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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 258
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Chapter 258

The members of the group chat that Kevin created were all people from Shawn's circle. I put down my phone and

looked outside the window. It might rain later, for it was already gloomy outside. Exhausted, I closed my eyes and

lay on the bed to sleep.

When I woke up, it was already 3.00PM.

I changed my clothes before going to the city to visit May.

By the time I arrived in the city, it was already quite late. When I reached the hospital and found May's ward, she

was staring blankly out the window.

As I entered, I asked her, "What's on your mind?"

She pocketed her gaze and looked at me. I went over to sit beside her, and she reached out her hand, wanting to

hold mine. At this moment, I realized she was feeling a little down, so I held her hand full of scars and asked,

"What's wrong?"

"I'm scared that Rudy will divorce me." She had said something similar last night.

I comforted her, "He won't."

Hearing that, she explained in an upset tone, "The day before yesterday, I argued with him because of his fiancée's

matter. After the argument, his fiancée asked me out, and you know what happened after that. That night, I didn't

dare confront him about seeing him that afternoon… It's not that I didn't want to say it; I just didn't dare to do so,

for I found a divorce agreement in his drawer before this!"

Fear was written all over her scarred face, and her eyes had no radiance in them at all. As she held my hand tightly,

she said while crying, "I'm terrified that he'll ask me to split up with him. If this happened earlier on, I'd have asked

him to stay, but now… my face is ruined, and I have a torn meridian on my right hand. I can't draw anymore! Ree,

I've become useless! I'm a useless person who doesn't deserve to be loved!"

May was so agitated at that moment, so I stood up and bent down to hug her. Then, I comforted her by saying,

"Rudy won't do that. He's not that kind of frivolous man, and he won't cheat on you. He'll be by your side."

After that, she calmed down a little and suddenly stopped crying. She then said with obvious despair in her voice,

"No one knows him better than I do."

Confused, I asked, "What?"

"Ree, I know how cruel he can be."

"That's not true. You didn't see how anxious he was yesterday. He waited for you for the whole time outside the

operating room…"

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Yet, she cut me off with a smile. "I'm sorry for making you worry."

I was startled when I heard that. "May…"

"Ree, grab tightly onto the person you love. Make him stay, even if it costs you your pride. Just don't let go of him."

She was suddenly giving me advice.

I embraced her in my arms and comforted her softly, "May, the scars on my face can be removed, and so can

yours! Also, technology nowadays is so advanced that it can even save me, this cancer patient, let alone the

meridian on your wrist. Don't worry, I'll find the best doctor for you, and you'll recover in no time. Trust me!"

"Okay, I trust you," she replied.

"Don't worry. Rudy won't cheat on you, or I won't forgive him myself! We will get the happiness we want, May!"

"Sure. I believe you," she said she believed me twice in apathy.

I left the hospital after spending two hours with her. In the meantime, Rudy didn't show up at all.

Rain was pouring in Bryxton again. I stood at the hospital entrance for some time before Joseph opened an

umbrella above me. Then, he asked, "Are you going home, Miss?"

"Let's go back to the apartment," I said.

It was already 8.00PM when I arrived at the apartment, and Shawn was still waiting for me. He said that he would

wait for one night, and that included tomorrow morning.

I had been on tenterhooks since I returned to the apartment. After I finished the dinner that Joseph bought me, I

stood at the entrance while hesitating.

I wanted to go see him, but I didn't dare do so. No one was giving me the push!

Just then, I miraculously received a call from Florence. Shocked, I asked her, "What's the matter, Florence?"

"Your mom called me just now."

Her voice was so gentle and soft that it made people comfortable listening to her. I leaned against the door frame

and asked, "Did my mom call you to talk about me?"

She has talked about me, or else Florence won't even think of calling me. She's pretty happy with Clair for the past

two years since it has been a long time since I last heard her complaining about him.

"Yeah, she thinks you're afraid of something because you didn't go home for New Year. She knows you well. She

immediately connected this to your relationship issues and suspected that something happened between you and


I didn't know my mom's relationship with Florence was so good that she could discuss my relationship with Shawn

with the woman.

In the end, I answered honestly, "Well, something did happen."

Hearing that, Florence asked me gently, "Do you want to talk to me about it?"

"My condition is worsening, so I don't want to drag him into this."

