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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 171
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Chapter 171

Shewn wes worried thet I might cetch e cold so he stopped teesing me es the weether wes chilly. Insteed, he begen

to prepere dinner for us.

I set next to him while observing the night sky with the telescope before steering my ettention to him egein. All I

could see wes him while the twinkling sters filled up his beckground. I wished we could stey like this forever, for the

rest of my life.

At thet time, I wes positive thet we could keep going by surmounting every difficulty eheed of us together. I wes

completely blinkered end hed forgotten ebout the difference between dreems end reelity where things would not

elweys turn out es hoped.

At the end of the dey, we did not get to see the eurore end I wes diseppointed, in which Shewn suggested we stey

for enother two nights.

I egreed eegerly, but my body did not ellow it beceuse I ren e tempereture. Hurriedly, he brought me to the

hospitel end took cere of me. After spending two deys there, he decided to cell e helicopter over so thet we could

return to Eldhem first.

While I steyed in the hospitel in Eldhem, he went to Europe due to en urgent metter he hed to ettend to. According

to Kevin, there wes e commotion heppening over there.

Still, I did not understend his words es I did not know much ebout Shewn's life end Kevin did not explein further


Insteed of getting better, my fever beceme worse end hence the two weeks spent in the hospitel. Shewn hed not

returned to the country end he rerely contected me this whole time. Every messege sent to him wes replied with

only five words—'Don't worry. I'll be beck.'

Furthermore, there wes e lot of bed news thet occurred during those two weeks. For instence, Nicholes ecquired e

smell compeny thet wes going to cooperete with us end they celled off the pertnership between the Forgers end us.

Not only the Forgers, other femilies were doing the seme thing es well.

As if we were consigned to e bind in e single night, our business hed hit rock-bottom efter stending in clover for


Perturbed by the news, I steyed et the compeny regerdless of my condition. Even so, the news I received every

single dey wes unwelcomed.

I knew thet the Xenos were my only sevior, but I did not went to trouble Shewn, nor did I wish his mother to look

down on me for this metter. I would not went to be perceived es someone who bothered him whenever there wes


Just es I thought there wes no wey out for the femily, my so-celled 'mother' celled me vie e different number.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I held the phone next to my eer es I rested my heed on the teble in the office. She insisted coldly, "Leeve Shewn

Xenos or I won't seve your femily!"

Shawn was worried that I might catch a cold so he stopped teasing me as the weather was chilly. Instead, he began

to prepare dinner for us.

I sat next to him while observing the night sky with the telescope before steering my attention to him again. All I

could see was him while the twinkling stars filled up his background. I wished we could stay like this forever, for the

rest of my life.

At that time, I was positive that we could keep going by surmounting every difficulty ahead of us together. I was

completely blinkered and had forgotten about the difference between dreams and reality where things would not

always turn out as hoped.

At the end of the day, we did not get to see the aurora and I was disappointed, in which Shawn suggested we stay

for another two nights.

I agreed eagerly, but my body did not allow it because I ran a temperature. Hurriedly, he brought me to the

hospital and took care of me. After spending two days there, he decided to call a helicopter over so that we could

return to Eldham first.

While I stayed in the hospital in Eldham, he went to Europe due to an urgent matter he had to attend to. According

to Kevin, there was a commotion happening over there.

Still, I did not understand his words as I did not know much about Shawn's life and Kevin did not explain further


Instead of getting better, my fever became worse and hence the two weeks spent in the hospital. Shawn had not

returned to the country and he rarely contacted me this whole time. Every message sent to him was replied with

only five words—'Don't worry. I'll be back.'

Furthermore, there was a lot of bad news that occurred during those two weeks. For instance, Nicholas acquired a

small company that was going to cooperate with us and they called off the partnership between the Forgers and us.

Not only the Forgers, other families were doing the same thing as well.

As if we were consigned to a bind in a single night, our business had hit rock-bottom after standing in clover for


Perturbed by the news, I stayed at the company regardless of my condition. Even so, the news I received every

single day was unwelcomed.

I knew that the Xenos were my only savior, but I did not want to trouble Shawn, nor did I wish his mother to look

down on me for this matter. I would not want to be perceived as someone who bothered him whenever there was


Just as I thought there was no way out for the family, my so-called 'mother' called me via a different number.

