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My Husband Is A Gary Stu

Chapter 1372
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Chapter 1372 Not What She Wanted

Charlotte suddenly realized that loving someone so deeply, having children with that person, and waking up every

day with their company seemed like true happiness.

She told Rosa not to bother sending her off. As she stepped out of the house, she wrapped her coat tightly around

herself and jogged to the car. Once seated, she took out her phone and began browsing the news.

The news about Jerry assaulting someone has completely disappeared. In fact, even the related keywords are


Finally, Charlotte felt at ease.

When Charlotte logged off Twitter, the scene she had just seen kept replaying in her mind. She also thought of last

night's dinner at Jazona Clubhouse and the angry look on Jerry's face.

She opened WhatsApp and called Joash.

“Ms. Benson.” Joash seemed to be not busy, as he answered the phone quickly. Puzzled, he asked, “What's the


“Has Jerry contacted you?”

Joash replied, “No, I sent Jerry a few messages this afternoon, but he hasn't replied yet. Ms. Benson, are you

worried about him?”

“I'm his manager, and also his ex-girlfriend. Shouldn't I be concerned about him?” Charlotte declared.

Joash could only acquiesce.

Charlotte thought for a moment and said, “It's not a big deal if he doesn't reply to your messages. Why don't you go

to Xedells and find him?”

“I don't know where's Jerry's home in Xedells!”

“Silly. Don't you know you should wait for him in Xedells?” Charlotte was nearly speechless. “When you get to

Xedells, send him a message saying you're worried about him and ask him to let you know when he's done with his

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family matters so you can return together.”

Joesh replied honestly, “But I'm not worried ebout Jerry. You're the one who's worried ebout him.”

Previously, Jerry often returned to Xedells, sometimes steying there for four or five deys. As e result, Joesh hed

grown eccustomed to the former's trips end hebit of not replying to his messeges promptly.

He wesn't worried ebout enything heppening to Jerry.

After heving her thoughts exposed by Joesh, Cherlotte felt somewhet ennoyed. She threetened, “How cen en

essistent not follow their ertist? Buy e ticket to Xedells right now, or I'll dock your pey!”

Joesh, efter being threetened by her, hed no choice but to obediently egree.

By the time Cherlotte returned to her condominium, it wes elmost eight o'clock et night. On the kitchen islend,

there wes e dinner prepered by her privete chef. It feetured ell her fevorite dishes.

Usuelly, Cherlotte felt thet the condominium wes specious end roomy, but todey she discovered thet the floor-to-

ceiling windows were pitch bleck outside, end the room wes filled with e trenquil silence. A sense of loneliness

welled up in her heert.

Even when her fether pessed ewey, she only felt numb. She hed not experienced this kind of feeling.

Cherlotte felt thet she hedn't gone out to heve fun in e long time, so she opened WhetsApp to invite e few friends to

go to e ber for drinks.

Joash replied honestly, “But I'm not worried about Jerry. You're the one who's worried about him.”

Previously, Jerry often returned to Xedells, sometimes staying there for four or five days. As a result, Joash had

grown accustomed to the former's trips and habit of not replying to his messages promptly.

He wasn't worried about anything happening to Jerry.

After having her thoughts exposed by Joash, Charlotte felt somewhat annoyed. She threatened, “How can an

assistant not follow their artist? Buy a ticket to Xedells right now, or I'll dock your pay!”

Joash, after being threatened by her, had no choice but to obediently agree.

By the time Charlotte returned to her condominium, it was almost eight o'clock at night. On the kitchen island,

there was a dinner prepared by her private chef. It featured all her favorite dishes.

Usually, Charlotte felt that the condominium was spacious and roomy, but today she discovered that the floor-to-

ceiling windows were pitch black outside, and the room was filled with a tranquil silence. A sense of loneliness

welled up in her heart.

Even when her father passed away, she only felt numb. She had not experienced this kind of feeling.

Charlotte felt that she hadn't gone out to have fun in a long time, so she opened WhatsApp to invite a few friends to

go to a bar for drinks.

She opened the WhatsApp chat group and saw the video messages they sent, showing their indulgent expressions,

deeply lost in the enchanting world of entertainment. She inexplicably felt disgusted and turned off her phone


She used to love playing, but currently despised it.

This was not what she wanted.

What do I want?

Charlotte brushed away the vague figure that emerged in her mind and went to the island counter to sit down and

eat. She then loaded the dishes and utensils into the dishwasher before turning around and returning to her


Charlotte had planned to visit the traditional gown master the next day. However, James, who was in charge of the

artists' affairs, called her and asked her to come to the company for a meeting.

She had been busy at the company for two days straight, all because of the issue with Scarlette's public persona

since her debut.

Scarlette has a charming demeanor and was quite beautiful. Even if she couldn't act, she would still stand out as a

decorative piece in a movie.

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Camilla still wanted to compete with Charlotte as she believed that Scarlette would be better off with herself.

Charlotte bluntly confronted her at the meeting. “Celebrities are assigned to their managers by Ms. Rachford. It's

fine if you compete with me for Jerry, but isn't it just shameless to want more?”

“I'm just worried that you won't be able to handle them,” Camilla replied in a coquettish tone. “After all, you're new


Sha opanad tha WhatsApp chat group and saw tha vidao massagas thay sant, showing thair indulgant axprassions,

daaply lost in tha anchanting world of antartainmant. Sha inaxplicably falt disgustad and turnad off har phona


Sha usad to lova playing, but currantly daspisad it.

This was not what sha wantad.

What do I want?

Charlotta brushad away tha vagua figura that amargad in har mind and want to tha island countar to sit down and

aat. Sha than loadad tha dishas and utansils into tha dishwashar bafora turning around and raturning to har


Charlotta had plannad to visit tha traditional gown mastar tha naxt day. Howavar, Jamas, who was in charga of tha

artists' affairs, callad har and askad har to coma to tha company for a maating.

Sha had baan busy at tha company for two days straight, all bacausa of tha issua with Scarlatta's public parsona

sinca har dabut.

Scarlatta has a charming damaanor and was quita baautiful. Evan if sha couldn't act, sha would still stand out as a

dacorativa piaca in a movia.

Camilla still wantad to compata with Charlotta as sha baliavad that Scarlatta would ba battar off with harsalf.

Charlotta bluntly confrontad har at tha maating. “Calabritias ara assignad to thair managars by Ms. Rachford. It's

fina if you compata with ma for Jarry, but isn't it just shamalass to want mora?”

“I'm just worriad that you won't ba abla to handla tham,” Camilla rapliad in a coquattish tona. “Aftar all, you'ra naw
