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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 138
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 141

79 My Father’s Sons

Serina POV

We continue the walk to the pack hospital. I have a nagging feeling that something is up with Jo. “I

agree she was acting weird”, Ruby says. When we reach the hospital, my father is standing outside

talking to my brothers. Lake waves but heads inside without a word. Even though we haven’t been

gone long, he has missed my sister terribly. He did nothing but talk about her when he wasn’t linking

her. It really is sweet. Nicholas and I head over to my father and brothers. My brothers seem on edge

and that isn’t like them. “What’s going on” I ask. “Our wolves are losing their sh*t”, James says. “Your

wolves”, I say like a question surprised by what he just said. They both smile. “Yes, we shifted into our

wolves during the fight with the vampires”, John says. They tell me their wolves’ names and I’m happy

that my brothers got their wolves. I know they wanted to help defend the pack. “That’s amazing, I’m so

happy for you both. So what’s up with your wolves that they are losing their sh*t?” James’ eyes darken

“our mate is near but her scent is faint.” I can tell it’s Ace that is speaking, not James. I look at John

and his eyes are dark too. “I believe I know what was wrong with Jo”, Ruby says. “Holy sh*t, Jo is the

twins mate. That is why we feel so connected to her. The goddess knew she would be important to all

of us. That we needed to bond and protect her and the pups.”

I don’t even realize I’m smiling but I am. “Serina, what do you know” my father asks with a smirk on his

face. “I think I know who their mate is.” “Who”, James asks with urgency in his voice. “You both need to

get yourself under control. Jo is scared of having a mate after all she has been through.” Their eyes

both darken and I snap my fingers. “That is not going to help her feel comfortable. You need to get your

wolves under control.” Their eyes return to their normal color and their features soften. “Serina, we

need to see her”, James says. “I will take you to see her after I get the pups.” They both smile and we

head inside. We reach the room and I knock. I open the door and walk in, followed by Nicholas and my

brothers. Tabby is holding a perfect little pink bundle with red hair. “She is beautiful.” I walk around the

bed and hug Tabby before I kiss her sweet little head. Her name is perfect, it suits her completely.

“Congratulations” I say to Tabby and Johnathon. I link Nicholas asking him to stay here while I take the

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boys to see Jo. He smiles and nods at me.

After we finish congratulating Tabby and Johnathon, I turn to Gabby and Lake, who are holding the

pups. “Jo wants me to bring her the pups so she can visit them before we leave again for the Onyx

Moon.” A growl comes from behind me and I chuckle. Gabby looks behind me with a raised eyebrow.

“What’s going on with you two” she asks. John steps forward. “We think that Jo is our mate.” A smile

spreads across her face before we see sadness in her eyes. “We won’t hurt her, Gabby”, James says.

“I know you would never hurt her. She has been through a lot. I just hope she allows herself to be

happy and accept the bond. It may take time, but don’t give up if she doesn’t accept it right away.”

Gabby stands handing the pups to me before she hugs both of our brothers. They hug Nicholas and

shake Lake’s hand before we head toward the pack house. We reach the room and I turn to my

brothers. “I am going to go in first and then you boys can come in.” They both nod and I turn back to

the door. James knocks and when the door opens, Jo looks at me. I know by the look on her face that

I’m right. “Jo, it’s alright. They just want to talk to you.”

Jocelyn POV

Did she just say the word they? This can’t be happening. I was worried about disappointing one mate

and she just said they. “Serina” I say before two men who look exactly alike, step behind her. “Mates”,

Emery says, and I feel frozen in place. I can’t have two mates. They are never going to want me after

they find out everything that happened. “Jo, these are my brothers, James and John.” She comes close

to me and looks into my eyes. “Just listen before you make any decisions, please.” I take a deep breath

and nod. She hands me Wesley and Brooklyn before she heads for the door. I really wish she would

stay but I know that I need to face the men the goddess chose for me alone. “Jocelyn, please just listen

to us. We don’t know all the details of what happened to you but we want to. We are your mates and

nothing will change that”, James says. I look into his eyes for the first time, which is a huge mistake. I

look between the two of them. They are the most handsome men I have ever seen. Emery growls her

approval and I’m sure my face reddens. I push those thoughts away and focus on this conversation.