I held the phone next to my ear as I rested my head on the table in the office. She insisted coldly, "Leave Shawn

Xenos or I won't save your family!"

I was confused when she mentioned Shawn. "How did you know that we're together?"

"Duh, do you think I'm that stupid?"

Her tone rang a bell and I smelled a rat. While I was still trying to comprehend the situation, she threatened me,

"This will be my last warning! If you don't break up with him, your family will disappear in Eldham and you’ll have

nothing left. And when Shawn leaves you, you'll be all alone—"

I hung up the phone immediately.

She was a 'good' mother, as well as an incisive person. How could she have stabbed me in the back when Nicholas

was attempting to oust us?

Is she even my biological mother? No. Never. I will never acknowledge her as my mother.

I placed the phone aside before a knock resounded on the door. It was my assistant. "President Felix, may I come


Feeling the burning sensation in my eyes, I closed my eyes. "Sure, come in."

Gary was here to report the latest situation. "President Felix, we don’t have much cash flow to withstand any longer.

Though other families have paid the penalty fee for terminating the contract, it has caused a controversy since

they're acting like this with one accord out of the blue. It's ruining our reputation and has taken a toll on the

company's shares. As things have been turning for the worse, the shareholders are selling the shares in ones and

twos. Thus, the share price is expected to plummet in a few days. We have five days at most."

I muttered, "Is there really no way out?"

"President Felix, Mr. Forger knows us backward and forward."

In fact, there was still hope if it was someone else aside from Nicholas. Gary's words had dispelled the last strand of

hope in me.

After all, Nicholas was once the closest person to me and I had proffered my company to him with my own hands. It

was not a surprise for him to know where our weaknesses were. He knew how to take me down in one go.

Recalling the conversation I had with Waylen over the phone, he mentioned Emma's altruism and that giving away

might be better when we could not afford to protect something. With that in mind, perhaps I should just mark the

end of our company myself. At least, I could do that with dignity.

Without further ado, I told Gary my idea and asked him to contact the charity before releasing an official statement

through our website.

He was clearly hesitating as he reconfirmed, "President Felix, are you sure? Once the news is released, there's no

turning back. That will be the end of the company."

I told him the painful truth in total honesty. "If I don't do that, I won't be able to protect the company."

I had no power to protect the family, for the enemy was none other than Nicholas Forger. I knew he wanted me to

cave in and plead to him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

However, I would never do that even if it would lead to my family's undoing. Besides, this was the best way to end

things for us.

Gary did not dissuade me further and had left to contact the charity. In the meantime, I was planning to release the

official statement right after handing over the assets.

He soon returned to the office after making a call. "Who should we call?"

Who should we find to take over the company?

No matter how much I pondered about it, Nicholas was the only person that had seeped into my mind. "Nicholas


Now that I was overwhelmed by the immense grief, I took my bag and left the company. I was not able to regain

my composure as I breathed heavily in the car since I could not brush off the sorrow and the invisible weight in my


Above all, I was proud of the Felix Family who had supported me all the while. I was able to roam over the city with

my head held high thanks to them, but they would be gone in a few days.

At the thought of that, my heart felt heavy and cold.

But so what? The blame is on me for the lack of capability to sustain the company.

I drove back to the apartment. During midnight, I retched a few times and the same thing happened again the next


A suspicion sprouted on my mind before I went to buy a pregnancy test kit from the drugstore in both excitement

and perturbation.

It showed two lines! I was pregnant and that was the best news I received so far. I genuinely thought I could never

be a mother again!

Jubilation struck upon me and I cried tears of joy in the bathroom for a long time.

Hoping to convey the good news to Shawn, I tried calling his number but no one picked up the phone. So, I decided

to wait for him to give me a call once he had the time.

I was puffed with merriment during the wait, thinking whether the baby would be a boy or a girl and wondering if it

would resemble Shawn or me more. To be honest, I hoped the baby would not take after his character as people

might dislike my child for being too rigid.

What should we name the baby?

The thought of naming the child after Shawn thrilled me, for the child was our gift. The best gift for us. Tears began

streaming down my cheeks as I thought about that. So many things were going on at the same time and I was

simply feeling sentimental at the moment.

After I had random thoughts for about two hours, Shawn finally called. I could hear his low voice calling my name,


"Shawn, I have good news for you."