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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 236
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Chapter 236

The weather in Goldshore had always been pleasant. Even though it was already December, the weather was

sunny, and the sun shone gently on a man who wore a black military uniform.

The weather in Goldshore had always been pleasant. Even though it was already December, the weather was

sunny, and the sun shone gently on a man who wore a black military uniform.

Although I had not seen him for a month, he was still as beautiful as ever.

Bertie… No, no, his name was Robert.

Robert had the sort of face that could captivate anyone.

He held his sunglasses and walked toward us. His boots were shining brightly, making him seem like a divine god

that had graced the human realm.

Since most of William's relatives and the guests that arrived were ordinary people, they rarely saw such a beautiful

person like Robert and tens of branded cars parked together. Thus, their faces were filled with bewilderment and


When William saw Robert, he frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Robert was still wearing a headset, but it had changed from its usual vibrant pink to deep blue. However, he had

decorated it with genuine diamonds. I had never understood why he was always wearing a headset.

He smiled brightly as he stood before us and introduced himself, saying, “I'm the bride's friend. I was initially going

to pick her up, but something came up, and I was delayed. It's a shame that these cars are useless now. Therefore,

I'll be presenting them to the bride as a token of apology. What do you think, Olivia?”

Does he know Olivia?! However, judging by her dumbfounded expression, it doesn't seem like it. Could it be that he

is here to back her up?

Nonetheless, she swiftly took advantage of the situation and said, "You don't have to bring me anything. Why would

I want these cars? It's not like I can't buy them myself."

Olivia's remarks were practically oozing with generosity. As a result, the Olsons had mixed emotions when they

heard her. So, Robert smiled and inquired curiously, "Why are you all standing by the doorway?"

She instantly donned a pout and complained, "They say that Renee is not suitable to be my bridesmaid because she

had a divorce, but I…"

When Robert heard her words, he looked at me and questioned, "What are your thoughts about this?"

"Hm?" I quirked a brow at him.

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Then, Robert turned to the Olsons and said, "What about the rest of you?"

The Olsons couldn't understand what he was implying. Nonetheless, a brave soul voiced their confusion, "What do

you mean?"

Robert had his hands behind his back and pretended to mock me. "Look at you, Ms. Felix. You are the heir of the

Xenos Family and have at least trillions to your name. You are standing on top of the food chain, yet you allow

yourself to be bullied by these people? It's just being a bridesmaid, and you don't have to do anything you don't

want. By the way, why don't we buy out all the hospitals?"

I was rendered speechless by his course of action. Robert sure knows how to brag. Well, he isn't wrong, though.

When the crowd heard him saying that I was filthy rich and possessed the ability to buy several hospitals without

breaking a sweat, they went silent and quietly left the scene.

"Thank you," Olivia said gratefully. Then, she paused and grumbled, "You are way too flashy."

The wedding was supposed to be modest since they feared that the Olsons would be jealous due to the vast

difference in wealth between both families. Even Christopher had explicitly chosen not to come while driving a

branded car. Unfortunately, Robert ruined it all with his entourage. Still, since William's relatives insisted on stirring

the pot earlier, it showed that they couldn't be too modest. Even I couldn't believe that the Olsons were such


"You're welcome." Robert curled his lips into a smirk.

Soon, the wedding ceremony continued without further ado. When I was finished with my task as a bridesmaid, I

saw Robert sitting not far away and talking to some people. When I walked closer to him, I heard him boasting, "The

bride's family isn't just rich; they are filthy rich! They are so wealthy that they don't even know where to spend their

money! Let me tell you. The bride didn't want those branded cars of mine.

Moreover, those bridesmaids you talked about are also outstanding women. Two of their boyfriends are wealthier

than the bride. I don't even know where to begin with Emma. She donated trillions of money to charity! Honestly, all

the bride has to do is just live her life freely since she doesn't need to work as she doesn't lack money."

I sat by his side and whispered, "You seem to have investigated all of us thoroughly! So, tell me, why did you come

to Goldshore all of a sudden?!"

"That's because I miss you." Robert smiled charmingly.

