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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 254
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Chapter 254

That night, Eliza slept soundly. However, Beau was basically awake, The image of Eliza holding

Sawyer’s arm appeared before his eyes, Finally, he got up from the bed and went to the study. A

mountain of documents piled up in the study, He restrained his mind and forced himself to continue



When the word “law” appeared, he would think of Eliza. “An investment is a risk.” These words

reminded him of Eliza holding Sawyer’s arms tonight. D “Once you fail, you will lose everything.” This

sentence directly reminded him that if he lost Eliza. He would be alone and miserable in his later

years… In the end, he threw the document directly on the table. He could not continue to work like this

this anymore! So he took out his phone and called Tyson. On the other end of the line, Tyson was in a

daze, “What’s the matter again, boss?” “Come to the Benton family’s manor.” “For what?” “I can’t sleep.

I’m in a bad mood, and I can’t work well.” “Come here and work for me.” Tyson frowned and looked at

his watch. “Beau, are you crazy?” “It’s already two and a half in the middle of the night! You want me to

come to your study to work?” “You and your wife broke up, not my wife and I!” “Goodbye!” After saying

this, he hung up the phone directly. Listening to the engaged tone on the phone, Beau rubbed his

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glabella helplessly and leaned tiredly against the chair. He couldn’t sleep and didn’t want to do

anything. He sighed and closed his eyes. He really didn’t know if the test was for him or for Eliza. In the

end, Beau could not take it anymore. He got up, went downstairs and drove straight to Sawyer’s house.

He looked at the lights in the room at the end of the second floor of the villa and felt a fit of suffering.

Presumably… Eliza also felt as uncomfortable as him and couldn’t fall asleep, right? He sighed and

leaned against the leather seats of the car, staring at the light with fixed eyes. In fact, they were both

suffering. However, even if he was sad, he had to do so. After Hamza lost his memory for more than 20

years, when he learned that Shreya had become a vegetable and might never wake up again, he finally

regained his memory. “This kind of amnesia drug can make people forget their happiness and only

remember everything related to pain.” “Only after experiencing extreme sorrow can the brain be

stimulated and all the memories be recovered.” He recalled Ethan’s words from a few days ago.

“There’s no better way other than this extreme sorrow method.” 2 “Perhaps you need to do something

similar to Hamza, to remind her of your past memories.” After saying this, Ethan sighed and comforted

him. “In fact, it doesn’t matter.” “The person your wife likes is also you, isn’t it? In fact, it’s all right.”

Beau sneered. “It’s not the same.” “Even if there are many sad memories in her past, there is also

happiness.” “I want her to remember everything of the past, not just remember me.” “But…” Beau

sighed. “I don’t want her to feel that her life is missing something.” “Even if there is a risk of being

abandoned by her, I will remind her of the past.” “She doesn’t want to be a person without a past.”

“How can I not fulfill her wish?” Sitting in the carriage, Beau closed his eyes. Even if it was so painful

now, he had never regretted for a second. She said she didn’t want to be a person without a past. She

said that she did not want to only remember the sad things of the past. She also wanted to have happy


She said that she did not want her life to be incomplete. So, how could he not help her… Just when he

looked at the distant lights in a daze, someone knocked on this car window. The one who knocked on

his car window was Lyric, who had just returned from her drag racing outside. She was wearing a black

leather suit and a red helmet, riding a handsome Yamaha motorcycle, looking heroic and valiant. “It’s

you?” When Lyric saw that the person in the carriage was Beau, she smiled. “Why are you here in the

middle of the night?” Beau smiled faintly. “I can’t sleep.” After that, he pointed to the room with the light

on. “She doesn’t seem to have slept either.” Lyric frowned and looked in the direction he was pointing.

She laughed her head off and said, “Mr. Valentine, let me introduce to you.” “The room with the light on

is mine.” “I often like to go out to race at night, so I will leave a light on to inform the servants that I

haven’t returned home yet.” After that, she pointed to a dark room at the end of the corridor. “Your wife

lives there.” I Beau coughed awkwardly. “What I mean is that Eliza shouldn’t be able to sleep at this

time.” “But, even if she can’t sleep, she doesn’t have the habit of turning on the light.” “I see.” Lyric

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blinked at him. “I’ll help you take a look.” “It’s really not good for a delicate little beauty like her to stay

up so late.” Lyric waved at him. “Wait for my news!” After that, she rode the motorcycle straight into the

garage of the villa. Five minutes later, Beau received a message from Lyric. “I heard her talking in her

sleep. She’s scolding you.” D “Don’t worry. She’s sleeping soundly. Don’t worry. Go back to sleep!” At

the end of the message, there was a small recording. Beau frowned and subconsciously opened it.

This was the voice of Eliza’s daydream voice. “Bastard! You actually want to marry someone else!”

“Believe it or not, I will marry someone else first…” “Who’s afraid.” The veins on Beau’s forehead

twitched violently. After a long time, he replied Lyric’s message. “Sawyer’s household registration… is it

in your hands, or in Hamza’s?” Lyric quickly replied, “It’s here. What’s wrong?” “Keep it hidden.” D

Sitting on the big bed in the bedroom, Lyric was extremely happy. “What are you really afraid that Eliza

will get married before you?” “Sawyer won’t. Although he used to like Eliza, that was when he was in

junior high school. He’s now addicted to online romances and has quite a few online admirers…”

Before the following message was sent out, she received another message from Beau. “Tonight, he

promised Eliza that he’ll be her boyfriend.” His words made Lyric’s hand, which was holding the phone,

shake violently. She pursed her lips and remained silent for a while before she deleted message about

Sawyer’s online romance. “Okay, I’ll hide the household registration book.” After sending this message,

Lyric threw her phone aside and laid on the big bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze. He… really likes

Eliza, doesn’t he? After a long while, she let out a deep breath and pulled out her phone. She pulled

out dozens of online accounts and deleted Sawyer one by one.