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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 399 His Wedding is Kiki's Funeral
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18th January.

The wedding of Christ and Penny was held in the hall on the ground floor of a hotel.

The marriage between the two families was celebrated by almost all the celebrities in Arkpool City.

As the rightful Mrs. Fitzgerald, Freya, of course, had to accompany Kieran.

It's just that Freya attended the wedding of Christ and Penny, not to wish them a happy marriage, she just wanted

to see how the scum would make a fool of themselves today.

Kiki naturally knew about Christ and Penny's marriage, but she tried hard to ignore the news.

After all, she has worked hard to start a brand new life, and these people who have diabolised her, she really

doesn't want to bring up again.

Penny paid for netizens to scolder her wildly online, which affected her acting career quite badly. Many businessmen

focus on the actor's reputation, persona and whatnot, and these negative news cost her a lot of work.

However, Kiki doesn't care.

She has never wanted to be a big star or anything, she has been through too much in her life, and her sense of loss

and gain has long since diminished.

Kiki knew that January 18 was the date of Christ and Penny's wedding, but she did not know that they were getting

married at the Hotel.

If she had known they were getting married at the Hotel, last night, she would not have stayed at the Hotel after

recording the song.

Kiki didn't have much work to do today, so she stayed in bed for a while in the morning before leaving.

She felt that the atmosphere at the Hotel was overly festive today, but she didn't think much of it. Pressing on the

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lift, she went straight to the ground floor.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the lift door, she saw Christ, who was dressed in a groom's suit.

It was then that Kiki realised that Christ and Penny were getting married over here.

Looking at Christ, who was well-dressed with a flower on his chest, Kiki could not tell what she felt in her heart.

They, too, had a grand wedding, but that wedding was an empty joy for her alone, and from the beginning to the

end, Christ did not even smile.

This time, he was finally able to marry his beloved Penny, he must have rejoiced from the bottom of his heart,


But what does that have to do with her?

Kiki laughed coldly, yes, this has nothing to do with her!

She only wished that the scum would never bother her again in her life.

Kiki did not look at Christ again as she lifted her feet and walked quickly towards the front.

But Christ was not willing to let her go just like that, as he grabbed her wrist, "Kiki, stop right there!"

"Christ, let go!"

Kiki really didn't want to waste a single spittle with Christ, and her wrist was still clutched by Christ with great force.

Kiki didn't want to get entangled with Christ again in front of these people, who came to attending the wedding.

"Christ, are you sick? You hurry up and let go of me!"

Kiki saw that Christ still didn't have the slightest intention to let go of her, she couldn't help but hook her lips and

sneer, "What, you want everyone to see that you're getting married to Penny and you're still tangled up with your


"Shut up!"

Christ bellowed, this woman always had the ability to make him so angry, "Kiki, the wedding hasn't started yet, I'll

give you one last chance, if you beg me to come back to you, today's wedding will be cancelled!"

Kiki said that this was the funniest joke she had heard in years.

He made her beg him to come back to her?

Who gave him the courage to think she would beg him?

She's not right in the head to beg a scumbag to continue to annoy her!

"Christ, you're overthinking it, I really don't have a special hobby of enjoying being disgusted."

Kiki took a deep breath and continued to hook the corners of her lips into a fake smile at Christ, "Christ, I wish you

scum and bitch have a long time marriage!"

Christ roared, "Say it again?!"

"I say, I wish you scum and bitch have a long time marriage." Kiki put on a captivating smile, "Christ, I'm wishing

you and Penny a long time marriage!"

"Kiki, you know that you are the one I want to have a long time marriage!" With a sudden force in his hand, Christ

directly dragged Kiki inside the lift.

A few guests who had arrived earlier walked past the lift. When they saw Christ and Kiki together, their eyes flashed

with obvious confusion.

But Christ was someone they could not afford to mess with and could only desperately try to please, and there

were certain things they did not dare to say.

An enclosed lift always makes people feel extra insecure, especially when there is a neurotict.

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Kiki wanted to press the lift to get out so that she could keep a relatively safe distance from Christ, but Christ had a

firm grip on her hand and wouldn't give her the chance to get out.

"Christ, don't you touch me!" Kiki frowned in disgust, "I don't care who you want to be with, the person I want to be

with won't be you!"

"It's not me, isn’t Quinn?!" Christ fiercely pressed Kiki against the inner wall of the lift, "Kiki, what is so good about

Quinn that makes you so devoted to him?!"

"Why should I tell you?" Kiki sneered and continued, "I just know how good he is, there's really no need to tell you!"

"Kiki, does Quinn make you feel good?" Christ shouted furiously.

She had lost count of the number of times she had said that Quinn had made her feel good, and he had repeatedly

asked the question over and over again.

"Say it! Kiki, don't play dumb!"

Kiki put on a charming smile, since he liked to hear that, she would say it again.

"Yes, Quinn makes me feel good." Kiki spoke without any delay, "I don't want to let go of him for the rest of my life!"

When he heard this affirmative answer from Kiki, he was so jealous that he was really going crazy.

"So that's how you served him? You can't wait to serve him in the bathroom when there are other people around?

Kiki, why are you such a fucking bitch!"

Christ's eyes were bloodshot, he really wanted to choke Kiki to death, making his wedding turn into Kiki's funeral.

Kiki really felt that Christ was being unreasonable because she really didn't know when she had ever served Quinn

in the bathroom.

Seeing that she did not say anything, Christ thought she would say yes. When the lift reached the top floor, he

grabbed her by the shoulders and rushed out regardless, "You like to serve men in the bathroom, don't you? Fine,

I'll let you have your way today!"