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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe

Chapter 287
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Chapter 287

Violet felt a bit taken aback, and then a sense of helplessness washed over her. “What

else can I say? How else should I describe it? We’ve agreed to keep our marriage secret,

after all,” she asked.

Patrick’s expression soured as the reality of their secret marriage agreement hit him.

However, he couldn’t help but wonder if the old classmate was the one Violet was fond of.

The reason she was hesitant to declare him her husband was that she didn’t want any

misunderstandings. She seemed to want to divorce him after a year and then reconnect

with the old classmate she had feelings for.

As this possibility crossed his mind, he envisioned a dramatic scenario. His expression

darkened, and his demeanor grew increasingly serious..

Violet, sensing that something was amiss, felt a bit weary. “Patri…” she tried to call him.

But before she could utter Patrick’s name, her mobile phone, placed on the coffee table by

Patrick, lit up.

Both Violet and Patrick turned to the phone almost simultaneously.

The message from Gabriel read: [Vivi, have you finally parted ways with that guy. Patrick?

Remember to distance yourself from him. Let me tell you. I can tell he is not a good


Violet’s heart sk ipped a beat, and she instinctively reached for her phone.

However, Patrick, with a stern expression, grabbed Violet’s hand.

It was the hand he’d hurt earlier, and she hesitated to make any sudden movements.

Violet looked at him, concerned, and said, “Patrick, your hand is…”

Patrick’s expression darkened, and his voice became heavy as he said, “I can tell that

what worries you isn’t just my hand but the message that Gabriel sent, which I happened

to see, right?”

Violet fell silent, her worries/weighing heavily on him.

She was concerned about Patrick’s injured hand, and like anyone else, she feared how he

might react upon seeing Gabriel’s message. It wasn’t about what Gabriel might do but

rather the potential for Patrick to get upset.

Ding! Another message from Gabriel came through..


Chapter 287

Gabriel’s message read, [Vivi, are you home yet? When you get home, make sure to let

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

me know so that I won’t worry. And don’t forget our agreement. You promised to treat me

to a meal. You can’t back out now. I’ll pick the time and place. How does that sound to


Violet found herself in a difficult situation, aggravated by Gabriel’s unfortunate timing and

his uncensored words. As she witnessed Patrick’s increasingly troubled expression, she

couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed.

Violet was contemplating how to explain things to Patrick to keep him from getting


But Patrick acted on impulse. He sna tched her phone from the coffee table with his

injured hand, his grip intense.

When Violet saw his wound reopen, with blood smearing on the phone, her expression


She straightened her posture and furrowed her brow, addressing Patrick, “Patrick, put

down your phone. Even if you’re in a bad mood, you shouldn’t harm yourself like this!”

Patrick held the phone firmly with a deep and complex expression, a hint of coldness in his

eyes, and he retorted, “Do you genuinely care about my well-being?”

Violet’s eyes welled up with tears. “Do you think I don’t care about heartless, given that

your injury was to protect me?”

you? Am I th

Patrick gazed silently at Violet, then let out a faint chuckle. “Well, it’s because I injured. to

protect you that you care,” he said.

Violet couldn’t help but furrow her brows. “That’s not what I meant!” she thought.

She cast her eyes on Patrick’s hand, her tone urgent and frustrated. “Patrick, don’t

misunderstand me. I’m genuinely concerned about your hand getting injured again. As for

Gabriel, we truly have no romantic involvement. I know. with him, but there’s no need to

be angry about this. Okay?”

you have

have your

your differences

Patrick fixed a firm gaze on Violet, his expression dark and somewhat self-deprecating.

“Violet, do you know what I can’t stand about Gabriel the most?” he asked.

Violet, feeling at a loss, asked, “What?”

The mere thought of Gabriel made Patrick’s face turn a dark shade, and he could barely

contain his anger. He felt like killing this mean and tearing his dead body into pieces. “I

can’t stand it,” he muttered. “I was right there, and yet he had to put on this act of

protecting you, which utterly disgusts me!”

Chapter 287

Violet replied helplessly, “He is just worried about me getting hurt. Besides, he doesn’t

know about our relationship!”

Patrick, upon hearing this, gave Violet a deep, mocking look.

Patrick threw Violet’s phone onto the sofa and started heading upstairs, leaving her


Ignoring the phone, Violet turned to follow him upstairs.

However, Patrick sharply warned, “Don’t follow me, or I won’t even spare this hand


He knew that Violet cared about his injured hand because it had saved her life.

Violet felt as if she’d been struck by lightning, standing motionless in the living room.

Her voice quivered with deep sadness. “Patrick, don’t be like this,” she implored.

“Don’t take your anger out on yourself, she thought.

Patrick had already ascended the stairs, leaving behind a resolute statement, “Violet, I

mean what I say!”

Violet suddenly hesitated to follow him upstairs.

She sat on the sofa, feeling both frustrated and distressed, not even bothering to respond

to Gabriel’s messages.

Patrick’s temperament, why was it so unpredictable?

In the end, it had been just messages from Gabriel, and she had done nothing to provoke

him. Who was he so angry with?

In Patrick’s room, his hand was incapacitated, but he used his other hand to message.


Like a robot, he recounted the day’s events, especially his interaction with Violet.

Robert sent, [No way, did Violet ask if you liked her? Did you deny it?]

Patrick sent, [It was just an instinctive response. It only means my courage isn’t that


Robert sent, [Bro, it’s not about courage. If you ask me, you’re just too proud and

concerned about your image. You could have told her how you feel today, and it might

have worked out!]


12:50 Tue, 27 Feb

Chapter 287

Patrick sent, [She does care about me, but she likes someone else.]

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Robert sent, [Really? How do you know that?]

Patrick sent, I just know.]

Robert sent, [Hmm, you’re probably just hearing rumors. I’ve known Ms. Webb for a while,

and I haven’t heard about her liking anyone. If you ask me, you missed a perfect chance

to tell her that you like her today!]

Patrick sent, [I’m speechless…]

Robert sent, [Don’t go silent on me. I’m telling you, if it were me in that situation, I’d have

boldly said, ‘Yes, I like you, and then kissed her without hesitation. It probably would’ve


Patrick sent a wry smile emoji.

Patrick sent, [Kiss her and get slapped in return?]

Robert sent. [Have you ever tried it? How do you know it would end like that? Are you

chickening out?]

Patrick sent, [Robert Foster, You want me to kill you, huh?]

Robert sent, [Come on, I’m just telling the truth. I’ve noticed you’ve been picking on me

lately. I am just trying to help you!]

Patrick glanced lazily at the messages, choosing not to respond to Robert.

Actually, outsiders might really be able to see more clearly than themselves.

However, becoming a part of the situation herself felt like navigating blindly, much like a

blindfolded person. When one cared too much, thoughts became uncertain, and the ability

to make correct judgments about one’s own feelings often slipped away.

Moreover, when you cared deeply, your emotions tended to spiral out of control, making it

difficult for many things to go according to the expected course.

Patrick lay on his bed with closed eyes, thinking about the two messages Gabriel had sent

to Violet. His heart ached.

He had given Violet time and space, but she was probably enjoying her conversation with


And she didn’t even come upstairs to check on him. He had risked his life to save her, and

she showed no gratitude. “What a heartless woman!” he said to himself.

Chapter 287

Patrick had forgotten how he had threatened Violet not to go upstairs earlier.


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