“I know you feel the pull because of the bond, but you deserve a mate that is pure. You deserve to

have a mate that bears your pups, not someone else’s.” They both take a deep breath. I’m sure, in

order to calm their wolves. “There will never be another woman we want. Even if you chose to be with

someone else before us, that doesn’t make you any less pure. It is your heart that makes you pure

Jocelyn”, John says. James looks at Brooklyn and reaches out his hands to me. He takes her and John

takes Wesley. “As far as our pups, they are just that, our pups. We may have more, but even if we do,

they will always be our first pups. Our wolves have already accepted them. Blood is not important, our

father has taught us that.” She looks at us confused. “Gabriella was three years old when our father

found our mother, his fated mate. Brutus and our father accepted her without a second thought. She is

his oldest pup because love is what matters. We love this little boy and girl because they are our pups”

John says. I feel the unshed tears in my eyes. They can’t really mean these things. Wolves don’t just

accept other people’s pups. Jayden already loved Brooke and I was still amazed how easily he

accepted her pups. A hand touches each side of my face and the tingles are like nothing I have ever

felt before. “Jocelyn, this was the way it was meant to be. You were always meant to be ours”, James

says and John nods. “We will give you as much time as you need to accept us, but we are yours in this

life and the next”, John says.

James POV

I hate that she feels this way. I hate that she has been hurt by these evil ba**ards. She is the most

beautiful woman and John and I are lucky that she was chosen for us. I meant every word I said about

the pups. “They are ours”, Ace growls. “I know they are. They are perfect.” I can see the tears in her

eyes and I never want to see her cry. A single tear starts to run down her cheek and I wipe it away.

“Jocelyn, what is your full name?” The tears start to flow freely before she finally answers me. “Jocelyn

Marie Curtis” she says. “I, James Stephen Lyons, accept you ,Jocelyn Marie Curtis, as my mate.” I look

at John. “I, John Harris Lyons, accept you, Joceyln Marie Curtis, as my mate.” She smiles and I let go

of the breath I didn’t know I was holding. “I, Jocelyn Marie Curtis, accept you, James Stephen Lyons

and John Harris Lyons, as my mates.” I feel the bond start to form and I know we may not complete it

today but she has accepted us and that’s all that matters to me.” A knock sounds on the door and

Gabby walks in followed by my parents. My mother is smiling like she won the lottery.

She walks over and wraps Jocelyn in her arms. “I knew you were my daughter the day we found you”

my mother whispers to her. “Thank you Sabrina.” My mother pulls back and comes over to take

Brooklyn from me. “It’s time for you all to return to Onyx Moon and finish those two ba**ards.” I smile

and kiss my daughter before I hand her over to my mother. “What about the pups and Gabby” John

asks as Gabby takes Wesley from his arms. “We will be here to protect your sister and the pups. Harris

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and Levi will be with me”, our father says. “You three be careful and come back in one piece” my

mother says, pointing at me, John, and Joeclyn. “They are waiting for you down stairs”, my father says.

We hug my parents before we walk out into the hallway. Before I can ask Jocelyn, takes both our

hands. As we come down the stairs Serina is smiling. My sisters are both so amazing. John and I are

lucky to have them. We head to the SUV. Nicholas drives and Serina sits in the passenger seat,

allowing us to sit with Jocelyn between us. When we arrive at the Onyx Moon, I say a prayer to the

goddess to protect our mate and family.

Joseph POV

I wake up and I have no idea where the f**k I am. I throw the blanket off and manage to get to my feet.

I still can’t reach Crane but I can at least feel his presence. “What are you doing” I hear a female voice.

I look up to see a woman who is around my age. “Who are you and where am I?” “I am the healer of

the coven and you’ve been unconscious since you were bitten.” “That f**king b**ch bit me. She is going

to f**king die slowly.” “Who bit you?” “That b**ch Adrian bit me. She is the one that helped my ba**ard

son’s Beta escape.” I see a look I can’t decipher cross her face. “Take me to Drayce now.” “I have

something for you to take before I take you to him. It will help your wolf regain its strength.” “Give it to

me. I don’t have time to waste.” She turns to a table and pulls out a vile with blue liquid in it. She walks

over and hands me the vial. “You must drink the whole thing in order for the elixir to work.” I press the

vial to my lips and empty the entire thing before I hand it back to her. I stand but feel no different. I still

can’t reach Crane. I grab her by the throat. “This better work or I will make sure that mine is the last

face you ever see before I snap your neck.” I drop her to the floor and walk out, heading toward the


I reach Drayce’s office and knock. I open the door and Drayce is sitting behind his desk. “Joseph, it is

good to see you up and around. I thought maybe Adrian had succeeded in killing you and the two

wolves you brought with you.” “Rian is dead?” “Yes, my sister made sure of that. She must be stopped.

I am waiting for word from my men about the attack on Scarlett Rose.” “What attack, what has

happened?” “I have sent some of my soldiers to the Scarlett Rose to find leverage again. I am done

waiting to have what is mine. If the men don’t return before dusk, prepare yourself to return to Onyx

Moon. My men are ready to die for me. I hope your wolf is ready to fight for you.” “My wolf has not

completely returned yet, Drayce.” “I would start praying if I were you but I doubt the goddess will help

you after all you have done. You can leave my office and prepare yourself for battle.”