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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 139
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 142

80 Battle Part 1

Drayce POV

We are in a conference room with my ranked members. Joseph sits silently and I can’t even be

bothered to ask him if his wolf has returned. I look at him. “I want you to lead seventy of my men to

Onyx Moon, Joseph.” He stays quiet but I know he isn’t happy with my orders. “We will be coming in a

second wave not long after you arrive. We have to be smart about this. My hope is that the second

attack will take them off guard. Prepare yourselves to leave in an hour.” My men leave the room and

Joseph and I are alone. “Do you have a problem with the plan, Joseph?” “I have a problem with the fact

that I have no wolf, Drayce. Your healer was supposed to fix this and whatever she gave me has not

worked. How do you expect me to make it to the Onyx Moon without a wolf? How do you expect me to

fight wolves without one?” I laugh as I walk toward him. He stands until we are eye to eye. “You should

have killed my sister and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I have no time to protect you, so I

suggest you figure out how to protect yourself because this is the plan. You can go with my men or you

can die here.” He steps back from me. “I gave you all you asked for and this is how you repay me.” I

laugh again “you didn’t give me anything. I took those girls to fix your problem. I don’t owe you

anything. Now make your choice, Joseph. Stay here and die by my hand or die in your pack with some

honor.” He nods with defeat written all over his face. “Now my men will get you there but the rest is on

you. Maybe you’ll survive till we arrive.” He turns leaving the room and I ready myself to destroy those

two b**ches and the mutts ready to defend them.

Jayden POV

We have all gathered in the pack yard. Brooke stands by my side as we address the pack before this

battle. Serina, Nicholas, Adrian, Andrew, Jocelyn, James, and John all stand with us. Lake stayed

behind after speaking with Serina and Nicholas. The strength of these people that I know call family

and friends is stronger than anything that Joseph and Drayce have on their side. “We will face an

enemy today that believes we are weak. They believe that your leader doesn’t deserve to be your

Alpha.” Growls are heard throughout the crowd. My warriors bare their necks to me, showing their

respect. “Your Luna and I will fight by your side to defeat this enemy. I know it will be difficult to fight

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

against your former Alpha, but know that he has committed unthinkable acts against your Luna and

other innocent members of this pack.” They again start to growl and some of my warriors shift. I turn to

face Adrian and Andrew. “You will remain here and defend the pack with the remaining warriors.”

“Jayden, I know the coven better than anyone” Adrian says with worry in her voice. “I know you do, but

if the vampires come here, I need you and Andrew to protect our pack.” She smiles “yes Alpha.”

Andrew wraps his arm around her. “We will protect the pack with our lives” Andrew says. I have no

doubt they will.

I turn back to the warriors waiting on my command. “It’s time to right the wrongs of the past.” I kiss

Brooke before we both shift and take off following Serina. Storm pushes as hard as he can to keep up

with Serina’s wolf. We weave in and out of the trees. We run for, I don’t know how long, when Serina’s

wolf starts to slow down. Serina shifts before we reach her. We do the same and she points through the

trees. I can see movement as men pass by what I assume is the border of the coven. All the warriors

have shifted and I turn motioning for them to follow me. As we approach the border, I realize we have

intercepted them as they gather to attack our pack. Vampires stand shoulder to shoulder baring their

fangs at us. They split and that ba**ard Drayce steps forward. He smiles at Brooke and then Jocelyn. I

growl and his eyes return to me. “What’s wrong Jayden? Angry you have to have my sloppy seconds or

that she really liked it?” I growl and Storm pushes to the surface. I’m about to lose control when Brooke

grips my arm.

Brooke POV

As he walks through the line of vampires he has that same smug look on his face. The one I had to see

every day while he kept us prisoner. I hate the sight of him. When he calls me sloppy seconds, I have

had all I’m going to take from this ba**ard. I love that Jayden wants to defend my honor, but this f**king

pr*ck is mine. I grab his arm and link him. “I love you but I need to end him with Jocelyn.” He steps

back and Jocelyn comes to stand next to me. “It’s not my mate and Alpha you have to worry about.” I

bare my fangs at him and I see the moment he realizes what I have become. “You should be afraid

because you are about to pay for all you have done to us.” He steps back and his men stand in front of

him like the coward he is. I shift into Candance and I hear Jayden give the order of attack. I head

straight in the direction of Dracye with Jocelyn by my side. Three large vampires step in front of us. We

start to circle and in seconds, what’s left of the three vampires lay at Emery and Candance’s feet.

There are wolves and vampires all around us, but I can’t find Drayce among them. Candance takes a

deep breath and we catch his scent in the distance. He is hiding like a rat.

