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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 180
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 183


Autumn POV

I smile when I see Maverick awake and hear him speak of his wolf. I can scent that his wolf is

completely awake. I’m holding Connor’s hand in mine. I can feel peace in one minute before a wave of

anxiety and pain over take me. The machines that surround us are going haywire. Connor begins to

shake and my own heart begins to race. I place my hands on his cheeks and panic flows through my

body at how hot he feels. The door flies open and the nurses and doctor rush inside. I’m ushered back

so they have access to my mate. I feel an arm wrap around me and I know it’s my mother. “This

process is different for everyone that goes through it. Your mate is strong and don’t forget you are not

just a wolf.” What the hell does that mean? Witches can’t make others into a witch. Before I can ask her

what she means, a goddess awful growl rips through the room. I pull free of my mother and wrap my

arms around him. I notice that the shaking seems to subside. I pick up my head to look at Connor’s

face and I notice his eyes are black as night. He breathes in deep and pulls me tighter to him. “Hello

little mate.” I feel heat pool in my belly at his words. “Hello mate, what is your name?” “My name is

Ranger and you smell like peaches.” I smile knowing that my mate can scent me now.

“Ranger, can you give control back to Connor?” He pouts but does what I ask. “He is going to be a

handful”, Summer purrs and I can’t help but chuckle. She is absolutely right. I look back into the eyes I

love so much and he smiles. He runs his finger down my face and his eyes get big. I’m sure he is

feeling the tingles more intensely than he did before. He puts his hand on both sides of my face and

presses his lips to mine. When he pulls back, I see his eyes flashing back and forth between his and

Ranger’s. “My wolf says its time” he says. I look at my mother and the doctor. He nods and the nurses

rush over, disconnecting both Connor and Maverick from the machines. “We need to get you outside

before you shift. There is definitely not enough room in here for two wolves.” My mother walks toward

Maverick and Ruby. I help Connor to stand and wrap my arms around him. “I’m going to teleport us to

the clearing.” He nods and in the next second we are standing in the clearing. Maverick, Ruby, and my

mother are standing a few feet away from us. “I’m going to stay in case you both need me”, my mother

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says and I’m grateful. I turn back to Connor. “You might want to lose the boxer briefs because they are

going to shred when you shift.” “You’ll say anything to get me naked” he says as he pulls them down

his legs. I can’t help but look at this beautiful man. When I look back at his face, he has a knowing

smirk on his face. “Ranger wants out so you can check me out later.” I shake my head and laugh. I take

a step back. “Connor, this is going to hurt. Try not to fight what is about to happen. After you shift the

first time, it will get easier and less painful each time.” He nods and his face contorts with pain.

Connor POV

Once darkness took me under, there was no pain. I felt like I was floating and I wasn’t sure how much

time had passed. “Connor, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for you” an unfamiliar male voice

says in the darkness. “Who are you?” “I’m the one you came here to find.” “You’re my wolf. It actually

worked, I have a wolf.” “Did you doubt that this was your destiny, Connor? You and Maverick were

destined to find your mates and your wolves. I am Ranger and you were always meant to be my

human. My brother Gaylen is Maverick’s wolf.” “I never doubted it, but it’s still surreal. A few days ago, I

was a human lawyer who had no idea that Autumn even existed. Now that I have found her, I can’t

imagine my life without her. I never knew that humans weren’t alone in this world and now I have my

own wolf.” “Autumn is our mate and she is very special.” “I knew that the moment I met her at dinner. I

may not have been a wolf, but I felt something for her.” My wolf growls low and I smile. “I would say it’s

time to go see our mate. I can’t wait to meet her and Summer”, Ranger says. “Tell me what to do and

I’ll do it.” I can’t feel him anymore and I’m alone in the darkness again. I feel a little bit of panic before I

feel like I’m an observer in what’s happening. I see Autumn talking to Ranger and I smile when she tells

him to give me back control.

Once we are in the clearing and I kick my boxer briefs away. I stare at this beautiful woman that smells

like the most delicious peach. I listen to her words about my shift and I’m not thrilled that it is going to

hurt, but I’ve come this far and there is no turning back. I wouldn’t even if I could. “Are you ready,

Connor”, Ranger asks. “Absolutely” I say. “Listen to our mate, try not to fight me.” I take a deep breath

and pain like I have never known sweeps through my body. My skin feels like it’s on fire and I feel like a

thousand needles are poking my skin at once. Falling to my knees, I hear Autumn’s sweet voice in my

ear. “You’re doing amazing, Connor. I love you so much. Let it happen and don’t fight it.” I try to focus

on her voice as I feel like all my bones are breaking at once. I can actually hear the cracking of my

bones. I can’t stop the scream that escapes me. The pain feels like it lasts for hours, but I’m sure that

isn’t the case. Autumn shifts into Summer and everything seems to still. The pain is completely gone

but everything seems different. I can see and hear better than I ever have. Summer rubs up against me

and that’s when I realize I have paws. “Beautiful paws”, Ranger says, and I laugh. A loud scream gets

our attention and Summer and Ranger turn to the noise. Maverick is lying on the ground writhing in

pain. He is still in human form. Ranger whimpers to see our brother in pain. Ruby has shifted just as

Autumn did for me, but Maverick isn’t shifting into Gaylen.

