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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 196
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Chapter 196

"What’s wrong with Shawn?"

Just then, Tamara, who had been on the hospital bed, suddenly woke up and wailed non-stop. I was quite flustered

as I carried her in my arms while Anthony’s calm voice rang out, "Mr. Xenos realized two months ago that he wasn’t

actually related to the Xenos Family, so he instructed Waylen to investigate his true identity."

Two months ago… That must have been the night before the death of Old Master Xenos.

In fact, he had already figured out his outcome by then.

He never intended to stop all this from happening, did he? All he wanted was to return the rightful title as the

master of Xenos Family to me. Was this selfless act of love really necessary?

I knew that there were so many other ways for him to do so, ways that did not include hurting me so cruelly. But

just as I thought that he loved me, this was what he had intentionally gotten me into all this time. Your love was

truly selfish and ruthless.

I was no longer surprised by the fact that I had missed him for the last two times I visited Finland. He had made up

his mind to part ways with me and no longer wanted to see me in this lifetime!

I tried hard to suppress the wave of sadness that washed across me as I put up my best front to reply to Anthony,

"From now on, you don’t have to report his matters to me anymore. I’ll be in Sundew for the next few months until

the baby is born. Also, have someone bring me all of the information on the Xenos Family."

"Sure, I’ll come to Sundew personally."

"Alright, thanks for your hard work," I replied.

After hanging up the phone, I held Tamara in my arms and asked Joseph, "Anthony is allowed to comment on

Shawn but you guys aren’t. Is this just a restriction imposed on you guys?"

"It’s only imposed on the twenty of us."

I revealed a slight smile and said, "What a coincidence that you guys are the very people that knew all his secrets

by being with him every minute of the day."

Joseph remained silent, so I did not bother to say anything further. However, Tamara continued to fuss and Leon

replied to my text message at the same time.

He replied, "I’m in Sundew."

I handed Tamara over to Joseph and he held her clumsily in his arms. He seemed to be fearful of exerting too much

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force and crushing the little child in his arms.

I gave Leon a call right away and asked as soon as he answered the phone, "Where in Sundew are you exactly? I’ll

be there shortly."

"Why do you want to see me?" he asked.

"I’ll explain once we meet up."

He gave me the address to his current location and I kept my phone away before turning to Joseph. "Let’s head out

in a bit. Get the caregiver to come over and take care of Tamara."

Joseph handed the child over to me before he went to call the caregiver. I held Tamara in my arms and played with

her. Though she could not speak at seven months old, she could recognize faces at this point; she continued to wail

and fuss upon realizing that it was not Francesca in front of her.

After coaxing her for quite some time, Tamara finally stopped crying. She had barely stopped crying before she

broke into a grin, making her smiley face with tears in her eyes comical.

As I held Tamara in my arms, I thought of the unborn child in my womb. In seven months' time, I would be able to

hold my child in my arms too!

Shortly after that, Joseph came in along with the caregiver. I handed the child over to the caregiver and gave her

some instructions before leaving the hospital with Joseph in tow.

I arrived at the mutually agreed place to find that Leon was seated by the window and dressed very casually. I

walked over to him and took a seat across the table. As soon as he saw my slightly protruding stomach, he was

quite astonished as he asked, "Are you pregnant?"

I admitted it and said, "Yes, I’m three months in."

He frowned and asked, "Is Nicholas the baby’s father?"

Leon was still under the impression that I was in a relationship with Nicholas.

I corrected him, "Shawn’s the father."

Leon did not bother to pursue the topic. "Why did you ask to see me?"

I shot a look at his weary self and eyebags before asking in a soft voice, "What have you been doing in Sundew for

so long?"

He leaned back in his seat and replied, "I’ve been working."

I asked persistently, "What sort of work?"

"Sales," Leon replied quite succinctly and he explained, "I don’t have any qualifications or much work experience,

so the sales job was the only one I could find."

I replied approvingly, "It’s good for you to hone your skills."

"Honestly speaking, I would like to build a solid foundation first and build up my career afterward. That’s because

I’m no longer a single man. I’m a father after all. Although Francesca hasn’t forgiven me yet all this while, I’m still

the father of her child. I know that I have no right to ask to see them right now or even seek forgiveness from

Francesca, but in the future… I mean later on, if I’ve built up my career and she’s still single then, I would definitely

pursue her and win her affection again!"

Well, he’s making it sound so easy.

"Do you think having a business is easy?"

It would be quite hard for someone without any family background or power to make their way in this society.

Besides, Leon currently resembled a blank canvas that was in need of life experiences and directions for his


Leon did not bother to respond to me but asked me once again for the reason I wanted to meet him. I recalled

Francesca’s reminder not to reveal anything to him so I lied, "I would need to go through a bone marrow transplant

soon, so can I ask you for a favor?"

My lie was in fact relatively crude.

He frowned and asked, "What’s wrong with you?"

"I’ve been diagnosed with leukemia," I replied.

"Woah, seriously? Frankly, I don’t think I know anyone more unfortunate than you. First, uterine cancer and now it’s

leukemia? Not to mention kidney failure when you were younger! Your life is indeed full of misfortune!"

Although Leon was full-on sarcastic toward me, he agreed to be a donor regardless.

My relationship with him had always been this way where we bickered continuously, but we had never ever given up

on each other just as how families should be.

Leon followed me to the hospital to be cross-matched as a donor. After the process, we bumped into the caregiver

holding Tamara in her arms. Leon found the child quite well-behaved and he stopped to take a look at her out of

curiosity. Suddenly, he turned to me and said, "She resembles Francesca."

I asked as I was stunned, "Have you never met Tammie?"

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I quickly gestured to the caregiver from behind Leon. She was smart enough to pretend not to know me, then

proceeded to leave calmly with the child in her arms.

Leon turned around to look at the caregiver’s retreating back while Tamara leaned against the caregiver’s

shoulders and chuckled happily. Her laughter was quite therapeutic.

"No, she forbade me from seeing Tammie."

Indeed, Francesca could be very ruthless when she was intent on it. However, she had every reason to reject him.

After all, she had risked her life to keep this child.

I comforted him by saying, "You’ll get a chance to see Tammie in the future."

"Yeah. I’ll be on my way then. Let me know once you need the transplant."

I looked at Leon’s retreating back and I could not help but sympathize with him. Nonetheless, there was nothing

that I could do to help him right now.

I hoped that the cross-match would be a success. As such, Francesca would naturally look for him personally. By

then, the tension between them would eventually be defused.

I turned and headed back to the hospital to supervise the doctors and hastened them for the result. At the same

time, I instructed the men from the Xenos Family to find a donor source too. I hoped that Tamara could undergo

surgery as soon as possible. However, I was still hesitant on whether to go through the anomaly scan myself.

After considering it for quite some time, I finally made up my mind.

I went to the obstetrician and she asked for the last time I did an ultrasound. I replied frankly, "It was one month

ago when I was about four to five weeks pregnant. I had a body check done yesterday, but it is just the usual blood

pressure check and some routine blood tests."

"Didn’t you get an ultrasound done when you were twelve weeks pregnant?"

She was right; I had not done any more ultrasounds since the first one. Basically, the doctor checked on the health

status of the baby by using other methods. I was fully aware that I should have had the anomaly scan done when I

was three months pregnant, but I had repeatedly procrastinated.

That went on until yesterday when the doctor brought up this matter seriously. I was mainly fearful that there was

something wrong with my child.

I felt unworthy and yet, I wanted so badly to keep this child to the point where I lived in torment and fear every

single day. I was afraid that I would end up depressed if I kept this up.

"No, I didn’t. Is there anything wrong at all?"