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My Mate Has Two Wolves By Jessica

Chapter 118
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Chapter 118

Catherine’s POV

1 didn’t expect Gina to find my mother’s obsidian necklace, and I also didn’t expect her to make such a

harsh offer.

I thought for a moment and said, “I can give you money. Of I can talk to Blake to let you get back to

showbiz and be famous again.”

“No. I don’t want any of that. I just want to see you break up with him,” Gina hesitated for a moment,

but then she refused.

I was surprised that Gina didn’t want money or fame. She was so determined to see me break up with


“I won’t break up with him. As you said, as long as I am with him, I can have as much money and fame

as I want. The necklace you have is very important to me, but it is only something for me to remember

my mother. I am kind of a snob, so, of course, money means more to me.” I put on a disguise and

pretended that I didn’t care about the necklace. I smiled coldly.

Sure enough, Gina’s expression changed greatly as she stared fixedly at my face.

“You are nothing but a snobbish bitch who covets wealth. Why on earth does King Blake be with you?

Catherine, you are so shameless.”

Gina didn’t see through my plan and felt that I was just a superficial woman who only wanted money.

She immediately began to despise me.

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I snorted slowly, “Whatever. He is willing to announce that I am his girlfriend. That is enough, isn’t it?”

“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. What he has for you is just a fling. When he gets bored,

he will dump you without hesitation. I look forward to that day.” Gina gnashed her teeth in anger.

I said lightly, “Since you put it that way, I will try my best to keep him by my side. I won’t let you see that

day. I’m afraid I’ll let you down.”

Seeing that no matter what she said or did, she couldn’t get under my skin anyway, Gina immediately

became furious. Her face went livid since she couldn’t vent her anger.

Gina couldn’t affect me at all. Therefore, she could only angrily open her car door and get in. In the

next second, she drove away as fast as she could.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I finally got rid of her.

Gina said that she had found the necklace my mother left, and I wanted to take it back badly.

Whatever the value of the necklace, I just wanted to find out about who I was.

I looked through the things my mother left me with, but there was no clue. I was hoping that the

necklace could lead me to something that was related to my biological parents.

Gina now knew the importance of the necklace to me, and she used it to threaten me.

I was so annoyed. It was mine. How could she grab it and use it to threaten me? She was so cheeky.

I pissed Gina off back then, and she must have been furious. I didn’t think it was possible to talk to her

about the necklace for now.

But I was confident that Gina wouldn’t smash the necklace because it was her leverage.

I drove back home.

Get Bonus

I was somehow relaxed, feeling that all the fatigue i had endured today was dispelled by my daughter’s

adorable laughter

I stepped into the parlor and saw iny kids sitting on the sofa, looking at something interesting.

“Mommy is back!” Hedwig turned her head and saw me standing at the door. She immediately grinned

and rushed to me. “Mommy! Mommy! Are you in a relationship with daddy? Is it true?”

I froze, and my body tensed up.

How did the kids know?

Noah held his iPad as he walked up to me. He waved the iPad in his hand at me and said, “Mommy,

congratulations. You score daddy.”

I snatched the iPad from his hand and saw that they were watching the video of Leo’s press


“Well… Don’t think too much. What Leo said wasn’t true. Your daddy and I are actually…” I looked at

their big, innocent eyes and was suddenly at a loss. I couldn’t come up with an excuse to lie to them.

“Leo is not a liar!” Hedwig immediately blinked her big eyes and said with a face full of trust.

Noah also nodded. “Although Leo is not good at doing crafts, he will not dare to lie.”

I looked at their innocent faces, feeling a bit helpless. And then I sighed softly. “Well, your daddy and I

are indeed…”

“Mommy, since when do you like daddy?” Hedwig blinked her big eyes and was curious.

“Mommy, are you starting to see daddy’s advantages?” Hedwig asked the second question.

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I sighed helplessly. “Yes, I admit that he is handsome, rich, and attractive.”

Being questioned by my kids ceaselessly, though I had always been stubborn, I had no choice but to

begin to give in.

“Mommy, I will tell daddy everything you said just now. Daddy will be so happy to hear it. Maybe he will

love you more.” Hedwig was immediately very happy.

After hearing Hedwig’s words, I immediately said sternly, “No! Don’t tell him! You’re not allowed to say a

word to him. Do you hear me?”

“Mommy, you are so scary. Don’t be like that. You will scare daddy away.” Hedwig immediately looked

frightened and hid behind Noah. She pouted her mouth.

I was also surprised that I was so loud. I scared Hedwig, and I saw that her face turned pale.

I coughed. “Well… Hedwig, if you still want me to tell you the bedtime story about the baby goat before

you go to bed, don’t tell daddy about what I just said. OK?” I immediately changed iny attitude and said

to Hedwig gently.

Hedwig pouted and said, “I can ask daddy to tell me the story. Daddy is a much better storyteller than


“If you want your daddy to tell you the story, go and sleep with Noah.” I immediately rolled my eyes at


Hedwig immediately panicked. “I don’t want to sleep with Noah! Noah always kicks me. I want daddy to

sleep with me tonight. Mommy, you won’t say no, right?”

I immediately said, “You can’t sleep with your daddy, because he sleeps with Noah. Noah is used to

sleeping with him.

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