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My Heart only Beats for You

Chapter 1135
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Both of them were ready to get to bed after the whole night's activities.

Selina did not tell Matthew about the little intrusion earlier on.

She didn't think much about it.

However, this insignificant interruption created a gradual upheaval the following day.

Matthew and Tobias went to work the next day.

As for Selina, she stayed behind at the villa to take a stroll with Peter and Hayden.

Cecilia and Natalie stayed home.

They had initially wanted to join the others for the stroll, but Natalie got Cecilia to remain home. After Selina and the rest had left, Cecilia turned to Natalie and asked, "Natalie, what's the matter?" She had given her a look just now.

Natalie pursed her lips slightly.

She wasn't comfortable talking to Cecelia about that.

Nevertheless, she had to say something.

It was because she felt that it was rather unusual and they had to do something about it before things went wrong for Selina. After all, it was unusual for a beautiful girl like Selina to be awake at night, being in the bathroom doing who-knows-what.

It was not proper for Natalie to confide in Tobias about this as he was after all, a man.

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After all the thinking, she realized that Cecelia was her only option.

"Mom, have a seat. There's something I need to talk to you about." She was blushing.

Cecilia looked confused as she took a seat.

"I got up last night to the kitchen to get myself something to eat as I was hungry..." Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Cecilia.

She patted Natalie's hand right away and nagged, "Natalie, how could you do that on your own? You should have called Tobias orto chelp you do it. Your stomach has already grown so big. What if something were to happen? This..." Her lecture went on for ages.

Natalie stayed quiet throughout.

She then chimed in with an exasperated tone, "Alright Mom, I got it. I won't do it next time." It was only after those words that Cecilia stopped her nagging.

Natalie started again, "Mom, when I went to the kitchen last night, I passed by the bathroom, and I found someone inside." Cecilia was startled by this. "Who would take a bath at such an hour?" Natalie looked uneasy as she replied, "Mom, it was Selina. And she was, she..." She really was far too embarrassed to carry on.

Cecilia felt a sense of panic at this, and she hastily pushed for her to continue, "Natalie, what about Selina?" Natalie built up her courage and said, "Mom, I suspect that she was in the bathroom helping herself..." She was blushing as she revealed her suspicion.

Cecilia was extremely alarmed hearing that.

Her eyes grew big.

If Selina were a man, then such actions would be understandable. However, they were dealing with a woman right now, so they didn't know what to say about this.

Natalie went on, "I fear that there could be something wrong with her mentally." Selina was no longer in contact with Dylan, and had spontaneously announced her wish to be with Matthew. Connecting again to last night's events, Natalie could not stop herself from piecing things together, and this generated a lot of worry in her.

The chair scraped loudly as Cecilia stood up.

This caused Natalie to jump in fright.

Uneasiness marred Cecelia's face. "I believe that something must be wrong. It has to be! How could a girl do such a shameless thing!" She looked as if she was on the verge of tears.

Natalie inquired tentatively, "Why don't we seek advice from a psychologist?" Cecilia agreed without a moment's hesitation. "Let's find one." They had initially decided to approached Simon about this, but after thinking it through, they decided against it. After all, how could they discuss such private matters with him? Therefore, Natalie went for a paid online consultation session with a psychologist.

That would mean that there was no need to meet in person.

After the session, the psychologist unexpectedly assured them that such situations were common.

"Situations like this occur when the woman is at an older age and lacks a male partner. I suggest you buy sspecialized female equipment." This was the advice given to them.

Cecilia and Natalie exchanged looks.

"How, how could this be normal? This is just too outrageous." Cecilia's reaction was no surprise as she was older and more conservative.

Natalie was still young so it was easier for her to accept it.

Hearing the remarks of the psychologist, she finally felt the burden being lifted off her shoulders.

"Mum, if the doctor said it's normal, then it's normal. Don't think too much about it. Maybe, maybe Selina has reached that stage of life," said Natalie, feeling faintly embarrassed.

Cecilia didn't know how to react.

She was feeling a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "Then, what are we going to do? Are we really going to purchase those female equipment or whatever? I can't bring myself to buy them." She didn't even feel right to get her servants to buy them.

Natalie asked softly, "Why don't we buy it online? Since it can be sent to us directly." After the session with the psychologist, Natalie had accepted the fact that it was something common after all. She thus saw it with an open mind.

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On the other hand, Cecilia's mind was a mess.

After a long pause, she said, "Buy them, Natalie. I'll leave it to you." With this in mind, Natalie went on swebsites.

After sembarrassing browsing, she made an order.

The seller was from the scity, and said that delivery would be done on that sday.

Natalie put on a relaxed fagade and said to Cecilia, "It's all done." Cecilia thought for a while then abruptly said, "How are we going to hand it over to Selina? What should we say to her?" Natalie didn't answer.

She was dazed too.

It was impossible for them to run towards her with the items and said, O "Selina, this was specially prepared for you by both Mom and me. This is so that you can get rid of the loneliness at night."

"We'll just put it into her bag later. She will know what it is the moment she sees it. After going through a Bit more thought, she added, "She should know that I'm the one who gave it to her, as I bumped into her in the bathroom last night. She should understand." 1. ne In Glevania, many things did not need to be openly mentioned. It was sufficient if both sides are aware of what the other's heart held.

Cecilia considered this for a while but as she couldn't cup with a better solution, she nodded in agreement.

Despite this, she still couldn't help herself from saying, "Why is it that nowadays, such situations are viewed as normal? It's such a disgrace. What's wrong with girls nowadays?" Cecilia let out a long sigh. She didn't know what would be the right thing to say regarding this issue.

Soon after, Natalie said thoughtfully, "Mom, perhaps Selina really needs a man." Those toys she had just bought were definitely able to satisfy the need, but they could never beat an actual man.

During cold nights, a woman would still need a man's embrace.

Cecilia's voice dropped as she spoke, "Didn't she say that she wanted to be with Matthew and get married?" Natalie gasped in disbelief, "Mom, do you honestly believe that?" Cecilia quickly said, "Of course I don't."