I stalk forward killing more vampires as I go. I reach the back of the mansion and as I turn the corner

the ba**ard jumps at me. He manages to land on Candace’s back. We try to shake him off but he digs

his nails into our skin. She growls and before she can roll Emery knocks him off of us. He jumps to his

feet as we both circle him. “Isn’t this sweet, the two sisters are here for revenge? Shouldn’t you be after

Joseph? After all, he gave the two of you to me. I should have killed you just like my father did that

b**ch Joseph gave him.” I’m done listening to this pathetic excuse for a vampire. Emery jumps, pinning

him to the ground. He starts to hiss and fight but he is no match for her strength. For the first time, I see

fear on his face. Candance bends down, taking his arm in her mouth. She bites down and pulls back in

one motion, ripping the arm from his body. His screams fill the air and she goes to the opposite side,

biting down on his leg, ripping it off too. Emery steps back and I shift. I want him to see my face when I

finish him. I lean down as his breathing speeds up with the amount of blood he’s losing. I can see he is

fading but I want him to hear me. “Your father was as pathetic as you are and Jayden’s mother is very

much alive.” As soon as the words leave my mouth I bite down on his neck, injecting all the venom I

have in my fangs. This time his screams don’t last long because every vessel in his body ruptures. He

is a pool of nothing lying at my feet. He has always been nothing.

Jocelyn comes over and wraps me in a hug. “It’s over” she says. “Not yet, but it will be soon.” We head

back toward the others and it looks like we haven’t lost one warrior. There is a group of vampires

kneeling in front of Jayden and the others. As soon as he sees me, he rushes over, wrapping me in his

arms. He buries his head in my neck. “You are amazing and I am lucky to have been chosen by the

goddess for you.” I pull back and press my lips to his. Someone clears their throat and I turn to see the

only face that was kind here beside Adrian. “Gale,” I say her name before I rush over to her. She wraps

me in a hug. “It’s so good to see you well Brooke. To see you both well” she says looking at Jocelyn.

Jayden comes to stand next to me. “Where is Joseph?” She smiles and I’m confused. “He was ordered

to return to the Onyx Moon” she says and Jayden growls. “Why are you smiling about him returning to

my pack?” “I’m smiling because he has no wolf. I made sure of that. Now you need to go and deal with

him.” “Thank you for helping my mate and doing what was right”, Jayden says before we turn and take

off toward the pack.

Adrian POV

We are sitting downstairs in the pack house. I can’t think about anything except Brooke and the others.

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I say a prayer to the goddess to protect them. I know that we are needed here but I will never forgive

myself if Drayce hurts any of them. “Adrian have faith in your family. The goddess would not have done

all this just to lead them to their demise”, my mother says. I nod and notice that Andrew is getting a link.

I stand waiting to hear what is happening. “Joseph is at the border with a large group of vampires.”

“Stay here”, I say to my family and head for the door to follow Andrew. We meet the other warriors in

the pack yard and head to the border. As soon as we arrive, we both shift. Joseph smiles “my son

doesn’t even come to greet his father. He sends his lackey instead.” Andrew growls and I step next to

him. “I see you have accepted the leech as your mate. You’re pathetic and not worthy of being the Beta

of my pack.” I’m just about to shift when I hear a voice and freeze. It can’t be, she wouldn’t. I turn and I

feel like I can’t breathe. My mother, Porter, and my sisters come to stand next to me. I can’t lose them

after I have just found them. I step in front of them but my mother places her hands on my shoulders.

She turns me so I am facing her.

Adria POV

“You don’t need to be afraid. I am not afraid of him. He lost that power over me a long time ago.” Adrian

steps to the side and stands by me. “Hello Joseph” I say and realization crosses his face. “It’s not

possible. You are supposed to be dead.” I laugh “you were supposed to love me and respect the bond,

but we both know that things don’t always happen the way they are supposed to.” “I would never love a

pathetic omega. You’re the reason my son is so weak and a sorry excuse for an Alpha. He came from

omega blood.” “He is not your son. He is my son. You don’t deserve to claim him. He is nothing like

your pathetic a** despite all you tried to make him.” “I’m done with this. You and all these pathetic

people are going to die today. I will have my pack. I am going to end you, which is what I should have

done the moment I realized the goddess had chosen such an unworthy mate.” I bare my fangs and he

steps back. “What the f**k have you become” Joseph says with fear in his eyes. “She is my mate and

the woman that is about to end you” Porter says. I smile at his words, loving the confidence he has in

me. I know how hard this is for him, but he has always given me what I needed and this is no different.

Joseph’s laugh draws my attention to him. “Do you really think that you can defeat an Alpha wolf?” “I

don’t see an Alpha wolf.” I take in a deep breath scenting the air. I look back into his eyes. “I see a

human with no wolf.” His eyes get big and I step forward. “It’s time to pay for your sins Joseph.”