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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 147
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 150

3 Cooling Off

Ruby POV

The sunlight breaking through my window feels warm on my face. I open my eyes and I can hear a light

snoring next to me. I chuckle, we haven’t slept in the same bed since we were pups. I nudge her and

she groans. Jade is often late for training because she likes her sleep. “If we’re late for training you

know what’s going to happen.” She groans again. “We will have to run five miles and I don’t have time

for that this morning.” She jumps up and rushes toward her room like her a** is on fire. I can’t help the

laugh that escapes me as I head toward the bathroom. I throw on my sports bra and yoga pants before

I join Jade in the kitchen. We grab our water and head to the training field. Autumn, Archer, Brooklyn,

and Wesley are already warming up. We join them and my uncles step out onto the field. They are

larger than average Betas because they were born to my grandparents.

As the Betas of the pack, they handle the training of warriors. Wesley and Brooklyn will become Betas

when I take my title. After we turned eighteen, Jade, Archer, and I sat down to discuss the Alpha title. In

a normal pack there would be no question who is to become Alpha, but the Scarlett Rose is far from a

typical pack. I love the way our pack is run and I expected that we would all take the Alpha titles as my

parents and my Aunt Serina and Uncle Nicholas did. So I was shocked when Archer and Jade

declined. I was hurt at first and tried to convince them that we should all be Alpha, but they didn’t

agree. After a lot of discussion and a plan for them to help me lead, everything was settled. Archer will

be the head warrior and Jade will continue to work at the hospital. All major decisions will be made as a

team, but I will be the only Alpha.

“Since everyone is on time today, we are going to skip our run and get right into training”, my Uncle

John says, looking at my sister. I chuckle under my breath. “It seems our future Alpha is volunteering to

start the sparring” my Uncle James says, smiling at me. I step out of the group and prepare myself to

spar. “Alright, who wants to have their shot at the future Alpha,” my Uncle John asks. I hear chatter but

no one steps forward. I notice Tanya, one of the female warriors, is bothering my brother again. He has

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made it clear he isn’t interested, but she isn’t listening. “Tanya, you look like you’re ready to spar”, I say

as she touches his arm. Her head whips in my direction and she looks shocked. “Let’s go Tanya, you’re

up” I hear from behind me. “I didn’t volunteer, that’s not fair.” “Well here’s your first lesson, life isn’t fair

sometimes” my Uncle John says. She rolls her eyes but joins me up front. “Human form only ladies” my

Uncle James says. They both step back but stay close enough to intervene if needed. We start to circle

each other and I drop my voice so only she can hear me. “My brother may have manners but I don’t.

Leave him the f**k alone.”

She smiles and that just pisses me off. I lunge forward, landing my first punch to her face. I don’t use all

my strength because killing her is not the goal of this exercise. She stumbles back but manages to stay

on her feet. We are equal in size but I’m an Alpha so that gives me an advantage. She moves toward

and connects with a couple jabs to my side. “Beat that b**ches a** Ruby”, Gemma says with a growl.

This time when she comes at me, I do a roundhouse kick, knocking her on her a**. The blood that is

pouring out of her lips gives me some level of satisfaction. She wipes the blood away before she

makes it back to her feet. “B**ch” she says low so only I can hear. If she thinks her calling me a name

is going to make me lash out and make a mistake, she is very wrong. I start toward her and I can see a

flash of fear in her eyes before they turn black. “I said no wolf” I hear my uncle yell, but I don’t stop

moving toward her. Wolf or not, she is about to find out why I’m the Alpha. I step toward her and land a

punch to her stomach. When she doubles over, I raise my knee, striking her in the face. She flies back

and this time she doesn’t get up.

My Uncle James rushes over to check on her. She opens her eyes and he helps her to her feet. She

looks in my direction and bares her neck to me. I know she isn’t being sincere. She is just trying to save

her a**. I’m sure she knows that she is in trouble for allowing her wolf to surface when my uncles gave

us direct orders. “Tanya, there will be consequences for you not following orders and allowing your wolf

to participate in the fight.” She drops her head. “You will stay after training to discuss what those

consequences will be.” “Yes Betas” she says before she joins the warriors on the other side of the field.

I’m glad at least she doesn’t go back to stand near Archer. We train for another hour before I head back

to the cottage to get ready for the office. After I’m showered, I pull on a gray pencil skirt and a blue silk

blouse. I put on my heels and head downstairs. I grab my coffee off the counter and head out to the

SUV. It takes me thirty minutes to reach the office. As I drive I think about facing Maverick again today.

I pull into the parking spot that has my name on it and just stare at the sign for a minute.

“Ruby, what is the plan with Maverick” Gemma asks. Besides her telling me to beat Tanya’s a**

Gemma has been quiet, which isn’t like her. “Honestly Gemma, I don’t know what to do. I have no plan.

