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My Heart only Beats for You

Chapter 1140
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Matthew said, "Selina, I'm feeling a little tired, so letrest for a while." His voice was low and husky.

She simply hummed in reply.

She thought that perhaps Matthew really was overworked. After all, there was so much work for this man to do, it shouldn't cto anyone's surprise that he would be exhausted by it. Maybe this was why he had chso early today.

She said to him, "You should go up and take a break then." Pursing his lips at her, he walked upstairs.

He went into their bedroom.

Selina's bag was still sitting by the window in the bedroom. That abnormally bulging bag.

His piercing gaze cut through it like a sharp sword.

That bag was such an eyesore. He couldn't help picking it up and tossing it into the wardrobe.

He couldn't believe that Selina was that kind of girl.

Yet he couldn't find a single thing out of place when he received that phone call from her. He couldn't find a single reason to convince himself into believing her.

His headache grew worse as he thought about it.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Natalie was knitting a little sweater meant for a child.

While knitting, she started to smile to herself.

It was a sweater made for her unborn baby.

Her eyes glinted with a sense of anticipation.

She was wondering when her baby would be able to fit into the sweater that she had knitted herself.

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All of the Whitlock family members couldn't wait for the arrival of this baby.

Selina then walked over to her and asked, "Natalie, are you making a sweater?" Natalie nodded back at her and replied, "Yes, it's for my baby." Selina glanced at her and then abruptly broke out into foolish grin.

Just in that second, a thought had suddenly rushed into her head.

She wondered when the twould cwhen she would also be carrying a baby, Matthew's child to be exact. And that when she would, just as Natalie was right now, be sitting on the couch knitting a baby's sweater.

Natalie glanced at Selina and asked, "What are you smiling at? Do you find my sweater funnylooking because it is not pretty enough?" Selina composed herself upon hearing Natalie and joked back, "No, the sweater knitted by my sister-in-law is the most beautiful and unique one in the world!" Natalie pursed her lips and then replied with a smile, "You are flattering me." She then looked around and asked, "Hey, where is Matthew?" "He went upstairs for srest.' Natalie murmured a small "oh" and said, "He didn't appear to be in a good mood today, right?" Selina did not think much about it, "Maybe he's just tired from working, otherwise he wouldn't have chso early today." This made sense to Natalie as well.

She said, "If he's feeling fatigued, I'll order the kitchen to cook ssoup for him tonight." Selina quickly stood up once she heard this, "Don't call the helpers for that. I'll make it myself." Natalie was surprised by her statement, "You know how to make soup?" In her eyes, Selina was a well-cared and spoiled daughter of a rich family, who had never participated in such mundane chores in her life.

A mischievous smile lit up on Selina's face, "No, but I can start learning now." After that, she went over to the kitchen to specially ask the chef about which kinds of soups would be nourishing for the body. Once that was over, she washed the ingredients, cut them up and boiled them all herself.

After a long thad passed, the fragrant soup was finally ready.

She gave it a small taste, and found that it was delicious.

It was not tfor dinner yet, but she was excited to let Matthew try her good cooking.

She had planned to go upstairs to call him down, but just as she reached the foot of the stairs, she returned to the kitchen.

Well, since he was so worn out like this, she should be a kind person and serve it to him instead.

She did occasionally have the urge to act out the part of a virtuous wife.

With that, Selina filled a bowl with soup. Then, she carefully carried the soup upstairs.

The soup bowl still felt a little hot, even though she had already worn a pair of insulation gloves to prevent herself from getting scalded.

The corner of her lips curled up into a small smile.

Well, wasn't this her display of devotion to him? With such a thought in her mind, she let loose a small chuckle.

Dear heavens, she had now beca woman head over heels in love.

The bedroom door was ajar. Since her hands were not free to open it, she kicked the door gently with her foot and it immediately opened.

She saw Matthew standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his back facing her.

She thought that he would be lying in bed as he was so tired. It never occurred to her that he would just be standing there.

She called out to him, "Matthew." He did not respond.

She felt a bit light-headed at this.

Could it be that he was so tired that he was starting to go insane? She stepped towards him and raised her voice, "Matthew!" Only then did he react.

He turned around, his eyes looking empty.

She pursed her lips at the bowl in her hands and said with an expectant tone, "This is for you. I made it specially for you. I simmered this for two hours. No one has drunk it yet. You're the first person inve served this to. Aren't I treating you so well?" She looked at him with a cheery smile, waiting for his words of appreciation.

However, Matthew just stared back at her, not sparing her a single word in return.

Her breath caught in her throat.

He has been acting far too strange this afternoon. Was he so burnt out that he had lost his mind? Selina shot him a look of dissatisfaction, "Matthew, didn't you hear what I just said to you?" "Yes, I heard." She handed the bowl in her hands to him and said, "Then drink it. Here you go." He failed to respond once again.

A twinge of anger started to lace her voice, "Matthew!" "I don't want to." She was at a loss of words.

Her eyes widened in shock, "I've worked so hard to cook this for you, and yet you refuse to drink it?" Her words did not seem to reach him as his eyes faintly glazed over.

This made her flustered. She directly passed the bowl over to him.

She tried to stuff it into his hands.

However, he didn't appear to have sensed this at all and didn't move to receive it.

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A loud shatter echoed through the room.

With a crash, the bowl had fallen onto the ground.

The floor was littered with fragments of ceramic and small puddles of soup.

Selina's eyes bulged out of her head.

She stared at the wet floor, and after a while, her eyes started to fill with tears.

She had spent so much tand effort making it, and the entire process of it had been so difficult. It was even her first tmaking soup ever.

And in the end, it now lay wasted on the floor like this.

She shouted at him, "Matthew, you've gone too far. Do you know how much work I've put into this? How could you do this?" Selina's cries seemed to have pulled him back to reality.

Seeing her misty eyes, his emotions began to change all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry, Selina," Matthew replied in a low voice.

She simply glared back at him in anger and said, "I don't want to hear your apologies. I hate you." He pressed his lips together and said nothing.

His silence made her even angrier.

She couldn't stop herself from reaching out her fist to gunch him! But, just as she was about to do so, her eyes caught sight of his hand. They were red and swollen.

When the bowl had fallen, the hot soup had spilled all over his hands.

Selina's heart that had first been

inflated with hot fury now subsided, and was quickly replaced witboworry and anxiety, "What's wrong with your E hands?" Only then did Matthew notice the swelling of his hands. "I'm fine." He tried to hide them behind his back.