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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 145
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 148

Her Fated Human Mate Book 3

Ruby POV

Gemma is growling as he wraps his arms around the woman and it is all I can do to keep her under

control. “She is touching our mate”, Gemma says. “No, he is touching her of his own free will. He is

human and he knows nothing of what he is to us.” “How can this be happening? How could the

goddess do this to us”, Gemma whimpers. I’m just about to tell her to calm down when my grandfather

gets my attention. “Come on Ruby, I will show you to your new office.” He opens the door and I follow

him inside. I’m grateful for the closed door and his fading scent. “Is everything alright Ruby” my

grandfather asks. “Of course”, I say, looking around at my office. It really is magnificent. Floor to ceiling

windows give a stunning view of the human city. The decor is warm colors with pops of blues and

greens. I couldn’t have designed it any better myself. “I know you are as hurt and angry as I am, so

stop trying to hide it”, Gemma says. I can’t give into those feelings right now, Gemma. “Come on, take

a seat at your new desk” my grandfather says with excitement in his voice. I smile and come around to

sit in my new chair.

“This is wonderful grandpa, thank you.” “I’m glad you like it. You earned this. Don’t ever forget that

Ruby. These are the files for today’s meeting if you want to look them over. I’m going to run to my old

office before we meet with Maverick and the other suits.” I laugh and he heads out the door closing it

behind him. I’m just about to talk to Gemma again about behaving during the meeting with Maverick

when a knock sounds on the door. The coconut scent that invades my nose lets me know exactly who

it is. He knocks again before he pushes the door open slowly. “Ruby” he says as his eyes land on me. I

stand and he steps inside my office. “I apologize that Delilah interrupted our introductions.” “I’m sure we

will have plenty of time for introductions if you need to attend to your visitor Mr.” I say hoping he will fill

in the blank with his last name. “Please just call me Maverick. We aren’t that formal around here.” He

reaches out his hand and manners prevail as I place my hand in his. I knew I was going to regret it as I

feel the tingles where our skin touches.

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I feel like we shake longer than is necessary before he lets go and I pull my hand back. “It is nice to

meet you, Maverick. If you’ll excuse me, I want to go over the files before our meeting.” “Of course, it

was nice to meet you Ruby,” he says before he turns walking out of my office. My name on his lips

makes butterflies flit in my stomach. I tamper down those feelings. He is not a wolf and I would never

interfere in his relationship. Gemma whimpers again “but he is our mate. The goddess chose him for

us. There has to be a reason, Ruby.” “I know he is, but taking him from someone he has already

chosen isn’t something I am willing to do. This is not how I expected finding our mate to go either.” She

recedes in my mind and I try to focus on the files in front of me.

Maverick POV

I hear the office door close and I lead Delilah into my office. I don’t appreciate the show she just put on

in front of my bosses. “What the hell was that about?” She makes her pouty face as she walks over

pressing her body against mine. “Don’t be mad at me. I just wanted to see what she looked like. You

know I get jealous when you are working so closely with other women.” “Lilah, I have never given you

any reason to doubt me, or my loyalty to you. I don’t appreciate you coming here to mark your territory.”

She laughs “it’s not like I peed on you. I just want her to know your off limits.” I roll my eyes and she

wraps her arms around my neck. “I’m sorry, I’ll try to do better.” She pulls me down and presses her lips

to mine. Despite my irritation with her, I give into the kiss. We have been together for three years and I

really do love Delilah. She pulls back and I smile back down at her. “I love you so stop worrying. You’re

the one I asked to marry me, didn’t I.” She giggles and looks at her ring. “Yes, I am.” “Alright, I have an

important meeting and I need to properly meet my new boss.” I kiss her one more time before I usher

her out of my office and toward the elevators.

I turn and head to the office next to mine. I knock twice before I push the door open slowly. As I shake

her hand, the smell of her perfume invades my nose. Nice, you were just reassuring Lilah and here you

are being a creep smelling her perfume, I think to myself. As I shake her hand, I notice how green her

eyes are. What the hell is wrong with me? I realize I’ve held on to her hand longer than I should. I pull

my hand back and rest it at my side. She is very professional, which I appreciate. I’m glad she is so

interested in the business. Honestly, when Stephen told me he was bringing his great granddaughter in

as chief operating officer I was worried. I have worked for Stephen since I graduated from college and

despite the fact that my name is not on the company letterhead, I treat it like it is. Stephen has been

good to me and I want all that he has built to continue to be successful. I hope she is as passionate

about this company as Stephen and I am.

