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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 261
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Chapter 261

Ella’s POV

We all stood in our assigned places around the circle, staring up at the sky with gaping mouths. None

of us said anything for a long while. I don’t think any of us could really believe what had just happened.

We just spoke to the guardian of the earth!

The protector of the grounds we stand on. Now her children are protecting us.

My heart was so filled with joy that I couldn’t contain it..

“Ella…” my mother was the first to speak from across the circle. I realized she was now looking at me

through unshed tears. “I had no idea you harvested so much power.”

“There must have been some kind of mistake,” I said, looking down at my hands as if I expected them

to be glowing. But they looked ordinary to me, and I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. “I don’t feel


“The Guardian doesn’t make mistakes like that,” Hazel said, she was also. looking at me very carefully.

“The orbs are attached to your powers for a reason. You have enough of it to feed them and keep them

around for as long as we need.”

“This means Ella needs to be safe and keep her wolf protected,” Diana chimed in, glancing at Colton.

His body tensed but I saw the determination on his face when he looked back at his mother.

“Even if that wasn’t the case, I’d never let anything happen to her,” Colton said with fierceness in his


I felt a sense of pride when looking at my mate and I knew as long as he was around, I was safe. I

smiled up at him and he looked at me; he didn’t return my smile. Not at first. I saw there was some

worry in his eyes like he was contemplating something that he didn’t want to say out loud.

It made my smile falter only a little, but then the corner of his lips lifted, and his gaze softened, bringing

some ease to my heart.

“We are late for curfew,” he reminded me, making my smile drop completely, along with

my heart as it fell into my stomach.

“What time is it?” I asked, gasping as I looked at my mother with large

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and worried eyes.

She glanced at her diamond–studded and gold wristwatch with a frown. before looking at me.

Just after 8. she told me.

Shit, both Colton and I said at the same time.

We have to go.” I agreed as I ran to my mother and threw myself into her arms. “Please return home

and stay safe. If darkness is really out there, then nowhere in between towns is safe.”

She held me tightly and I felt such comfort and love coming from her, I nearly melted in her embrace.

“You too, Ella Bean,” she whispered against me, kissing my temple gently. “I’m going to see your father

first. I need to catch him up on everything that’s happened tonight.”

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I pulled away from her and smiled up at her through unshed tears; her image was distorted.

I love you.” I said to her.

She kissed my forehead.

“And I love you; forever and always.”

Colton was pulling away from his mother as well and then I went to her, hugging her tightly.

“Be safe,” I whispered to Diana.

“You as well, dear,” she said, patting my back gently. “Thank you for helping us with this protection

spell. And thank you for lending us your mother,” she added.

“Always,” I said, smiling as I pulled away from her.

I then turned to Hazel and bowed my head at her formally.

“Thank you so much Hazel; for everything.” I said to her.

“We will see each other again soon,” she said, opening her arms for me to hug her.

I did so without hesitation. It was brief but warm and comforting. I knew this village would be in good

hands with her here; it always has been. Taking her away from this village, even for a little while, was a

mistake. That would never happen again; especially now that we know how serious this situation is.

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Colton was thinking the same thing because he stepped beside me, bowing his head to her in respect,

and said, “Hazel, I’m so sorry for putting you in danger. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have gotten and

had to leave this village unprotected. We wouldn’t have needed Luna Selene’s help. For that, I

apologize, and I’ll forever regret that decision.”

She grasped his arm and peered up at him; her eyes were shining with love and admiration.

“I would have done it all over again if I needed to,” she told him softly. “I’m glad I could help you

uncover that wolfsbane in the protein mix. I’m glad Xander was captured and I’m glad Luna Selene was

here. This protection spell wouldn’t have worked otherwise. I don’t regret anything, and I don’t want you

to either.”

He smiled at her and nodded.

She hugged him briefly before pulling away.

“Okay, now get her back to school before you both get in trouble,” my mother said from behind us.

Colton grabbed my hand and started to pull me away from everyone. I waved one last time before

turning and following my mate out of the village and toward his waiting car that he parked just outside

the forest. grounds.

“Do you think we really are protected from the darkness?” I asked as I slid into the passenger seat.

Colton started the car and he stared at the forest opening, down the pathway that led to his mother’s

village. He had a worried frown on hist face and a crease on his forehead.

