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My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 298
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Chapter 298 Collecting Ourselves

Lila’s POV

The drive to the Calypso packhouse was fairly quiet. We had to take two separate cars. Alex took

Sarah and Brody; and Enzo took Kayla, Becca, Luis, and me. The three of them squeezed into the


It wouldn’t be long before Scott was released from jail. Apparently, he called my father and told him that

he needed us all something, especially me.

I wondered what it could have been; I hoped it had to do with who manipulated his mind. If so, we could

probably clear Rod’s name too.

I refused to believe that Rod had anything to do with these murders. His mind must have been

manipulated as well.

When we got to the packhouse, we piled out of the car. Ethan was quick to greet us at the door; he

gave me a lighthearted smile and I returned it.

“Good evening, Lila,” he said, bowing his head slightly at me. “Allow me to grab your luggage.”

“Thank you,” I said, jokingly curtseying him.

We both chuckled and he went to help Alex grab everybody’s stuff.

We followed everybody into the packhouse and went into the living room area; I always liked this

packhouse living room. It was quiet and cozy; Dee and her workers kept it clean, and the fireplace was

on, giving the room a warm and inviting aura.

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Brody and Sarah occupied the loveseat. Becca sat beside me on the long couch and Luis sat beside

her. Kayla stood awkwardly near the large bookcase, pretending to gaze at the books while tugging

nervously at her fingers.

I frowned at her, though she wasn’t looking at me.

“Are you okay, Kay?” I asked, furrowing my brows at her.

“It’s just weird being in a wolf’s packhouse,” she admitted, turning to face me. “Faires tend to not go

near wolf packs. It’s all very new for me.”

With all that’s been happening, I kind of forgot that Kay was a fairy and the fact that she had a whole

family that could be worried about her right now.

Actually, all of them have families. I’m sure all the families besides mine and Sarah’s were worried and

wondering where all their kids had gone off to.

“Do you guys need to call your families?” I asked, looking around at the group of people around me.

Then my eyes landed on Kay. “If you need to call your family, you can, Kay.”

She nodded.

“Yeah, I probably should,” she said, giving me a small smile as she grabbed her phone out of her

purse. “I haven’t talked to them in a while.”

“My dad already knows I’m here,” Sarah muttered. “Not that he would care regardless.”

I somehow doubted that he wouldn’t care where Sarah ran off to, but I decided not to say anything.

“I’ve been texting with my mom this entire time,” Becca said, showing me her phone. “She’s worried,

but she’s glad I’m safe.”

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“My parents hardly notice when I’m there; I doubt they’d notice or care that I’ve disappeared,” Brody

said, wrapping an arm around Sarah.

I was never going to get used to that relationship.

I looked at Luis who was staring at his hands, almost sadly.

“It’s okay,” Becca said softly. “Tell them.”

Luis sighed and met my eyes.

“I’m an orphan,” he said in a breath. “My foster family weren’t good people when I turned 18 I cut

contact with them.”

My heart shattered for him.

“I’m so sorry,” I breathed.

He gave me a small and sad smile.

“It’s fine,” he said in return.

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The door of the living room opened, and I was pleased to see Dee walking in with a tray of cheese and

cr ackers, along with a pot of tea.

“I thought I’d bring some snacks,” Dee said kindly, winking at me as she placed the tray on the coffee


She began to set up the mugs and poured some tea into each of them.

“I’m not sure how you like your tea, so I also brought some sweeteners, honey, and milk,” she

continued as she placed all the stuff on the table for us to grab.

“Thanks, Dee,” I said kindly. “Oh, everybody. This is Deanna; the packhouse mother,” I introduced.

“But everybody calls me, Dee,” she added, her smile widening.

“You’re Alpha Enzo’s mother?” Becca asked, raising her brows.

Dee chuckled and shook her head.

“Not technically,” she answered. “I have raised him since he came here at 9 years old. It’s kind of a

long story. But no, I’m not his birth mother.”

“Oh, I see,” Becca said, her face reddening. “Sorry,”

“Don’t be sorry, dear. I get it a lot,” Dee said kindly, giving Becca a warm smile.

“Dee is the head worker,” I explained. “She’s.basically the entire pack’s mother. She makes sure all

their basic needs are met. Every worker in this packhouse answers to her. She’s also the head chef

and cooks amazing food.”

“You flatter me,” Dee chuckled, waving her hand at me almost dismissively, but from her chuckle, I

knew she was joking.

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“Thank you, Miss Dee,” Kay said as she joined the group around the coffee table.

She picked up one of the mugs of tea and began to put some sugar inside the cup.

“Did you get a hold of your parents?” I asked her, noticing that she appeared to be happier.

She nodded as she ate a cr acker.

“They aren’t as worried as I thought they’d be,” she shrugged. “They were very worried when they

found out about the killings. The board had called all family members to alert them about it; they made

sure to inform my parents that I wasn’t hurt, and our cell service wasn’t great during lockdown.”

