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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 176
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Chapter 176

In Finlend, the weether wes exceptionelly rough es the heevy snow swirled in the strong wind. It wes freezing cold,

elthough I hed thick clothes on.

Not to mention the heevy weight thet wes tugging my guilty conscience into e bottomless pit. I wes efreid thet

Shewn hed misunderstood me like others hed.

I received e messege from Mey within minutes. It wes en eddress leeding to the prison where Shewn wes loceted

right now.

I heiled e ceb without e second thought, but I stopped in my trecks once I errived et the entrence. Not only did my

mind go blenk on how to explein everything to him, I wes efreid to fece him in person. Yet, I couldn't smother the

urge thet wes prodding me to find him es I missed him deerly. After e while, someone ceme out of the building end

shone his torchlight et my fece, efter which I covered my eyes instinctively beceuse of the dezzling light. I heerd

him sey in Chinese, "Whet's your neme?"

I hugged the present tightly. "Renee Felix."

"Who ere you here for?"

I enswered softly, "Shewn Xenos."

The prison guerd responded, "He refuses to see you."

I wes et e loss for words es I hed not expected thet to come.

Why would Shewn refuse to see me…

Teken ebeck by the sudden turn of the situetion, I wes frentic with penic es I grebbed his erm end begen to beg him

with my poor Chinese, "Pleese tell him thet I'll be weiting for him right here until he's willing to see me!"

Heving seid thet, I fished out e steck of money for him, who took it before entering the building egein.

Feer perfused me es I resisted the cold outside. Just the sheer thought thet Shewn wouldn't see me enymore

terrified me, let elone losing him!

Thet wes the lest time I sew the prison guerd since he didn't come out even though I hed weited for over en hour.

Stering et my wristwetch, I silently wetched the time strike twelve before teers begen to wet my cheeks.

"Heppy birthdey, Shewn." The silent whisper wes left unheeded emidst the pouring snow.

Then, I turned to teke my leeve before heeding towerd the ville in Ainsbo. Its porch wes shrouded in white end the

tree brenches were close to snepping due to the heevy snowfell on them. I crunched ecross the snowfield to plece

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the present et the doorstep insteed of going inside, for I didn't heve the right to enter enymore.

"I'm so sorry. It's ell my feult."

After thet, I left in e hurry end deshed ell the wey to the eirport. I bought the tickets for the only flight beck to

Bryxton, which wes et 3.00AM. After e five-hour-long journey, I errived in the city et long lest.

In Finland, the weather was exceptionally rough as the heavy snow swirled in the strong wind. It was freezing cold,

although I had thick clothes on.

Not to mention the heavy weight that was tugging my guilty conscience into a bottomless pit. I was afraid that

Shawn had misunderstood me like others had.

I received a message from May within minutes. It was an address leading to the prison where Shawn was located

right now.

I hailed a cab without a second thought, but I stopped in my tracks once I arrived at the entrance. Not only did my

mind go blank on how to explain everything to him, I was afraid to face him in person. Yet, I couldn't smother the

urge that was prodding me to find him as I missed him dearly. After a while, someone came out of the building and

shone his torchlight at my face, after which I covered my eyes instinctively because of the dazzling light. I heard

him say in Chinese, "What's your name?"

I hugged the present tightly. "Renee Felix."

"Who are you here for?"

I answered softly, "Shawn Xenos."

The prison guard responded, "He refuses to see you."

I was at a loss for words as I had not expected that to come.

Why would Shawn refuse to see me…

Taken aback by the sudden turn of the situation, I was frantic with panic as I grabbed his arm and began to beg him

with my poor Chinese, "Please tell him that I'll be waiting for him right here until he's willing to see me!"

Having said that, I fished out a stack of money for him, who took it before entering the building again.

Fear perfused me as I resisted the cold outside. Just the sheer thought that Shawn wouldn't see me anymore

terrified me, let alone losing him!

That was the last time I saw the prison guard since he didn't come out even though I had waited for over an hour.

Staring at my wristwatch, I silently watched the time strike twelve before tears began to wet my cheeks.

"Happy birthday, Shawn." The silent whisper was left unheeded amidst the pouring snow.

Then, I turned to take my leave before heading toward the villa in Ainsbo. Its porch was shrouded in white and the

tree branches were close to snapping due to the heavy snowfall on them. I crunched across the snowfield to place

the present at the doorstep instead of going inside, for I didn't have the right to enter anymore.

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault."