Maverick POV

I have never felt such a feeling of relief as when Connor finally started talking. I won’t lie and say I’m

not nervous about my first shift. Ruby and I talked a lot about her first shift. I knew there would be a lot

of pain, but I didn’t know if it would be worse being changed into a wolf as opposed to being born one.

Ruby and Tabby help me to my feet and before I know it, we are standing in a field. I turn and throw up

as I rest my hands on my knees. “You’re embarrassing me”, I hear Gaylen’s voice in my mind. That is

going to take some getting used to. “Are you alright Maverick”, Ruby asks, and I stand pulling her into

my arms. “Sorry about that. Teleporting is something you will need to get used too. Connor got sick the

first time too.” Gaylen rolls his eyes in my mind. I can’t help but laugh at my wolf. “Do you remember all

the things we talked about, Maverick” Ruby asks. “I do Ruby”, I say, and kiss her forehead. “I love you”,

I say and step back. “I love you, Maverick. Remember, don’t fight Gaylen.” I nod “Gaylen, I’m ready

whenever you are.” I feel pins and needles all over my arms and legs. Within a few seconds, my skin

feels like it is on fire. I have never felt anything like this in my life. I would think I was truly on fire if I

didn’t know differently. “You’re strong Maverick. You can do this” Gaylen says.

The pain that starts in my feet and works its way to the top of my head brings me to my knees. I’m

rolling on the ground praying for this pain to end. My eyes are clouded with tears and I can’t make

anything out. “Maverick, you’re fighting me. You need to give in to the change or it’s going to continue

to hurt” Gaylen says. I try to relax and breathe but I feel like I’m dying. I can feel Ruby through our bond

and I try to focus on that. I feel something nudging me and I know it’s not Gemma because there are no

tingles. “Maverick, focus on my voice. Ranger and I are here with you. You can do this. You are an

Alpha”, Connor says in my mind. I focus on his words and I feel my bones moving and cracking.

Suddenly, the pain is gone and I manage to get to my feet. “Not to your feet to your paws”, Gaylen

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says. I look down and he’s right. I shifted and Gaylen is in control. I feel the tingles on our side as

Gemma rubs against us. “I think my work here is done”, Tabby says and disappears. I hear a low growl

and turn to see Ranger. He is much bigger than Summer, but I’m bigger than him, but not by much.

“That’s because we are an Alpha wolf and Ranger is a Beta. I was created first by the goddess and

then my brother”, Gaylen says. I smile remembering what the goddess said about Connor and I being

brothers now. Gemma nips at us and takes off. Gaylen growls and takes off after our mate. This is

going to be fun.

Archer POV

We reach the pack border and the guard bears his neck to me. Danica and I head toward the pack

house. I linked my father last night that we needed to speak with him and my mother today. I knew that

Ruby would be busy with Maverick’s change. We reach the office and I knock twice. “Come in” my

mother says, and I push open the door. My mother jumps up and rushes past me to hug Danica. “What

am I, chopped liver?” My father laughs and I shoot him a glare. My mother comes over and hugs me.

We all take a seat and I tell my parents about the visit from the king’s brother. “I don’t understand why

the king would want to meet with us.” “I believe it has something to do with the prophecy, but I’m not

sure either, dad. Maddox said that they would be in touch, so I assume you will be receiving a call from

him.” He nods and Danica takes my hand. I know she is nervous about telling my parents but I know

them. They are going to be thrilled to become grandparents. “What else did you come to tell us, Archer”

my mother asks, knowing me so well. “Danica and I are going to have a pup.” My mother jumps up and

rushes around wrapping Danica in her arms. I roll my eyes but smile. My father comes around and

wraps me in a hug. “Congratulations son” he says. My mother wraps me in a hug and kisses my cheek.

“I think we should plan a celebration to tell your sisters. You know how thrilled they are going to be to

become aunts” my mother says. “Let’s see what the king has to say first, then we can have a BBQ to

announce our pup” I say pulling Danica to my side. I can feel her happiness through our bond.

Madelena POV

I approach the gate of the castle and the guard steps out from the guard tower. He is an older dragon

and I can tell that he recognizes me. “Can I help you, ma’am?” His disdain isn’t lost on me. “I am here

to see my son, the king.” “Is he expecting you, ma’am?” He is starting to piss me off but I need to

maintain my composure. “No, but I am his mother. Let him know I am here now.” I watch as he links

and then he looks back at me. The smile on his face makes me uneasy. “You are not permitted to enter

the castle. The king says he has no mother.”