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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 132
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 135

73 Beloved

Adrian POV

As quickly as his eyes open they close again. Goddess help me, he is my beloved. Drayce almost

killed my beloved. I don’t have time to focus on that right now. “Serina, we need to get him back to the

pack. He needs medical attention. The change is keeping him alive but he needs his wolf to heal him.”

She looks at me confused. “He has been in a cell surrounded by silver. His wolf has been suppressed.”

She nods, stepping back and shifting into a beautiful red wolf. I start to lift Andrew when I hear a growl

from behind us. I turn to see Joseph and a man I’ve never seen before. He is not part of the coven, he

is a wolf.” I look back at my beloved and Serina’s wolf is standing over him. She is protecting him and I

couldn’t be more grateful at this moment. “I believe he belongs to us”, Joseph snickers. “Your brother

won’t take kindly to your interference girl.” The only saving grace right now is he can’t alert my brother. I

start toward them with my vampire speed and I reach the man first. I grab him by the throat and quickly

snap his neck. I feel a piercing pain in my side as I am thrown backwards. I manage to get to my feet

despite the injury. Joseph shifts and runs at me. I jump up, landing on his back. He starts to buck trying

to throw me off. I grip his fur and extend my fangs. I won’t give him enough venom to change only to

make him sick. I bite down and his blood begins to flow into my mouth. As I give him venom, images of

his past flow through my mind. I release my bite and his wolf falls to the ground. I jump off ready to

finish him after what I just saw, but I hear yelling in the distance. They must have realized Andrew is

gone. It won’t take them long to reach us.

I turn and Serina’s wolf is lying next to Andrew. I pick him up placing him on her back. I climb up behind

him knowing he can’t hold on. Once I have him stable, I let Serina’s wolf know we’re ready. She takes

off and I can’t believe how fast we are moving. I know wolves can run, but this isn’t a normal wolf

speed. That’s how she was able to follow me. It doesn’t take us long to reach the pack border. As soon

as we cross over into the pack lands we are surrounded by three wolves. I yell out “we have the Beta

and he needs help.” One of the wolves shifts and when he realizes it’s Andrew, he gives the order to

stand down. “Follow me” he says over his shoulder before he shifts back into his wolf and we follow

behind him. When we reach the pack hospital, Serina’s wolf lays down, allowing me to slide off with

Andrew in my arms. Two of the guards grab him and carry him inside. I follow close behind them. “You

have to wait here” a nurse says as she stops me from going through the double door. Everything in me

wants to bare my fangs and move her but I don’t. “Adrian” I hear from behind me and I’m wrapped in

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Brooke’s arms. “What the hell were you thinking? What if you were caught? What if you were killed?”

“Brooke, I’m fine. I’m here with you and I’m fine.”

The door opens and Serina walks in, followed by Lake, Nicholas, and Jayden. She wraps me in a hug.

Jayden picks me up, hugging me. “If I wasn’t so happy right now I would be giving you such a lecture

about putting yourself at risk.” I smile and he sets me on my feet. I won’t tell him right now what I saw

when I bit his father, but he deserves to know exactly what his father has done. He kisses Brooke

before he walks through the double doors. I hear Lake scolding Serina and I’m just about to interrupt

when she stands placing her hands on her hips. “I am not a child. I knew what I was doing and we

saved Andrew because I was there to help. I am an equal Lake.” He stands and wraps her in a hug. “I

know you are but you scared the hell out of me. Please, next time, include me in the plan. It wouldn’t

just kill your parents and siblings. It would kill me if something happened to you.” I smile loving how

honest and sweet Lake is with his sister-in-law. She pulls back, “I’m sorry, next time I will let you know

what is going on, but you don’t get to stop me if I do.” He sticks out his hand “deal.” Nicholas comes

around him and wraps her in his arms “you’re amazing.”

Drayce POV

The door flies open and one of my soldiers rushes in. I push the mutt’s mouth off my d**k and fix my

pants. I’m just about to scream at him for his disrespect when he begins talking fast about the prisoner.

“Slow the f**k down and tell me what is going on.” “The prisoner is gone. I went to relieve Justin and he

was dead.” “Why the f**k are you here instead of looking for him and whoever helped him escape?” I

reach my hand out and rip out his throat. His body falls to the ground and I step over him. I will not

tolerate stupidity from my men. I don’t even give a second thought to the b**ch whimpering on my floor.

I alert my guards and head outside to join them to look for the mutt. He was barely hanging on and

there is no way he escaped on his own. I will not lose my bargaining chip. I know that boy is weak and

he will do everything he can to save his Beta.

Once I’m outside, I hear someone yelling from the eastern border. I use my speed to reach him. A wolf

I recognize as Joseph is lying on the ground. He is still breathing, which is more than I can say for

Anthony. He has been drained and I’m sure I know who did it. I turn to my men, dismissing all but three

of them to look for the mutt. “Take him to the healer now”, I say pointing at Joseph’s wolf. They lift him,

taking him to the healer’s cottage. She walks out onto the porch and looks at the wolf lying on the

ground. “What do you expect me to do for this wolf? I know how to help vampires, not wolves.” “I still

need him to get what belongs to me. If he dies, you die. I suggest you figure out how to help him.” I see

the fear flash across her face. I turn walking back toward the mansion. I know Adrian is responsible for

helping that mutt escape. I reach my office and thankfully, that wh*re was smart enough to leave. I

might have drained her just for being a wolf with how angry I am right now.

