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My Flirtacious Husband

Chapter 259
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Chapter 334

Percival said nothing and just glanced at his wristwatch

Soon after, the hooting of a car horn echoed from outside

Thomas immediately stepped out

Shortly, he returned, accompanied by an attractive young man who looked to be in his late twenties

Upon seeing Quincy, the man’s eyes instantly moistened “Quincy“”

“Brother Quincy looked stupefied at the man before her “How could it be? Weren’t you

She witnessed the GTO gang murder her brother


It was a lie!

It must have been a hel

“I didn’t die Caspian’s eyes were glassy with tears. Ever since you were kidnapped, we searched for

you for years with no luck I swore to join the national forces. After graduation joined Captain Percival’s

team and infiltrated GTO under a false identity. They discovered my cover, but the captain had a

contingency plan. They shot me and left me for dead in a mass grave Caspian glanced at Percival

Captain Percival sent someone to rescue me”

After seeing the disbelief on Barnaby’s face, Caspian stepped forward “Quincy. I truly am your brother

Nobody is lying

Thomas moved to untie Barnaby’s ropes

Barnaby reached up to touch Caspian’s face as tears welled up in her eyes “Brother, it really is you!

You’re not dead!

She learned of Caspian’s undercover mission to infiltrate GTO when they recognized each other But to

fulfill his mission, he had to keep his distance from her after a brat reunion, they lost contact

The last time she saw him, she heard that GTO had caught an undercover agent. The higher ups sent

someone to eliminate Caspian Upon hearing this, she rushed to save him When she arrived she

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couldn’t act in time, but Caspian gave her a look, signaling her to stay calm.

She had many internal battles, but in the end she restrained herself from saving him.

She knew that if she had acted both she and her brother would be killed

She wanted to live to finish the business her brother couldn’t, and avenge her brother

“Yes, I’m not dead Caspian embraced her as his tears and laughter mingled “You stubborn girl, why did

you change your code name? if you hadn’t, the captain

known that you were my sister”

When he infiltrated GTO and met Barnaby, she told him her code name was Black Fox.

So the captain had always thought that his sister’s code name was Black For

It was during a mission when he saw Barnaby that he was startled. He didn’t react at the moment but

reported the incident to the captain after returning to the team

“I was afraid that the Black Fox code name would leave traces for GTO to discover, so I changed it.

Barnaby hadn’t expected that a code name would almost prevent from ever seeing her brother again.

Enough! You can catch up later Percival suddenly interrupted them. Barnaby, are you ready to talk to

us now?”

After regaining her composure Barnaby turned to face Percival 1 know what you’re going to ask, but I

don’t know much Every command GTO tiny tech devices. As for the higher–ups. I only know one, Mr. B

“Mr B Percival’s brows furrowed slightly. “Who is he?”

dont know I’ve been trying to win his trust and get close to him, but even now, I have no idea what Mr B

looks like I only know he’s in Riverwood. should have had contact with him Oh, and Mr B is the

second–in–command of GTO As for who the boss is, that’s still a mystery

Percival and Vivienne simultaneously furrowed their brows

The second–in–command?

GTO seemed to be more complex than they thought

A moment later Percival spoke up want you to make contact with Mr B

It’s no use Mr B has an extensive information network. The moment a mission fails on my end, he will

know immediately I can’t go back to GTO

The news was blocked immediately My men are disguised as GTO members and are guarding the

place. You’re safe for now. (I give you a po

Barnaby was taken aback “You’re entrusting me with something this important?”

Yes First win Mr E’s trust Percival said

“What’s in it for me if | help you? Barnaby asked after a moment of silence

What do you want?

‘I want Vivienne to treat someone for me

Vivienne raised an eyebrow Who?

A chuid She’s been injected with something and is on the brin

GTO abandoned her, but I man

She knew Vivienne was an excellent doctor At the moment saving the child seemned to rely solely on


Deal Vivienne agreed readily

Upon leaving the factory Percival:

Vidente climbed into the

She wasnt lying. The psycholog cal test just now showed no fuctuations except experiment” Vivienne

responded slowly

Percival furrowed his brows it seems we can’t fully trust the person who sent you the ITA

It may be Mr. B trying to mislead u

“Yes Vivienne nodded Regardless, we need to check if there have been any instances of mesang inda

the pedien


Chapter 334


Her mother’s potion only amplified a person’s strength indefinitely

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

But a virus could be spread on a large scale

GTO’s objective was still unclear

But most importantly, if there were missing infants, they had to save those children

“Yes, I’ll handle this After a pause, Percival continued. “Vivienne, I plan to hand over the potion to the


“Alright The potion was of no use in her hands

Her lab was developing an antidote for the potion, and she believed results would be out soon.

At that moment. Vivienne’s phone rang

It was Matthew

She picked up the call, responded to whatever was said on the other end, and finally told Matthew,

“Alright, bring them over”

“Drive me back to the Brooks Mansion. She said after hanging up

Percival cocked his head. “Who are we bringing over?”

Vivienne gave him a coy smile. “You’ll see when we get there”

Percival didn’t ask further and started the car

Half an hour later they stopped about a mile away from the Brooks Mansion.

Soon, another car pulled up

Matthew got out, and with him were Dorian and Cordelia

Percival raised an eyebrow Rowan, Ismene?”

The Dorian and Cordelia in front of him were actually Rowan and Ismene in disguise.

Vivienne smirked its only polite to return a favor”

Rowan and Ismene approached her. “Vivienne”

“Hmm” Vivienne responded nonchalantly ‘Once inside, just act like before”

“Don’t worry. Vivienne We’ll do as you say Rowan assured her But the antidote.”

“You’ll get your antidote once the job is done. Vivienne replied indifferently


It was a long night at the Miller household