This was true; a lot of students were complaining that their phones weren’t working. It made the entire

ordeal that much scarier.

“But they were relieved I called and that I truly am safe; even if I’m in a wolf’s pack,” she said, a faint

smile on her lips. “They figured I’d make wolf friends, so they weren’t surprised.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” I said gently.

“We’ve prepared some bedrooms for each of you,” Dee shared, looking at them. “I’ll have one of my

maids. escort you in a little bit.”

“Miss Dee, would it be possible to share a room with Sarah?” Brody asked; Sarah leaned against him.


Dee raised her brows and looked at me.

“They’re mates,” I explained.

She nodded with understanding before looking at Brody.

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“Of course,” she said. “I’ll let my maid know.”

On that note, she turned and left the living room. Enzo walked in almost immediately after and his eyes

found mine.

“Your father and Alpha Emmet are on their way to the jail to get Scott,” he announced.

I felt both relieved and nervous by the news; relieved because Scott was finally being released after

being faulted for something he didn’t do. But nervous because I wondered what he had to tell us.

“Where is my father?” Sarah asked, looking up at Enzo.

“He went to speak with Rod and find out more information from him. But Scott was officially proven not

guilty,” he answered.

I jumped to my feet and ran to my mate; I wrapped my arms around him, pleased to have him with me

and to have his protection. He returned my embrace, hesitantly at first because we were around people

I go to school with. But they already knew Enzo was my mate, so we had nothing to hide here.

“Any word on Rachel?” Becca asked.

“Not yet,” Enzo answered her. “I’ll give Raymond a call in a few minutes to see if there’s any update.”

Becca nodded in understanding.

Dee poked her head in’ the living room.

I’m preparing a meal for when everybody gets here,” she announced. “So, don’t fill up on cheese and c


She left again.

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“Do you have a bathroom? I need to wash up,” Sarah asked, jumping to her feet.

“If you go out to the front room, you’ll see a hallway near the stairs. It’s your first door on the right,” I

answered before Enzo could.

She stood and left the room.

“I’ll give Ray a call,” Enzo said, bending to kiss me gently on the lips.

My wolf was craving his touch; I couldn’t wait to spend time alone with him tonight. He pulled away and

left the room a moment later.

A maid, I recognized as Laurie, walked into the living room next.

“Bedrooms have been prepared for everyone,” she announced. “I’ll take you to them.”

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All together, we followed her into the main room, grabbing our suitcases that were left by the front door

and we followed her up the spiral staircase until we reached the first floor, which was dedicated to


I knew I was going to be on the top floor with Enzo, so I left my suitcase by the stairs, but I wanted to

make sure my friends were well cared for. This would soon be my pack after all so I felt like they were

my guests.

I went into the guest room set up for Becca and she looked around in awe.

“It’s beautiful here,” she breathed.

I nodded in agreement.

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“Are you sure you don’t want to room with Luis?” I asked, wiggling my brows at her. I was only half

teasing but her face turned a bright shade of red as she turned around to face me.

“Oh, goddess no,” she said with wide eyes. “We aren’t ready for that yet.”

I laughed.

“Just checking,” I said with a shrug.

I went to check on everybody else and they were all equally amazed by their rooms; all except Sarah,

who came from a very wealthy family, and her packhouse was a thousand times nicer than this one.

But she seemed pleased to be with Brody, so she didn’t complain much.

While everybody was getting settled, I took my things up to Enzo’s room and took it upon myself to call

Brianna to update her on everything.

We talked for about 30 minutes, and I knew her mind was rattling with all this information. I also invited

her to the banquet on Saturday, because she was my oldest best friend and I needed her with me;

especially considering Enzo couldn’t be with me.

Part of me hoped this event would get canceled, but I also knew that Alpha Jonathan didn’t often

cancel events once they were set in motion.

“Lila, come downstairs,” Enzo’s voice rang in my head, and I knew right away something was wrong.

My heart pounded in my chest as I made my way out of the room and down the spiral stairs. Enzo

stood in the front room with my father and Alpha Emmet.

Emmer’s eyes were red and puffy; he almost looked as if he wasn’t completely there. His face was pale

as if he had seen a ghost and his body trembled slightly. I thought he was going to fall over.

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My father also looked strained, but he wasn’t crying. He was looking at Emmet with concern and then

his eyes found mine.

“What’s going on?” I asked, breaking the long silence.

“We went to pick up Scott…” my father began. “And we found him on the ground… torn to shreds.”

“What?” I asked, barely audible. Tears instantly filled my eyes and it felt like there wasn’t enough air in

the room to breathe.

I took an unsteady step away from them, not wanting to believe what I just heard.

Emmet let out a sob and he had to turn away.

“He’s dead, Lila…” my father said, his shoulders slumping. “Scott is dead.”

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