The meeting starts in five minutes and I start to gather my files. My door opens and Connor walks in.

He has been my best friend since college and he started here the same time I did. “So did you meet

her?” “Yes she seems very capable.” He rolls his eyes “only you would meet a woman and talk about

her business capabilities.” “All of us are not dogs.” He puts his fist to his chest “you wound me. I’m not

a dog, I just appreciate a beautiful woman.” “Here’s some advice that I’m sure you won’t take. Focus on

business and keep pleasure where it belongs, at home.” He laughs, “you sound like an old married

man already.” I gather my folders and head for the door. “That’s good because I am, the ceremony is

just a formality.” He laughs and slaps me on the back “you’re a lost cause.” I don’t even justify that

remark with a response. We walk down the hallway to the conference room. When we get inside,

Stephen is sitting at the head of the table with Ruby sitting on his right side. Connor and I take a seat

on the left side of the table.

Ruby POV

When the door opens to the conference room, I brace myself knowing his scent is about to surround

me again. I keep my expression even and nod at both men. I stand “Ruby, this is Connor, he and

Maverick have both been working on this deal”, my grandfather says. I stick out my hand, shaking

Connor’s. He flashes me a smile and I chuckle inside. “It’s nice to meet you Ruby. I look forward to

working with you.” I can tell he is like a lot of the wolves I know. He thinks his smile melts my panties,

but he couldn’t be more wrong. I nod and take my seat. We begin to discuss the upcoming deal that

they have been working on with a large real estate company. It takes us an hour to go over the files

before I feel up to speed on the company we are representing. “We have a meeting scheduled with

John Brenard in two days,” Maverick says. “Good, I will continue to review everything and be ready to

take part in the meeting.” Everyone gathers their things and I can’t help but watch him in his suit. It fits

him perfectly and I can see the tip of a tattoo sticking out of his sleeve as it rides up his arm. I feel the

heat rise in my body and I force myself to look down at my papers. When I look up, my grandfather is

smiling at me like he knows a secret.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Once Connor and Maverick leave the conference room, I stand picking my folders off of the table. “Sit

down young lady and start talking.” I roll my eyes but do what he asks. He crosses his arms and sits

back in his chair waiting for me to speak. “Fine, Maverick is my mate.” He smiles and I’m sure there is

confusion on my face. “This isn’t a good thing, grandpa. He already has a mate.” “Delilah is far from a

wolf. A snake maybe, but not a wolf.” “You know what I mean. He is in a relationship with someone else

and I will not interfere in anyone’s relationship.” What he said finally sinks in. “Why would you call her a

snake?” “I have lived a lot longer than you have and I have become a pretty decent judge of character.

That woman doesn’t love Maverick. She loves what he can buy her.” I growl low and slap my hand over

my mouth. My grandfather chuckles “I guess Gemma doesn’t like her mate being used.” “Don’t

encourage her grandpa.” He stands, “I think the goddess knows better than anyone. Your grandparents

have proven that. I have a feeling that she isn’t wrong this time either.” We head for the elevator and I

allow myself for a second to think about what it would have been like to meet him under different

circumstances. Gemma is right, I’m hurt and angry that my mate is with someone else.

We reach the pack and I head for the cottage. I can’t wait to shower and change into something more

comfortable. I pull on yoga pants and a t-shirt before I head outside. Jade will be home soon and I need

to head to my room before she gets here. My sister has this weird ability to know when something is

wrong with me. I grab my plate of food and head upstairs to my room. I sit on the chair and turn on the

tv. I don’t know how long passes when my door opens and my sister plops down on my bed. “Thanks

for knocking Jade.” “When have I ever knocked to come into this room?” She stands up coming around

to look at me. “Something happened to you. Tell me what happened today.” “You’re out of your mind.

Nothing happened, I’m fine.” She keeps staring at me and I look away. “Don’t lie to me. Something

happened at the office today.” I sigh and just give in. I know her well enough to know she isn’t going to

let this go. “Promise me that you won’t say anything to anyone Jade.” She makes the cross her heart

sign and pulls the chair up next to mine. “I met my mate today.” She is just about to scream and I stop

her. “He is human and he is with someone else.” “Oh Ruby, I’m sorry” she says and wraps me in a hug.

For the first time, I let tears flow. After a few minutes, I sit back and she brushes the tears off my cheek.

“It sounds like an ice cream and movie night.” I smile and try to push the thoughts of a mate that isn’t

mine out of my mind.