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My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols

Chapter 323
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Chapter 323 The Auntie and Niece

The deputy principal glared at Miya angrily. This niece had just graduated from college, and she did not

know the power of capital. In addition, this matter had indeed been her niece’s fault. She had actually

tried to hook up with the male parents of the students. The previous flirtations had been settled by her,

and it had only been a month or two, but she had started again, which was really infuriating.

Seeing her aunt’s serious expression, Miya did not dare to speak. She obediently followed behind her

and handed the matter over to her to solve. Every time she made a mess, her auntie could always

handle it. She felt that with her aunt’s ability, today’s matter would definitely be solved easily.

The principal walked in front of Alston and his wife. Before she could say anything, she suddenly

bowed to the two of them and apologized, “Sorry, today’s matter was the fault of our kindergarten. Our

teacher made a mistake that she should not have made, causing so much trouble for you. I’m really

sorry, I didn’t manage it well. I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter.”

“You don’t have to be like this. The one who made a mistake is Miya.” Cynthia helped her up and said


In order to find a proper kindergarten, she had come into contact with the head of every kindergarten.

This woman had given her the best impression. She quite liked the way she handled things.

The head of the kindergarten sighed and turned to look at the deputy head of the kindergarten with a

firm look in her eyes.

The vice–principal was stunned, and her heart skipped a beat. This look…

Sure enough, the next second, the principal looked at Miya behind her and said, “You must apologize

to Mr. and Mrs. Smith for what happened today. After today, there will be no need for you to come to

the kindergarten anymore. Our kindergarten will also send out an announcement, telling everything you

have done to the public.”

“Principal!” The vice–principal cried out in alarm. Miya also had a face full of indignation.

It was fine to expel her and apologize. With the vice–principal’s connections and ability, she could still

arrange her niece into another kindergarten. However, it was too much to tell what she had done to the

public. In this way, which kindergarten would want her niece to be a teacher? Her niece would be

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ruined for the rest of her life.

“Since you have done this, you have to prepare to bear the consequences accordingly.” The principal

said this calmly and gave a few instructions to Teacher Merton.

Teacher Merton nodded seriously and was ready to leave. When Miya saw his move, the first thought

in her mind was to not let him go. Otherwise, she would really be finished in this industry. Not only that,

everyone who knew her would know what she had done. What a disgrace would that be!

She directly rushed over and hugged Teacher Merton’s leg, dragging him tightly to prevent him from

leaving. “No, you can’t do this. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t seduce Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith, I admit that I

wanted to be good to your children because your family is well off. Other than that, I have no other


Seeing that they did not believe her, Miya looked at Cynthia and desperately explained, “You are much

prettier than me. I saw you with my own eyes yesterday and felt that I did not even have the

qualifications to compare with you. I also did not have the courage to seduce your husband. Really,

what I said is true.”

She shouted herself hoarse. Her hair was disheveled, and her face was pale. Her originally delicate

face was now completely pale, like a crazy woman.

On the other hand, Cynthia, who was standing, had an elegant temperament. Her facial features were

exquisite and beautiful, and her figure was well–proportioned. Just by standing, she was pleasing to the

eye. Standing together with the handsome Alston, they were really a perfect couple.

The onlookers instantly believed what Miya said.

The deputy principal nodded secretly. Her niece was not too stupid. She knew that the reputation of

disliking the poor and loving the rich was much better than seducing the parents of the students.

Although both of them were unpleasant to hear, the former would be forgotten soon. After all, there

were too many teachers like this. However, the latter involved the relationship between men and

women, especially the unspeakable relationship between the teachers and the parents of the students.

This kind of relationship was very rare and difficult to forget..

“Principal, I saw Miya growing up from a young age. I know her very well. Although she has a little

temper and is spoiled by her family a little, I believe that she is definitely not a person who would

seduce the parents of students. There must be some misunderstanding.”

The vice–principal had a face full of smiles. Her slightly thick makeup made her look very philistine and

flashed with shrewdness, making people subconsciously dislike her.

The principal frowned. All the teachers in kindergarten who became full–time teachers had to get

through her. It was precise because they knew Miya’s character that they did not allow her to become a

full–time teacher. However, this Miya had been introduced by the vice–principal. In the end, she had

brought such a bad influence on the kindergarten.

“Vice principal, this matter has already had a great impact. This morning, so many parents saw it, and it

involved the Smith family’s children. I’m afraid this matter will stir up a lot of public opinion. This matter

must be explained to everyone.”

The principal’s face was serious, and she had really made up her mind. The vice–principal looked at

her niece, and then a trace of ruthlessness flashed through her eyes.

Miya was her eldest brother’s only daughter. She looked like her and had a similar temper, so she had

doted on her niece since she was young. Although she had caused a lot of trouble for herself, she had

dealt with them one by one. There was nothing she could do about it. But now, her niece, who she had

doted on since she was young, had been tossed into such a state. Her niece would be ruined for the

rest of her life.

She could not let this happen.

The vice head of the kindergarten blinked and approached the head of the kindergarten. Her voice was

fierce and careful.

“Principal, don’t forget that back then you were able to open this kindergarten because I had lent you

the money. I helped you so much, and you are treating my niece like this?”

“The money I borrowed from you back then has already been paid back. I have let you be the vice

principal for so many years. I know everything you do in private. I didn’t argue with you because you

helped me in the past. Now you want to settle old scores with me? Then you can go with your niece!”

After saying this, the head of the kindergarten looked at the vice principal with great change in her

eyes, but there was still no expression on her face.

The vice principal’s fingers trembled. What she had done privately was that she had made use of her

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position as the vice principal to fill her own pocket. She had originally thought that she was careful

enough, but she did not expect the head of the kindergarten to know it.

This matter was not big or small. As long as the head of the kindergarten did not care, she would be


The vice–principal was angry. She didn’t expect that she would fail to threaten her. Instead, she had

been threatened by the principal. It was really hateful, but there was nothing she could do now.

She looked at her niece and said gently, “Miya, how about this? Little aunt will find a way to send you

abroad. You can start over again, okay?”

“Not good, not good!” Miya saw that her aunt actually agreed, and tears immediately came out.

“My family, relatives, and friends are all in the country. I don’t want to go abroad. I don’t know English,

and I don’t want to go abroad alone.”

Miya didn’t expect that this matter could not be solved. She had thought it was not a big deal.

“Miya, listen to me!” The vice–principal was extremely anxious. Why was Miya not sensible at all? She

was really stupid. She had to stay abroad for a while and quietly come back and change her

profession. Anyway, her family was not short of money. Why was she so stubborn?

The aunt and niece made a fuss, leaving everyone out. Teacher Merton took this opportunity to leave

quietly. No one noticed.

Cynthia looked at the two people who were in a mess and said impatiently, “I say, do you know we are

still here when you say these words?”

Her voice was clear and crisp, directly breaking the noise. The aunt and niece both looked over.

Cynthia continued, “While the kindergarten can do what it needs to do, we will deal with it in our own


This matter was actually not over?

After the kindergarten announced it to the public, the Smith family was still unwilling to let it go.

The vice–principal gritted her teeth and said, “What else do you want? Do you want to force Miya to


Cynthia smiled and looked at her phone. There was some information that Greg had sent to her.

Looking at the unbearable information, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

“I have some information here. I want to show it to you. I don’t know how you will feel when you see it!”