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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 155
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 158

11 Sparks

Danica POV

I head downstairs, followed by Constance. When I reach the yard it’s empty. I have an uneasy feeling

in my gut as I head toward the barracks. I reach for the handle and my sister grabs my arm. “You need

to be careful. I don’t trust that ba**ard.” I nod and turn the handle. When I open the door, I’m frozen in

place. Barrett and many of my soldiers are unconscious lying on the floor. I can tell that a large number

of soldiers are missing. To say that I’m disheartened by their disloyalty is saying the least. They will be

very sorry if they voluntarily followed that a**hat. I rush over to Barrett. His pulse is strong and his skin

is warm to the touch. The enchantment doesn’t seem to be lethal. “Go get Anthony now” I say to

Constance and she rushes outside. Anthony is the healer of our coven. I don’t know how much he will

be able to help against magic but we need to try. A few minutes later they return with Jeremiah. After

he starts to check the soldiers, he comes to stand in front of me. “I’ll see what I can do. Jeremiah has

offered to help me” Anthony says. They both leave the room and Contsance and I are alone.

“I think you need to go to your beloved. Maybe his pack can help us. They need to know exactly what

Milo’s intentions are before something really bad happens and he thinks you had something to do with

it..” I know she is right but I can’t leave our people here with no protection. For all I know they are still in

the area waiting for their opportunity. “Constance, I cannot leave the coven with most of our soldiers

unconscious. I have no idea how many went with him or if anyone is still protecting our borders.” “Let

me go and bring him to you.” I look at her like she is crazy. “No way, they may think it’s a trick and

imprison you. I can not lose you.” She smiles “I know how wolves feel about their mates. I have faith

that he wants to find you. Besides, I can handle myself” she says with a smile. I really hate the thought

of this but I don’t have many choices right now. “Fine but Jeremiah goes with you.” “Where exactly am I

going?” His question takes me off guard. I turn “I would like you to accompany Constance to the

Scarlett Rose pack.” He looks confused and I have no idea how he is going to feel about who my

beloved is. “I didn’t tell you everything about our scouting mission. One of the wolves that is clearly of

Alpha blood is my beloved.” A smile spreads across his face before he laughs. Now I’m the one that is

confused. “I love that the goddess just put the caboshes to your father’s plans.” “We need to make sure

it stays that way even if my mate doesn’t want me.” He nods and they both head toward the mansion to

get ready to leave. I say a prayer to the goddess to keep my sister and Jeremiah safe. I pray my

beloved accepts me after he finds out about my father and Milo’s plan against his family and pack.

Ruby POV

He has no idea what he is doing to me and Gemma right now by hugging us this way. “Kiss him” she is

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chanting in my head. “Stop it, he is just thanking us for helping his mother. We can’t just kiss him.” She

rolls her eyes and I block her. He pulls back and I already miss the warmth and tingles of his body

against mine. “Your welcome” I say before I look back at Gwen. She is smiling “so that means I get to

go home today.” I look toward the doctor. “Absolutely, you will just need to follow up regularly” he says

to Gwen. He looks back at me and I look at Maverick, who looks irritated. “You should take the day off

and get your mom home. I can handle everything at the office.” Maverick looks at me and I swear

disappointment flashes on his face before he smiles. “Thank you Ruby.” “Ruby, I was really hoping you

could come to Maverick’s apartment for dinner tonight. I would like to thank you with a home-cooked

meal.” I look at Maverick and he smiles. “That would be great. You can bring Autumn, Brooklyn, and

Jade. I’ll invite Connor and we can all have dinner together.”