I rolled my eyes at him and ignored his flirtatious remark. Then, he continued to crow about with the others while I

rose to my feet and accompanied the newlywed couple as they congratulated the other guests. When I returned to

Robert's table, I could still hear him shooting his mouth. Only then did I learn that those people he had sat with were

William's colleagues.

I patted him on the shoulder, indicating that he should keep a low profile.

After the wedding ended, I found Robert still mingling with the same people. So, I grabbed him by the arm and

dragged him to a secluded place. After that, I said grumpily, "Why are you telling them all those things?"

"Why not? Otherwise, they will keep bullying Olivia. I investigated them before, and some of them used to take

advantage of her. I'm just saying those things to warn them off!"

"Olivia won't let anyone bully her without reason."

When Robert heard my words, he shrugged and said, "Suit yourself. Also, there's nothing wrong with being flashy. At

least they know that we aren't someone to be easily messed with!"

I couldn't help but feel like he was truly a passionate yet kind-hearted young man.

"Why did you come to Goldshore?" I asked again.

"Didn't I say it's because I miss you?" he replied promptly.

"We are not that close with each other," I retorted coldly.

When he heard my words, he chuckled and said, "I thought we were. After all, I am your savior, right? I even

carried you and walked in the snow for hours."

"Shawn said you had planned it all," I exposed him mercilessly.

"Ah, it looks like you already know the truth."

I was frustrated in the face of his indifference. Thus, I turned my head to the side and said, "We are not friends, so

hurry up and leave."

However, Robert didn't answer me and reached out to pat my head. I blinked at him, utterly shocked, and swatted

his hand away. "Don't touch me."

"It was just a pat on the head. It's not like I was trying to harass you." Robert pouted childishly.

I instantly deflated at his sight. I remembered that Shawn had told me that Robert had leukemia and would die at

any time. He was like me—we were cursed with ill health.

"It's harassment if you touch me without my permission."

When he heard my words, he said obediently, "Then, I'll touch you when I have your permission."

Despite the sun shining, December's weather was still rather chilly, especially while wearing the bridesmaid dress.

Just as I was about to search for warmth, Emma walked toward me and handed me a jacket. After I took it from

her, I smiled and said, "I'm going to Finland after this. Why don't you and Christopher go back to Bryxton together?"

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"We don't live in the same city," Emma replied.

"Maybe he would love to drop by," I said softly. After all, it was normal to drop by at some place for someone you


She pursed her lips at my words. Then, after some time, she asked, "I don't understand what I feel about him,

Renee. I don't know…"

"What are your worries?" I asked patiently.

Although Robert was standing by my side, Emma didn't bother hiding her thoughts and said candidly, "My life is just

beginning, and I'm not sure what I want. Although I have seen the outside world, the feelings… I'm new to it. I don't

have much experience with it to know what love is. So, if I choose to be with Christopher, that means I can only be

with him for the rest of my life…"

When he heard her words, he immediately knew what she meant. Then, he said, "Are you afraid that Christopher

isn't the one you want after you guys get together?"

"Yes. I'm afraid that I don't love him."

As I listened to her words, I bent down and advised her patiently, "You are still young, so I understand you have

concerns. I know you feared that you wouldn't be able to withstand only being by Christopher's side, right? You are

mature, Emma. You can see things better than anyone. To be honest, you know that you have already chosen to be

with him deep down. Otherwise, you wouldn't be hesitating! Since you have already thought things over, why not

give it a shot? Maybe he would be the one for you."

"I still need time to think, Renee." After Emma had said her piece, she scurried over to Olivia. Then, she briefly said

something to Olivia before she left the scene in a hurry, along with Christopher in hot pursuit.

I couldn't help commenting, "Love is always so strange. It has a weird way of making people frustrated and happy."

"Really? I don't quite understand," replied Robert.

"Don't you have anyone you love?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm not worthy of having a family."

Not worthy of having a family… Suddenly, I remembered that he was ill.

I didn't know how to comfort him, but I didn't have the means to do it either. Hence, I changed the subject and said,

"I'm leaving."

"To Finland?" he asked.


Robert smiled and teased, "Are you going to find your boyfriend?"

"Of course. Why else would I go there?" I side-eyed him.

"Come with me to France."