She understood what I meant right away. After being silent for some time, she said, "You and Shawn are going viral

on the internet, so I was afraid of disturbing you even when I wanted to ask you about it. Ree, you used to love

Nicholas so much that you were willing to die for him, but you chose Shawn after that. I can understand where

you're coming from, for your brother was just like Nicholas. After that, I met another man too. Just when I wanted

to choose him, he… I didn't cherish him at that time, and I still think about this now."

Previously, Florence mentioned the person she met after that had passed away. When I recalled this piece of

information, I called her name gently, "Florence."

"Ree, you know what kind of man Shawn is better than I do. His world is full of danger that even he can't be sure

whether his tomorrow or an accident will come first! As such, why are you so worried about your condition? I hope

you can understand that this is not a reason for you to push him away, but a reason for him to get through this with

you together. Cherish the man you love, Ree. Don't regret when you lose him."

Clair had given me this advice last time, and I lost Nicholas in the end. Now that Florence was giving me the same

advice, an unknown fear started to rise from the bottom of my heart.

Then, I said with hesitation, "I'll think about it."

"I hope you can be happy, Ree."

At the hospital, May saw the man who stayed beside her as soon as she opened her eyes. He had the most good-

looking face she had seen in this world, but of course, Shawn's beauty wasn't anything less than his.

With a smile, she said, "You're here."

"Yes, I'm here," he replied.

May pretended to be sad and said, "Rud, my face is ruined." She knew very well who caused that explosion, and she

was waiting for him to bring her justice.

Yet, his face was cold as he replied, "I'm sorry, May."

She pretended as though she knew nothing and asked him with a grin like a little child, "Why are you apologizing?"

At that moment, Rudy didn't answer her. He didn't know how, but he had already decided that he needed to cut her


He pressed his lips together, wanting to say something, but May got ahead of him and babbled, "I know my face is

hideous now, but Ree said that the scars can be removed. I can go back to how I used to look, so don't despise me,

Rud. I will do my best…"

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"May," he called her name, his voice deep.

At this moment, she froze instantly. She didn't wait for him to continue his sentence as she continued to babble,

"Rud, the doctor told me earlier this morning that I can try getting out of bed in a few days, but I'll be wheelchair-

bound. It doesn't matter, though—I think it'll be fine. I heard from the nurse that the flowers in the garden are in full

bloom. You can push me in the wheelchair after a few days, and we can go enjoy the flowers together…"

"Let's split up," he abruptly cut her off.

The words that she didn't get to say were still stuck in her throat, and she couldn't voice them out or swallow them.

She looked at him with tears welling up in her eyes and gently called his name, but he said cruelly, "You said that I

could end this marriage whenever I find someone I love even more."

Yet, it seemed like she couldn't hear what he was saying; she merely called his name blankly as though his name

could provide her with strong support.

"I want to end this marriage now, May."

His intention was blatantly obvious. She wanted to make a fuss and ask him whether everything that happened

between them was nothing! She was his legal wife, but how could he be so apathetic when Hannah, that woman,

hurt her so badly?

Indeed, Hannah had caused that explosion! She was the one who texted May and asked her to wait for her there!

A man like Rudy surely found out the truth, but not only did he not bring her justice, he even wanted to divorce her.

May wanted to make a scene; she wanted to swallow her pride and ask him to stay. However, she didn't do that

when she recalled Alba's face.

She was that man's baby girl! She didn't want him to see her with no dignity! Even worse, she was pestering his


At this thought, she put a smile on her scarred face, which hurt Rudy a little. Then, she said gently, "It has been

nearly two years since Alba left me, but I seldom think of him because of your presence. I know I need to move on

with my life after he died, but you're the one who taught me to accept love again and allowed me to put down the

grudge I'd been holding onto for more than ten years… Thank you, Rud. I'm a person of my word. Since you want

to leave, I won't hold you back."

"I'm sorry, May," he apologized.

"I'm willing to let you go, Rudy." This time, she didn't address him as 'Rud' anymore.

She grinned and said the cruelest words in this world with a gentle tone, "However, we'll be complete strangers

after you leave. No matter what happens in the future, I won't have anything to do with you anymore. With that, I

hope that we won't acknowledge each other next time."

When Rudy heard that, he was stunned. She was trying to cut him off completely, and he never thought that she

would be this determined.