I smile “that would be wonderful. I’ll see you tonight.” I head for the door and I can hear footsteps

behind me. I turn thinking it’s Maverick, but it’s the doctor. “Excuse me” he says politely. “Ruby, my

name is Lennox. I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime. You’re beautiful and I would

love to take you out.” I catch the scent of coconut and I realize that Maverick is close. He is probably

listening. “Lennox, I appreciate the offer but I’m actually interested in someone. You have a nice day.” I

turn and head for the elevator. I swear that Gemma makes a sound like a purr. I can’t help the laughter

that bubbles up from me. Thank goddess we are alone in the elevator or someone would think I’m

crazy. “What the hell was that?” “I was thinking about all the things I want to do with our mate when he

finally accepts us.” “You are such a horn dog.” She laughs and I walk out of the elevator. As I walk to

my car I feel like someone is watching me. I look around but nothing seems out of place. I slide into the

driver’s seat and as I put my key in the ignition someone knocks on my window.

Gemma growls and I look to see an older man probably in his late forties, smiling at me. I roll down the

window. “Ruby, it’s nice to finally meet you.” “I’m sorry, do I know you.” “Where are my manners? I am

Bruce Colwell, Maverick’s father.” I stiffen at his introduction. “Can I help you Bruce?” “I was hoping you

could. I’m trying to speak to my son but he is making that difficult. I was hoping that you could set up a

business meeting. I also have a firm and I was hoping we could talk about a partnership. I believe my

son has earned that after his dedication to your firm.” I want to laugh at the audacity of this man.

“Bruce, I’m not sure what you thought would happen here or if I’m some type of push over but you are

mistaken. Maverick is an asset and I will make sure he is given all that he deserves in my firm. You,

however, will never be part of that. I am a firm believer in loyalty and from what I hear, you have none.

Have a good day.” I start the car and he steps back. Gemma is trying to push to the surface but I am

angry enough for both of us.

I take my phone out of my purse. I don’t want to upset Maverick after all the good news he received this

morning, but I don’t want him to be blindsided by his father’s presence should he be here when they

come out. It rings twice before he picks up. “Hey Ruby what’s up?” “I just had a run in with your father.”

There is silence for a moment and I don’t know if the call dropped. “Maverick”, I say and he finally

answers. “Where” is all he says. “In the parking lot of the hospital.” Come to think of it, how the hell did

he even know what I look like I think to myself. “Thank you” is all he says and the line goes dead. I hate

upsetting him but I won’t keep secrets from my mate. I dial Jade next and she picks up on the first ring.

“What’s up sis?” “Gwen invited us all to dinner tonight since her scans came back clean.” She hoots in

my ear. “Awesome, I get off at three and I will let Autumn and Brooklyn know.” “Best behavior Jade” I

say firmly into the phone. “You’re breaking up, I gotta go.” Why do I have a feeling I’m going to regret


Maverick POV

As soon as I hang up the phone my mother looks concerned. “What’s wrong Maverick?” “Bruce just

approached Ruby in the parking lot. I’m going to kill that ba**ard.” “Calm down Maverick. Ruby seems

like a woman who can handle herself.” “I have no doubt of that mother I just don’t want him anywhere

near the people I care about.” As soon as I say it my mother looks like the cheshire cat. “So you care

about Ruby.” “Mom, now is not the time. I will be right back.” I head downstairs and outside. I scan the

parking lot for any sign of that ba**ard. When I can’t see him, I take my phone out of my pocket and

unblock his number. I dial it and he picks up on the first ring. I don’t even let him speak. “You stay the

f**k away from Ruby Solace.” “Son, I’m just trying to get you what you deserve.” “F**k you Bruce. Stay

out of my business and my life.” I hang up and block the number again. I take some deep breaths

before I head back inside.

Despite her scans, I still want my mother to stay with me for the week. She begrudgingly agrees and

once we are in my apartment, she heads right to the kitchen. My phone rings again and when I see

Delilah’s name pop up I push the f**k you button before I block her a** too. I am done dealing with

deceitful people. I change into jeans and a black t-shirt before I head into the kitchen to help my mother

with the food. I shoot Connor a message about dinner before I shoot my address to Ruby. Around five,

Connor arrives first. I’m glad to see he is dressed comfortably because I never told him. I offer him a

beer and my mother comes out and wraps Connor in a hug. “Did Maverick tell you the good news?” He

looks at me. “Not yet mom.” “The cancer is gone. Autumn healed me.” He looks shocked before he

smiles like he won the lottery. He thinks of my mother like his own. “That’s amazing Gwen. I am so

happy.” He wraps her in a hug again and a knock sounds on the door.

