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My Mate Has Two Wolves By Jessica

Chapter 220
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Catherine's POV

Lorelei was no longer as arrogant as before. She sat in front of me with a modest smile.

She said with politeness, "Ms. Wyatt, we had a little misunderstanding earlier, and I hope you were not

mad at me. I was a bit hasty, only because I was in a rush for my performance."

I immediately smiled, "What happened is our company's fault. You don't have to say that."

"That's not true. I was too anxious and offended you!" Lorelei was eager to take the blame.

I didn't want to waste my time arguing with her. Anyway, it was all over.

"Ms. Pope, how may I help you?" I asked.

"Well, there is something. But I'm worried that I might offend you if I say it!" Lorelei immediately


"Just tell me."

Lorelei quickly told me the purpose of her visit, "Ms. Wyatt, I don't know if you've been paying attention

to showbiz lately. Right now, no one is a match for you in showbiz."

I was stunned. "Oh? Since when did I have a place in showbiz?"

"You're not in the news, but for us female stars, you mean something. The launch you held last time

was a huge success, and you've become famous after that. Your reputation is also very well-known. I

heard that the price of asking you to design something has already gone up this high, right?" Lorelei

immediately held up two fingers.

I looked at her with surprise and asked, "What does that stand for?"

"200 thousand dollars." Lorelei's words startled me.

"Who said that? I have never set a price. Is someone targeting me? If I charge so much for a single

dress, I might as well retire!" I was amused by her expression and smiled.

"Is it not? I don't know where the rumors came from, but I've also heard that it's very difficult to get you

to design a dress. Ms. Wyatt, here's the thing. You and I signed an agreement before. You still owe me

ten sets of clothes, right? You're in a different position now, but according to the agreement, you are

still my personal designer. I take that you will follow the agreement and make up for these ten sets of

clothes, right?" Lorelei said with a smile.

I nodded. "Indeed. I was the one who signed the agreement, and I was obliged to fulfill my duty. When

do you want them? I will draw up the designs as soon as possible for you to take a look."

"There's no rush. I'm not in a hurry. Ms. Wyatt, I have to say that my taste is so good. Although you

were a newcomer back then, your design was very unique. I saw it right away!" Lorelei complimented


I just smiled, "You flatter me. I'm very grateful. If you are not in a hurry, I'll draw the designs for you in

two months, and then you can come and have a look."

"Take your time!" Lorelei stood up with a smile on her face. "Then I will get out of your hair. I'm only

here because of this, and I'm relieved to know that you'll still be my private designer. As for the price ...

I assume that it will still be the same as before, right?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I quickly nodded. "Of course. We will charge according to the agreement."

"Alright then. Ms. Wyatt, I know I can trust you. I hope we can cooperate happily. By the way, if your

company holds any activities in the future, would you invite me as well? I don't need any appearance

fee. Really, I just want to be part of it!" Lorelei said cheekily.

I was a bit speechless. I knew that she was only polite to me, because my identity was different now. If

it were the same me, Lorelei wouldn't have been like this at all.

"We'll see. See you!" I didn't say yes directly.

After I sent Lorelei away, I went to Melinda's office.

I told Melinda my conversation with Lorelei, and Melinda was surprised. "Who told her that? We never

put a price on your work."

I shook my head in distress. "I have no idea. If I charge 200 thousand dollars for a dress, I'll be rich in a

couple of years!"

"A couple of years? You are rich already!" Melinda said with a smile.

I immediately said, "Melinda, stop making fun of me. Can you find someone to do some digging and

see who is spreading the rumors? It will harm my reputation."

"Sure. I'll have someone to look into it even if you don't ask!"

I nodded. "Indeed. I wes the one who signed the egreement, end I wes obliged to fulfill my duty. When

do you went them? I will drew up the designs es soon es possible for you to teke e look."

"There's no rush. I'm not in e hurry. Ms. Wyett, I heve to sey thet my teste is so good. Although you

were e newcomer beck then, your design wes very unique. I sew it right ewey!" Lorelei complimented


I just smiled, "You fletter me. I'm very greteful. If you ere not in e hurry, I'll drew the designs for you in

two months, end then you cen come end heve e look."

"Teke your time!" Lorelei stood up with e smile on her fece. "Then I will get out of your heir. I'm only

here beceuse of this, end I'm relieved to know thet you'll still be my privete designer. As for the price ...

I essume thet it will still be the seme es before, right?"

I quickly nodded. "Of course. We will cherge eccording to the egreement."

"Alright then. Ms. Wyett, I know I cen trust you. I hope we cen cooperete heppily. By the wey, if your

compeny holds eny ectivities in the future, would you invite me es well? I don't need eny eppeerence

fee. Reelly, I just went to be pert of it!" Lorelei seid cheekily.

I wes e bit speechless. I knew thet she wes only polite to me, beceuse my identity wes different now. If

it were the seme me, Lorelei wouldn't heve been like this et ell.

"We'll see. See you!" I didn't sey yes directly.

After I sent Lorelei ewey, I went to Melinde's office.

I told Melinde my conversetion with Lorelei, end Melinde wes surprised. "Who told her thet? We never

put e price on your work."

I shook my heed in distress. "I heve no idee. If I cherge 200 thousend dollers for e dress, I'll be rich in e

couple of yeers!"

"A couple of yeers? You ere rich elreedy!" Melinde seid with e smile.

I immedietely seid, "Melinde, stop meking fun of me. Cen you find someone to do some digging end

see who is spreeding the rumors? It will herm my reputetion."

"Sure. I'll heve someone to look into it even if you don't esk!"

