same

size as the new pack house. The guard at the door nods at Nicholas. “Good to see you again, Beta

Nicholas.” He doesn’t correct him and we head inside. My brothers are waiting with their bags in the big

living room. I’m lifted off the ground and James has me in his arms. “It’s good to see you sissy.” “It’s

good to see you too. Now can you put me down.” He laughs before he sets me on my feet. I’m not on

them long when John has me lifted in the air. “Nicholas, your back” I hear a woman’s voice and Ruby

growls. John sets me on my feet and I turn to see Nicholas pushing the woman’s hands away from his

chest. I walk over and he wraps his arm around me. I stick out my hand and she looks down at it with

disgust. “Hello, I’m Serina, Nicholas’s mate.” She looks like she sucked on a lemon. She turns walking

away without another word and my brothers burst out laughing. “Nicholas, I think you have been

claimed”, James says. “Yes I have and I couldn’t be happier to belong to your sister.” We head out to

the SUV and I’m glad that the boys will be home. As much as they drive me crazy sometimes, I really

missed them.

As we drive, the phone rings in my pocket. I pull it out and Gabby’s name flashes on my screen. I put it

to my ear. “Gabby, we just picked up the boys and we are on our way back.” “Serina, Lake just left with

Jo to the Onyx Moon.” “What’s going on Gabby?” “Jayden’s Beta has been taken by the coven and

Alpha Joseph.” I growl “that ba**ard. We will leave as soon as we get back with the boys.” “I have the

pups and Tabby is here with me.” “Good, it won’t take us long to reach the pack.” I hang up and slide

the phone back into my pocket. I tell Nicholas and my brothers what Gabby just told me. “Why the hell

are we going to our pack? Just head to the Onyx Moon. We came back to help kill those ba**ards”

James says. Before I can say anything, Nicholas does. “I know you guys want to help but you don’t

have your wolves yet. It is not safe for you to go into a fight with vampires when you can’t shift.” I turn

to look at my brothers and I hate the look on their faces. They know Nicholas is right but that doesn’t

mean they have to like it. “Fine, we will stay behind and protect Gabby, Tabby, and the pups”, John

says. I know how hard this is for them to accept, but they will have their wolves soon. They have

become amazing fighters and will be great Betas.

We arrive at the pack and before we head to the Onyx Moon, we follow the boys up to Gabby’s and

Lake’s floor. We will be moving into the new pack house after the ceremony. There will be two Alpha

floors and one Beta floor for now. Twins sometimes share a mate, so we will see if that is the case for

our brothers. I knock and we walk into Gabby’s living room. Gabby rushes over to hug the boys as

soon as she sees them. “Look at you Gabby”, John says. He places his hands on her bump. “How are

my nieces and nephews doing in there?” She laughs “they are playing soccer with my bladder.” By the

look on John’s face, he is sorry he asked. Tabby hugs them both. She looks like she is ready to pop.

I’m glad she won’t be going with us to fight the coven. I know how strong she is but she needs to think

about her pup right now. “Serina, please let us know what is happening” Gabby says, and I hug her and

Tabby before we head out to the SUV. It’s late when we arrive at the Onyx Moon. We meet with

Jayden, Brooke, Jo, Lake, and Adrian. They fill us in on the phone call. “It looks like one of my warriors

helped my father and Rian escape. They took my Beta and threatened my Luna”, Jayden says. I feel

so bad that he just found Brooke again and he is dealing with this. I look at Adrian and I can’t imagine

how she must feel knowing what her brother is doing. She is a good person and she doesn’t need to

feel guilt, but I can see it on her face. Nicholas takes my hand and I pray we get Andrew back in one

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Adrian POV

Once we finish the meeting, we head upstairs. I walk to the room that is now mine after I kiss the twins

goodnight and hug Brooke. I’m so grateful for these people and I hate that Drayce is causing them all

this pain. He is just like my father. He doesn’t care who he hurts. I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. I

can’t do this. I can’t lie here and wait till tomorrow. I can’t hope that Drayce will stay true to his word and

keep Andrew alive till dusk. Losing Andrew will destroy Jayden. He deserves to be happy. They both

deserve to be happy. I know I can get into the mansion without being caught. I have to try and get him

out before anything happens to him. I stick my head out of the door and the hallway is empty. I manage

to make it outside and head for the trees. I don’t need to be stopped by any warriors. I’m sure they will

alert Brooke and Jayden if they catch me. I use my vampire speed to reach just outside the coven. A

branch brakes behind me and I whirl around to find a smiling Serina. “What the hell are you doing

here?” “I could ask you the same question?”

“Serina, please, I need you to go back. There is no way you can go in there with me.” “I won’t but

you’re going to need help carrying a full-grown man back to the pack.” I smile, I guess I could use help.

“Fine but please stay out of sight and be careful.” She backs up so she is hidden in the trees. I turn and

I can see the mansion as I walk forward. I watch as the patrols pass more frequently than usual. My

brother must be worried to have increased the patrols. I follow the tree-line until I can see the door that

leads to the kitchen. When the guard passes I run making it inside. My heart is racing and I say a

prayer that I get him out safely. I reach the door that leads to the cells. I know there will be a guard so I

need to be prepared to fight. I slip down the stairs slowly and the guard has his back to me. I manage

to reach him without being detected. I jump wrapping my arm around his neck and twist. He falls to the

ground. I walk toward the cell and the man’s body is lying motionless on the floor. I can hear his blood

flowing through his veins and I’m grateful he is still alive. I take the keys off the guard and open the cell

door. I rush over and I can tell he is barely hanging on. He would never have survived till dusk. They

had no intentions of keeping him alive.

I lay his head in my lap and the moment I see his face I know he isn’t going to make it. I look up to the

sky and pray this is the right thing to do. I bend down and place my lips on his neck just like I did with

Brooke. I extend my fangs, biting down and inject my venom into his blood. I pull back once I know I’ve

given him enough to turn him. His color starts to look better but he is nowhere near out of the woods. I

will have the strength to get him out of here, but I’m glad Serina will be there to help me get him back to

the pack. I manage to throw him over my shoulder. I head for the stairs and slowly make my way to the

door that leads out. I watch the patrol guard pass again before I take off for the woods. Once I reach

Serina, I set him down on the ground. His eyes start to flutter open and I gasp when I stare into his

ocean blue eyes. There is no way.