I walk over and open the door. Ruby looks amazing and my body stirs. She clears her throat and I

smile. “Come in”, I say, taking her hand. It feels so natural in my hand. Autumn, Brooklyn, and Jade

walk in with smiles on their faces. They all shake my hand before we head into the living room. I make

the introductions and they start to shake Connor’s hand before they hug my mother. Autumn is the last

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to shake Connor’s hand and I hear a gasp. What the hell is happening? She steps back and comes to

stand next to Ruby. “Are you alright Autumn?” Connor looks confused but he hasn’t taken his eyes off

of Autumn. “Yes Alpha” she says and everyone starts to laugh. “Sorry, I meant Maverick. Don’t mind

me, I have a lot on my mind”, Autumn says. My mother goes over and wraps her in a hug. I look at

Ruby. “We were watching a werewolf movie,” she says with a laugh. I let it go but I feel like there is

more to what just happened.

“Let’s go eat,” my mother says. We start toward the kitchen and a knock sounds again. Who the hell

could that be? I head for the door and when I open it, my mood immediately shifts. “Delilah, what do

you want?” “You won’t answer my calls so I had to come here to see you.” “No you didn’t. There is

nothing left to talk about. Now I have company. You need to leave.” Her eyes get big and before I can

stop her she pushes past me. F**k, I follow after her. “Delilah” I say, but it’s too late. She is in the living

room. “What the f**k are you doing here” she says to Ruby with all the venom she can muster. I see the

other girls move as a unit toward her and Ruby raises her hand. “I think the better question, Delilah, is

what are you doing here? I believe that Maverick has made himself perfectly clear.” “You think your

going to take what is mine, you b**ch” Delilah snaps at Ruby. I swear her eyes darken for a second

before she speaks again. “Maverick is not a possession and believe me I will never treat him as such.

Now it’s time for you to leave.” I come to stand next to Ruby and take her hand in mine. I have no idea

what the hell is happening with me, but I’m thankful when she doesn’t pull away.

Delilah looks at our intertwined hands and screams. “This isn’t over you wh*re” she screams before she

heads for the door. Connor follows her. “I’m making sure that crazy woman cannot get back in” he says

as he walks after her. We all chuckle and I still don’t let go of Ruby’s hand. He walks back in and

stands next to my mother. “Can you all excuse Ruby and me for a moment?” My mother and Connor

smirk before everyone heads toward the dining room. I motion for her to take a seat. She does but I

keep her hand in mine. “I’m sorry for the way she just spoke to you.” Before I can continue, Ruby

releases my hand and pulls my face to hers. Her warm lips against mine is like nothing I have ever felt

before. I place my hands on her waist like I’ve done this a thousand times before. I swipe my tongue

against her lips and she opens for me. I can’t even think about what I’m doing or where we are. It feels

so right. Her moan is making it hard to control myself. I pull back and rest my forehead against hers.

“Ruby” I say her name but I don’t know what to even say. “Maverick look at me.” I do and the look on

her face lets me know that she isn’t upset about what just happened. “I think we have a lot to talk

about, but right now let’s join our friends and family for dinner.” I nod and she kisses my lips softly

before she stands and offers me her hand. I take it and we walk into the dining room. Everyone is all

smiles but Autumn’s smile doesn’t reach her eyes. I wonder what has upset her. I push that thought

away and pull out the chair next to mine. “Thank you for inviting us to dinner,” Ruby says, looking at me

and my mother. “Thank you for liking my son”, my mother says, and everyone bursts out laughing.