If our mating is meant to be, then it will happen without us interfering in his relationship.” I expect her to

whimper but she doesn’t. She stays quiet and I don’t know what’s worse. “Gemma”, I call out to her.

“I’m here Ruby. I know you’re right but this sucks.” I chuckle “yes it does, but no matter what, we will

have each other.” “Yes we will” Gemma says. I grab my briefcase and head through the lobby. I step

into the elevator and a pretty woman about my age joins me. “What floor” she asks. “The sixth please”,

I respond and she smiles. “We’re going to the same floor.” She pushes the button and turns sticking her

hand out to me. “My name is Jennifer, I’m a secretary on your floor.” I take her hand “I’m Ruby Solace,

it’s nice to meet you.” Her eyes get big “Ms. Solace, it’s nice to meet you. Please let me know if there is

anything I can do for you.” “Thank you, I’ll be sure to let you know if I need something.” We both step

out of the elevator and I head toward my office. As I pass Maverick’s door, his scent makes my knees

go weak, but I manage to make it to my door. This is definitely going to be hard but I belong here and

we will get through it.

Maverick POV

As soon as I reach my office, I close the door. I throw my briefcase on the couch and plop down in my

chair. A knock sounds on my door and Connor sticks his head in. I know there is no sense in telling him

to go away because he won’t. He comes in and closes the door. I hate the look of sympathy on his

face. “I wondered if you would be here today.” “Why the f**k wouldn’t I be here? I have work that needs

to be done and I need to be ready for our meeting tomorrow.” “Don’t be an a**hole. You know damn

well why I said that. I understand that your angry at Delilah but direct that sh*t at her.” My mood shifts

and he’s right. “I’m sorry man, it’s just a hard pill to swallow. What do you think would have happened if

I hadn’t interrupted them last night? How many times has she done this? I’ve been asking myself these

questions over and over again. I believed her when she said she loved me. I’m so angry at myself for

being stupid and trusting her so blindly. I never thought she would do this to me.” “I’m not trying to

defend her, but did she admit that she cheated?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Just because she didn’t f**k the guy doesn’t mean she didn’t cheat. That wasn’t innocent dancing. I

would have no problem with her dancing with a man, but dry humping is a different story.” “What are

you going to do?” “I’m so angry right now I don’t know what I’m going to do. I hoped coming here and

being away from her today would allow me time to process everything that happened before I talk to

her later.” “I’m here for you man. Whatever you need, I’m here.” I stand walking around my desk and

pull him into a bro-hug. “Thank you, Connor. I really appreciate you having my back.” “Always man, you

know that. I’m going to head back to my office, but if you need me just call.” He heads out the door and

I sit back in my chair. I start to review the files. Twenty minutes later, a knock sounds on the door and

Jennifer sticks her head in. I can’t deal with this sh*t today.

“What can I help you with Jennifer?” She smiles and comes to stand in front of my desk. “I was

wondering if you need anything, Mr. Colwell.” I want to scream at her but I maintain my composure

because even though she is a pain, she isn’t the one I’m really angry at. “No Jennifer, I’m fine.

Honestly, I have a lot of work today and I don’t want to be disturbed. Thank you”, I say and return to my

files. I hear the door close and I’m grateful that she left without having to be told twice. I work until the

alarm on my phone goes off. I put my pen down and pick up my phone. I really need to see my mom,

so I press the facetime app. The screen lights up with her beautiful smile. “Hello sweet boy” she greets

me as she always does. “Hi mom, it’s good to see your face.” She looks at me for a minute before she

responds. “Why do you look so tired?” “I didn’t sleep well. No reason to worry mom.” She gives me a

look, but I’m grateful when she starts to tell me about her soap opera.

As I talk a knock sounds on my door. I have made it perfectly clear that I’m not to be interrupted today.

The door opens and Ruby walks in. My irritation at the interruption seems to melt away. “Oh I’m sorry. I

didn’t realize you were on the phone” she says. “Who’s that Maverick” my mother asks, and I know

what she is doing. “That is my new boss, Ruby.” “Oh good, let me say hi.” I turn the phone to face

Ruby. She smiles and waves at my mother. She really is a beautiful woman. She looks up at me and

her beautiful green eyes lock with mine. The wolf from my dream pops into my head before I shake it

away. What the hell is wrong with me? “I’m sorry for interrupting your call. It was very nice to meet you,

Mrs. Colwell.” She heads for the door without another word. I turn the phone back toward myself and

my mother has a strange smile on her face. “She likes you.” “Mom, she is my boss and I have a

fiance.” I have no intention of telling her right now what happened with Delilah. “I never said you would

act on it. I just said she liked you.” “Alright mom, I have to get back to work but I’ll call you later.” “I love

you Maverick.” “I love you too, mom.” I hang up and I wonder why my mom thought that about Ruby.