After that, I left in a hurry and dashed all the way to the airport. I bought the tickets for the only flight back to

Bryxton, which was at 3.00AM. After a five-hour-long journey, I arrived in the city at long last.

Next, I went straight to Eldham by taxi, worried that Nicholas might find me. By the time I arrived at my destination,

I realized that everyone—Kevin, Waylen, and Diego—had already cut contact with me as my calls couldn't get

through. Deep down in my heart, I knew that they were on Shawn's side.

They respected me because of the fact that Shawn loved me. Once I did something sorry to Shawn, they would

distance themselves from me and even cut ties with me after perceiving me as their enemy.

After cooping myself in the apartment for five consecutive days, Kevin had finally rung me. I was so upset during

the past few days that I said, "Kev, it really wasn't me!"

But he didn't listen. "Do you think we still care about the truth?"

Based on his reaction, it seemed like the news of Shawn refusing to see me in Finland had reached their ears. They

would always support Shawn, hence the change in attitude toward me when he had refused to see me. Therefore,

the truth didn't bother them anymore.

I reined back my feelings before asking, "Is there anything you need?"

His icy voice resounded from the other side of the line, "Sunny's influence is now greatly affected worldwide. Aside

from the Xenos, Rudy and other families will pounce on Sunny and shred him into pieces."

When a majestic lion was wounded by a knife, other mortals in the animal kingdom, which had been biding their

time, would definitely twist the knife in it. Be it a herbivore or a carnivore, every single one of them would hurl over

the lion until it met its demise.

As I covered my mouth while fighting back the tears, Kevin recounted the past, "When Sunny left the Xenos, he

went through a miserable life under the alms of the Hayes Family. He could barely fend for himself. It was his first

time killing someone when he was just 14. At that time, he joined a gang of mafia in Europe and was bullied

because of his tender age. However, he put up with it and didn't fight back. Everyone, including the mafia boss,

noticed his frailty and saw him as a sore in the eyes. The boss spit on him and even disparaged him as a disgusting

wimp and maggot, threatening to put up a fight with him. Actually, the boss had the intention of killing Sunny during

the fight, but Sunny ended up as the winner. It marked the day of his first murder as well as the beginning of his

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heyday. You know what he did? He beheaded the boss even when he was on the brink of death."

I had always been curious about Shawn's past, as I couldn't imagine what kind of struggles he had slogged through

until he finally became the apathetic and emotionless man with a heart of steel. Never once did he mention his

stories, and thus the constant failure of getting through that enigmatic wall between us.

Now, someone had finally revealed his past to me. However, it did nothing more than tear my heart piece by piece.

The waves of throbbing pain and sorrow were overwhelming.

My breathing became heavier as I heard Kevin continuing, "Sunny had been through a long way before reaching

where he is right now. Establishing his influence in Europe; gathering his three brothers back to the Xenos Family;

and has finally consolidated and expanded the Xenos Family after a whole seven years! Yet, what happened in the

end? You took everything overnight and drove him to the edge with your bare hands!"

I opened my mouth, but no words escaped from my lips, because I knew Kevin wouldn't believe me. The pain was

excruciating, but I couldn't cry anymore. Instead, I grasped onto the hem of the curtain while hearing him

announce, "I received news from Finland, and Sunny is sentenced for five years' imprisonment."

I finally spoke, "Why did they charge him that quickly?"

Even if it was due to the crimes Shawn had committed in the past, it was impossible to gather all the evidence in

such a short period of time! Besides, according to the law, a conviction couldn't be made within two weeks' time.

Kevin sniggered sarcastically. "It isn't that quick considering the unison of a few powerful authorities this time."

The most dreadful thing on earth wasn't fatal illnesses or deaths. It was being the culprit who had hurt the one

whom we truly loved! Even if it was unintentional, it was undeniable that I was the person that had consigned

Shawn to hell. In the end, I had let him down, even after all the love he had showered me with.

"I will save him," I promised up and down.

Charles did mention that I would possess the power in the Xenos Family next month. A month would come and pass

in the blink of an eye. As long as Shawn was able to hold out for a month, I could get him out of prison.

Still, Kevin had his doubts. "Do you think I will buy your words?"

I was so frustrated by his response. "He's my brother, Sunny!"

"No, he's not! He never was!"

I was rendered speechless.

Then, he suddenly became calm. "He asked me to tell you something."

His words alleviated my hopes instantly. "What is it?"

'Renee, let's not drag the child into this when things are already over between us. Besides, only my future wife can

bear my baby. I hope you can respect my decision.'