Andrew POV

I meant every word I said to Jayden, not because I don’t care about dying, but I know what losing her

would do to him. The pack needs Jayden. That ba**ard cannot be Alpha again. The pack is so different

with Jayden in charge. The pack members are happy and well cared for. After that f**king vampire hit

me again, everything went black. I can’t reach Gideon and my wounds aren’t healing. It won’t take long

for my body to succumb to the injuries without my wolf. He had no intention of trading me for Brooke. It

was all a lie. I don’t know how long passes before I feel something, like I’m being moved. Maybe they

are taking me outside to burn my body. I pray it is over quickly. I’m on the ground. I can smell the grass

and the trees. I manage to open my eyes and the most beautiful woman is staring down at me. Before I

can even try to speak, the darkness consumes me again.

I don’t know how long has passed before I hear a beeping sound, but I still can’t open my eyes. Where

the hell am I? I know that I’m not dead, but I have no idea where the hell I am. I still can’t open my

eyes. “Gideon”, I call out to my wolf. This time I feel him. I call out two more times before he finally

answers. “I’m here Andrew. I’m sorry I couldn’t reach out sooner, I’ve been trying to heal you.” “How the

hell am I still alive?” “Everything will be clear very soon.” “You sound like a fortune cookie, just tell me

what the hell is going on.” I hear voices before he can answer. I try to force my eyes open. This time it

takes a lot of effort but I manage to open them completely. “Andrew your awake”, Jayden says as he

rushes toward me. The doctors and nurses are checking the machines. My throat feels like I haven’t

drank in a week. I try to ask questions but all that comes out is coughing. Jayden grabs a glass of water

and holds it to my lips. “Small sips Andrew”, the doctor orders. Once I manage to take three sips I can

finally speak. “How the hell did I get here?” He smiles and relief washes over me because I know

Brooke is safe. “Apparently my Luna’s protector went on a secret rescue mission without anyone

knowing.” Now I’m really confused. “Adrian is Drayce’s sister and she saved Brooke. Now with Serina’s

help she saved you.” I smile “she must be a pretty amazing woman.” “She is and I’m glad she is on our

side”, he says with a chuckle. “I’m going to get her and Brooke. I’m sure they are waiting not so


He leaves and I say a prayer of thanks to the goddess for bringing me home safely. Gideon begins to

pace in my mind. “What the hell is wrong with you” is all I manage to get out when the smell of vanilla

invades my nose. Gideon growls “mate” before the door opens. Jayden walks in, followed by Brooke

and the woman from earlier. She is my mate, she is a vampire. I reach my hand up touching my neck

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

and run fingers over two puncture marks. She bit me. What does that mean? Did she mark me? She

rushes over until she is standing a few feet from my bed. “I’m sorry, it was the only way to save your

life. I had to change you.” I’m a hybrid. I see fear and hurt on her face. I don’t want her ever to feel

either. I reach out my hand, praying she will take it. Thankfully, she does and I look into her eyes.

“Mate” I say and she smiles. “Beloved” she whispers back and I love hearing those words from her

mouth. “Thank you for saving my life.” She takes me by surprise when she steps forward and presses

her lips to mine. The tingles where our lips are touching feels amazing. A throat clears and she pulls

back with a blush on her cheeks. I look at a smiling Jayden and Brooke. “Congratulations” Jayden

says, and Brooke rushes over wrapping my mate in her arms. The goddess is truly amazing.

As she hugs Brooke, I notice blood on her shirt. I growl “your hurt”, I say pointing to her side. Brooke

pulls back and starts to move her shirt, revealing her injury. “I’m fine really” she insists. She has four

deep claw marks on her side. “Brooke, I will be fine. I may not heal as quickly as a wolf, but I’ll heal.” I

hate that she was hurt rescuing me. “Who did this to you” Jayden asks, knowing it was a wolf. I see

sympathy on her face and I know exactly who hurt her.

Adrian POV

I hate the pain I see on Jayden’s face. I had hoped that I could wait to tell him what I saw in his father’s

blood but he needs to know. “It was your father that dragged his claw across my side when I killed the

wolf with him.” “I’m sorry Adrian” he starts to say and I stop him. “You are not responsible for your

father’s actions just as I’m not responsible for my brothers.” He nods and I take a deep breath to tell

him what I saw. “Jayden, what do you know about your mother?” He looks at me with confusion on his

face at the shift in topic. “I don’t know much besides that she died giving birth to me. My father never

really talked about her.” “Jayden, in order to get away I had to bite your father. I gave him enough

venom to make him sick but not change him.” Andrew reaches out and takes my hand in his to offer

support. “The blood that I drank gave me images from the past.” “You were able to read him. That

doesn’t much matter now we know the truth” Jayden says. “What I saw was further back in the past. I’m

sure what the goddess wanted me to see.” He stays quiet and I continue.

“Your mother was an omega in your pack. She was fated by the goddess to your father. She didn’t die

in childbirth.” “What the f**k happened to her, Adrian?” “Your father kept her prisoner until she produced

you and then he gave her to my father. That is how the pack’s alliance started with the coven.”

Jayden’s eyes flash black and he roars. I know his anger is not directed at me and I feel no fear.

Brooke wraps her arms around him and he buries his hand in her neck. He begins to sob and I turn to

face Andrew. My heart breaks as I listen to this poor man grieve for a mother he never had the chance

to know because of a monster that worried about status. A monster that gave his mate as a sacrifice so

no one would ever know that he was mated to an omega.