“It can protect from dark magic definitely,” he answered. “But Darkness is a powerful force that I worry

the guardian won’t be strong enough to keep away, Depending on how strong Zagreus is, we are still in

danger until he’s defeated.”

“How do we defeat him?” I asked, my stomach clenching.

“I’m not sure,” he answered honestly. “At least not yet.”

I remained silent, watching as the forest grew smaller in the distance as Colton drove further away. He

glanced at me sideways before fixing his eyes on the open road before us. He reached over and

entwined his fingers through mine.

His hand was warm and soothed some of my discomfort, but not enough

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chase away the rest of my anxiety. I bit onto my bottom lip as I often do when I’m in deep thought and

worried about something.

Tam not going to let anything happen to you, Ella,” he assured me. “I promise.

“You can’t fight darkness, Colton,” I said, glancing at him with my eyes filling with tears.

“The Guardian’s protection will help us get through for a bit,” assured me. “Zagreus won’t be able to

walk through their barrier.

“But you worry his magic can still get in?” I asked, my voice coming out much weaker than I intended.

Colton was quiet for a moment, trying to decide how to answer me without worrying me even more.

“I don’t know,” he finally said. “I think if it was that simple to keep him away, he wouldn’t bother being


I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and took a deep breath, trying to steady my rapid


“As long as I’m breathing, Max and I won’t let anything happen to you or Valentina,” he assured me. “I


“You not breathing is what I’m worried about,” I said softly.

To my utter surprise and shock, Colton pulled over on the side of the road and parked the car

“What are you doing?” I nearly shouted, looking at him. “We are already late for curfew!”

He just stared at me for a short while; his eyes scanning my face.

“Colton!” I yelled, starting to get aggravated.

Without warning, he cupped my face in his warm hands and leaned toward me, pressing his lips gently

against mine. His kiss was warm and inviting, making my heart skip a beat instantly. I found myself

breathing him in and my entire body relaxing against his. My eyes fluttered shut as his kiss deepened.

My face grew warm with heat and lust as the sparks flew between our connected lips. He tasted sweet

against me, and I wanted so much more

of him.

Soon, all my worries and stresses were gone from my mind. At that moment, it was just Colton and me.

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Then, he pulled away, but he remained only inches from me. His eyes were open, and he was looking

into mine, I saw the love in his gaze as he searched my eyes.

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“Feel better?” He whispered.

I managed a nod, unsure of what he meant. I feel great.

“Good,” he said, a cocky smirk on his lips as he pulled further away and turned back to the road.

He put the car in drive, and we started driving again. I continued to stare at him with a warm face and a

quick beating heart. I was in a complete daze, but I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face. I wanted to kiss

him again; I wanted to be with my mate in more ways than just kissing.

Telling from Val’s excited wiggling, she wanted the same thing.

I couldn’t even remember why I was so upset only minutes ago. I didn’t want to be reminded; all I

wanted was Colton.

The rest of the ride was fairly quiet; I kept stealing glimpses at him and I couldn’t seem to stop smiling.

That kiss was amazing.

It took us about 30 minutes to get to campus and once we did, we quickly got out of the car and ran as

fast as we could toward the dormitory. Colton insisted on getting me to the door before going to his

house on the other side of campus where the full–time faculty members live.

I knew Alpha Jonathan was staying with him for a few more days, so I couldn’t sleep with him tonight

as much as I wanted to.

The campus was vacant because once it was curfew, everybody was expected to be in their assigned

dorms. A few security guards were patrolling the place and Alex, the gamma assigned to keep an eye

on me per orders of my father, was probably in my dorm right now, waiting for my arrival.

Colton texted him that we were on our way back and not to worry. But we had to make sure none of the

campus guards saw us; especially together.

We stayed close to the buildings as we made our way across campus to the student dormitory.

“Shadows…” I whispered, triggering my wolf’s abilities. “Cover us.”

The shadows left the building and the ground and began to form a dark shield that surrounded us.

Once we were sure we were covered, we

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moved quickly across campus until we reached the dormitory.

We only had to get around the corner and then I’d be at the front entrance. I just had to hope the dorm

advisor, Eileen Carter, didn’t spot


I turned to Colton and smiled up at him. He bent down and kissed me gently, pressing me against the

wall of the building. My heart sped up as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer

to him.

I didn’t want to let him go.

But I heard a loud gasp, making me jump away from him and turn in the direction of the sound with a

racing heart and a red face.

Standing before me was Brody and beside him stood Sarah.

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