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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42

They arrived at the Valentines’ villa. The moment Eliza entered the door, Demarion rushed up to her. The

boy held a large bouquet of roses in his arms and said, “Congratulations, Mommy!” Eliza received the

bouquet and asked, “What are you congratulating me for?” “Because you no longer need to be a

stuntwoman! Braint and I are really happy for you!” Demarion looked at her with a cheery smile. “Braint

even made a drink especially for you!” Eliza was touched. She squatted down to cup Demarion’s face

and kissed him gently. “Thank you.” The boy’s face turned as red as a tomato. He turned his face away

abashedly. “I… …. “I’ll go upstairs to get Braint!” With that, he pushed Eliza away and ran upstairs. Eliza

was amused by Demarion’s antics. “Who knew that such a young child would be so shy!” “That’s an

inherited trait” Beau commented as he took his coat off elegantly and handed it to a servant. Eliza

paused and turned around to look at him. “An inherited trait?” “That’s right.” Eliza frowned. “Was Braint

and Demarion’s mother a shy person?”

Beau glanced at her indifferently. “No.” “But you said that this was inherited. If they didn’t take after it

from their mother, then…”

As she spoke, she turned to look at him. “Did they inherit it from you?” The man stared at her with his

deep, dark eyes and replied faintly, “Yes.” Eliza refused to believe her ears. But Beau’s intense gaze

bored into her and she quickly averted her eyes, not daring to meet his gaze. “Quit joking. How could you

be a shy person?” “I am.”

He looked at her with a faint smile. “If you doubt that, why don’t you give me a kiss and see what

happens?” His words were like flames, igniting a fire within Eliza, causing her to blush from head to toe.

“Mommy, go on, give it a try!” Demarion peeked out from the staircase railing and looked at her

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mischievously. “I’d like to see Daddy shy too Eliza found herself at a loss for words. With her face red

and heart racing, she sank her teeth into her lip and turned to escape into the kitchen. She even closed

the kitchen door behind her. Behind the frosted glass door, Beau looked at her back as she leaned

against the kitchen door. A faint smile tugged on his lips. He looked up and saw Demarion on the stairs.

Demarion stared back at him. Their eyes met. In the end, the pesky child who ruined his daddy’s plan

backed off and went back to his room to tell on his daddy to his brother. “Daddy was about to make

advances on Mommy.” Demarion sat on a small chair with his arms crossed across his chest, cheeks

puffed out in defiance. Braint sat at the desk with a programming book in his hand. “They are a married

couple.” He smiled faintly while reading the book which was so complicated that even adults found

difficult to understand. “But Daddy didn’t tell Mommy that he liked her.” Demarion pursed his lips with

dissatisfaction. “In the cartoons, the prince will always profess his love to the princess before making any

advances!” Braint’s hand paused briefly at Demarion’s words. After a moment, he flipped a page of the

programming book he was reading and said, “You should start reading more informative materials.”

Demarion pouted. “What’s considered informative materials?”

Braint tossed him a book on theories of mechanical engineering. “This.” “I have no intention of becoming

a nerd like you.” Demarion put the book back on the desk and took out a tablet. “I just want to be an

ordinary child.” Braint gave him a brief glance and shook his head. His younger brother was as smart as

he was, but he always behaved like a clueless child. Sometimes, Braint wondered if he was really naive

or if he was simply acting innocent. But there was no way of finding out. The next day, when Eliza arrived

at Parson Media, the chief director and Jay were already waiting for her at the door. “Eliza, you are truly

my lucky charm!” As soon as he saw her, the chief director rushed over excitedly. “The news about you

and Jay yesterday has received a lot of attention online! “The discussion was so heated that even the

boss of Parson Media took notice of it! “Tom called me early this morning and said Parson Media’s boss

will be here to supervise you and Jay going through your lines today, personally!” B He looked really

pleased. “It seems that the boss thinks that both you and Jay have perfect chemistry going on too!” Jay,

who stood by the side, echoed with a forced smile, “That’s true, Eliza. “Many have praised us for having

excellent chemistry yesterday.” Eliza looked up at him. “So many blind people out there these days.” D

Jay’s expression changed ever so slightly. However, as the chief director was present, he was unable to

bring up what happened yesterday. He could only maintain the fake smile. “Eliza, you can’t say that.

“Didn’t you hear what the chief director said? Even the boss of Parson Media wants to see our


“He even came all the way here to see us interact. You need to put up a good performance today.” “Yes,

that’s right! You must all do your best!” The chief director’s face wrinkled up as he laughed. “If we can

make the boss happy, who knows, he might even invest more for our television series!” Eliza had mixed

feelings as she was led into the conference room by the chief director. In order to please the big shot, the

chief director even arranged for Eliza and Jay to sit next to each other. After they sat down, heavy

footsteps sounded from outside.

“He’s here!”

The chief director was very excited. “I heard that the boss is a mysterious person who’s filthy rich.”

After saying that, he lowered his head to gossip with Eliza. “Do you remember when Parson Media had a

day off not too long ago?” Eliza nodded. She remembered tħat. She had just married Beau then, and

Graciana had called her one morning, informing her that Parson Media had the day off because a top

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gun wanted his wife to rest. Back then, she had also commented about how the rich lived a life that was

really different from commoners. “Apparently, this is the top gun who gave Parson Media the day off!”

After that, the chief director couldn’t help sighing. “How I wonder which actress hooked up with such a

big shot.” Eliza lifted her head and really looked forward to seeing who exactly this big shot was. Finally,

the footsteps approached. The door of the meeting room opened. A domineering and stern man stood at

the door. Eliza was shocked speechless for a long time. She had initially thought that the boss whom the

chief director had mentioned would be a sleazy, middle-aged man. Never in her wildest dreams did she

expect the man to be… Beau Valentine?! She vividly recalled what the chief director had told her. Parson

Media had been given a day off back then because this top gun wanted his wife to rest. So… she was

the legendary top gun’s wife?! “Nice to meet you!” The chief director pulled Eliza up. Everyone else in the

conference room also stood up to welcome him. The man gave a brisk nod and walked in gracefully.

Beau was clad in a black suit today, giving off a very serious and aloof vibe. The chief director

enthusiastically pulled out the chair at the head of the table for him. “Please have a seat.” However, he

walked past the chief director and headed straight to Eliza. Eliza looked at his unbelievably gorgeous

face and gulped silently. “You…” “I wish to sit here.” The man spoke softly, “Can you move over?” Eliza

stood up in a daze and gave up her seat. He proceeded to sit in Eliza’s seat and gestured for her to sit

down next to him. Eliza finally understood his intention when she took her seat. The chief director had

arranged for her to sit next to Jay. But now, Beau had separated them! Jay was very upset. “Sir.” He

looked at Beau politely. “Eliza’ and I will be practicing our lines. It’ll be really inconvenient if you sit

between the both of us.” Beau glanced at him indifferently. Then, he leaned back and crossed his legs

elegantly. “And what if I insist on sitting here to separate the both of you?”