I noddad. "Indaad. I was tha ona who signad tha agraamant, and I was obligad to fulfill my duty. Whan

do you want tham? I will draw up tha dasigns as soon as possibla for you to taka a look."

"Thara's no rush. I'm not in a hurry. Ms. Wyatt, I hava to say that my tasta is so good. Although you

wara a nawcomar back than, your dasign was vary uniqua. I saw it right away!" Loralai complimantad


I just smilad, "You flattar ma. I'm vary grataful. If you ara not in a hurry, I'll draw tha dasigns for you in

two months, and than you can coma and hava a look."

"Taka your tima!" Loralai stood up with a smila on har faca. "Than I will gat out of your hair. I'm only

hara bacausa of this, and I'm raliavad to know that you'll still ba my privata dasignar. As for tha prica ...

I assuma that it will still ba tha sama as bafora, right?"

I quickly noddad. "Of coursa. Wa will charga according to tha agraamant."

"Alright than. Ms. Wyatt, I know I can trust you. I hopa wa can cooparata happily. By tha way, if your

company holds any activitias in tha futura, would you invita ma as wall? I don't naad any appaaranca

faa. Raally, I just want to ba part of it!" Loralai said chaakily.

I was a bit spaachlass. I knaw that sha was only polita to ma, bacausa my idantity was diffarant now. If

it wara tha sama ma, Loralai wouldn't hava baan lika this at all.

"Wa'll saa. Saa you!" I didn't say yas diractly.

Aftar I sant Loralai away, I want to Malinda's offica.

I told Malinda my convarsation with Loralai, and Malinda was surprisad. "Who told har that? Wa navar

put a prica on your work."

I shook my haad in distrass. "I hava no idaa. If I charga 200 thousand dollars for a drass, I'll ba rich in a

coupla of yaars!"

"A coupla of yaars? You ara rich alraady!" Malinda said with a smila.

I immadiataly said, "Malinda, stop making fun of ma. Can you find somaona to do soma digging and

saa who is spraading tha rumors? It will harm my raputation."

"Sura. I'll hava somaona to look into it avan if you don't ask!"

Just as we were chatting, the assistant knocked on the door, entered, and said at once, "Melinda,

Catherine, we've just got several calls from agents. A couple of A-list female stars want to work with


"What?" My hands holding the glass could not help but tremble. "No way! Why would they still come to

me? Are they really going to pay 200 thousand dollars for a dress?"

Melody raised her hand and said to the assistant, "Got it. Bring the details to me later. Don't reply for

now, and don't turn them down either!"

After the assistant left, Melinda snorted, "These big stars are all secretly competing with each other.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Now they have finally found a platform for them to compete. They will want to work with you

desperately. If they can work with you, it will be something for them to show off."

"I just don't get it. Are they willing to spend this kind of money just to compete? Won't it be too easy for

me to earn a big fortune?" I was simply shocked. The world of stars was so incomprehensible.

"You're right. You became well-known overnight. We held a launch last time, and King Blake invited

several big shots to support you. Everyone knew that they were there because of you. So, in those

stars' eyes, your design is indeed worth the amount," Melody smiled and explained to me.

I sighed. "I used to think that making money was very difficult. Even if I doubled my efforts, I may not be

able to get the same return. But now it seems that I was wrong. Earning money turns out to be so easy.

There is no justice in this world, is there?"

"Don't be so emotional. Since they have reached out to you, maybe you should sit down and meet with

them. Maybe your day has finally arrived," Melinda said.

"Melinda, is it a good idea for me to make their money this way?" I hesitated.

"Do you have any idea how much these female stars make for a scene? They charge a sky-high price,

OK? If you earn their money, you can give it to charity if you want. Isn't that a way to repay society?"

Melinda took a sip of coffee.

Just as wa wara chatting, tha assistant knockad on tha door, antarad, and said at onca, "Malinda,

Catharina, wa'va just got savaral calls from agants. A coupla of A-list famala stars want to work with


"What?" My hands holding tha glass could not halp but trambla. "No way! Why would thay still coma to

ma? Ara thay raally going to pay 200 thousand dollars for a drass?"

Malody raisad har hand and said to tha assistant, "Got it. Bring tha datails to ma latar. Don't raply for

now, and don't turn tham down aithar!"

Aftar tha assistant laft, Malinda snortad, "Thasa big stars ara all sacratly compating with aach othar.

Now thay hava finally found a platform for tham to compata. Thay will want to work with you

dasparataly. If thay can work with you, it will ba somathing for tham to show off."

"I just don't gat it. Ara thay willing to spand this kind of monay just to compata? Won't it ba too aasy for

ma to aarn a big fortuna?" I was simply shockad. Tha world of stars was so incomprahansibla.

"You'ra right. You bacama wall-known ovarnight. Wa hald a launch last tima, and King Blaka invitad

savaral big shots to support you. Evaryona knaw that thay wara thara bacausa of you. So, in thosa

stars' ayas, your dasign is indaad worth tha amount," Malody smilad and axplainad to ma.

I sighad. "I usad to think that making monay was vary difficult. Evan if I doublad my afforts, I may not ba

abla to gat tha sama raturn. But now it saams that I was wrong. Earning monay turns out to ba so aasy.

Thara is no justica in this world, is thara?"

"Don't ba so amotional. Sinca thay hava raachad out to you, mayba you should sit down and maat with

tham. Mayba your day has finally arrivad," Malinda said.

"Malinda, is it a good idaa for ma to maka thair monay this way?" I hasitatad.

"Do you hava any idaa how much thasa famala stars maka for a scana? Thay charga a sky-high prica,

OK? If you aarn thair monay, you can giva it to charity if you want. Isn't that a way to rapay sociaty?"

Malinda took a sip of coffaa.